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Kraftwerks studio looks very similar to Richards


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Yeah, it's just the Synthi 100... but I don't recall Kraftwerk ever having one?


I was wrong its a studio by Peter Zinovieff. I found it via google picture search

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  • 6 months later...

btw "Digitana" were the very early models before they were renamed


I believe these were so expensive even in their day that the name (the actual model name "Synthi 100" aside) is the name of the studio that bought each one, hence Digitana named after the Digitana studio, and Delaware named after the BBC Radiophonic Workshop's studio at Delaware Road, London. Does anyone know if they even differ at all from one studio name to the next? I'd assumed they were standardised, as in, "Here's a Synthi 100, it comes with all these things, no optional extras, but we will write your studio's name on it, how's that?"

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