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Electric era Miles Davis


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Since the rerelease of his major works during the 70's, around 1997, I have been obssessed with this period in his career. I think it is some of the more difficult music to get into but having spent many hours with these recordings, my life is forever on a different/more positive path than it would be had I never purchased 'In a Silent Way', 'Live Evil' and 'Get Up With It'. Do yourself a favor and get these three records and truly listen to them. He hired the greatest studio musicians at the time and put out some of the most amazing music that will ever be created. From 1968 to 1975, Miles changed music just as he had done in the 50's. Thanks to a healthy obssession with Stockhausen, Sly and the Family Stone and Jimi Hendrix, we have a ton of tripped out psychedelic rock that does't get enough love in my opinion.




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I got Amandla on my hard disk, but never really listened to it. Tbh I heard it was one of his electronicera stuff and just skipped it :cerious:

Might give it another chance though.

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i love Miles Davis, i've got :

  • 1969 : In a Silent Way ;
  • 1970 : Bitches Brew ;
  • 1970 : Live-Evil
  • 1972 : On the Corner ;
  • 1969-1972 : Big Fun,
  • 1974 : Get Up With It ;

But my favorites albums are : The Complete Bitches Brew Sessions, The Complete Jack Johnson Sessions & The Complete On the Corner Sessions.

But On the Corner is 4 me the funkiest album he made & i ever enjoy this! & it's a good & beautiful packaging with 6 cds, i love it.

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Guest Hanratty

i love Miles Davis, i've got :

  • 1969 : In a Silent Way ;
  • 1970 : Bitches Brew ;
  • 1970 : Live-Evil
  • 1972 : On the Corner ;
  • 1969-1972 : Big Fun,
  • 1974 : Get Up With It ;

But my favorites albums are : The Complete Bitches Brew Sessions, The Complete Jack Johnson Sessions & The Complete On the Corner Sessions.

But On the Corner is 4 me the funkiest album he made & i ever enjoy this! & it's a good & beautiful packaging with 6 cds, i love it.


Those are all great albums. One standout for me, as I recently discovered MD, was Big Fun. It's very spacy/trancy and has a lot of long slow jams. Sounds very fresh, I think.

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I highly suggest you check out Dark Magus and Agharta, two live albums recorded in 1974 and 1975, respectively.


Some dirty, funky, gnarly, groovin' shit. The same guy who made Kind Of Blue? How?

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I highly suggest you check out Dark Magus and Agharta, two live albums recorded in 1974 and 1975, respectively.

Yeah, i also like them, but they r so difficult 2 find them... otherwise i was a friend who get them. The greats live, better than Live-Evil, 4 me, but i think few people r listened them...

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For Bitches Brew - the remaster is essential - the original American release had some sloppy sloppy edits.

Teo Maceo is a genius in the studio.

The sessions are all a great archive, but I can't listen to them in one sitting.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I've got more releases by miles than any other individual artist. his electric period is probably the worst represented in my collection (I still need to check out some of those live albums), but I've still quite a few of the studio albums. it boggles my mind how popular bitches brew was, considering how "difficult" it is. I guess familiar instrumentation and textures go a long way to reeling in the crossover listeners.

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The Second Great Quintet, albums like E.S.P, Miles Smiles, Sorcerer, and Nefertiti are from my favorite period in Miles' music. But the live electric albums and Complete On The Corner sessions just destroy. Shit gets real IDM.

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But isn't it weird and interesting how Miles' trumpet playing sort of echoed his physical and mental health around the time he was making the music? Strung out, off the hinges, nearly collapsing, but not quite. The sloppy wah wah is off putting at first, but then I heard it as very raw and expressive.

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Has anyone heard his last album? Doo bop, I believe it was. Autechre even sampled it on Lowride (yes jazz by about 20 years, but still.)


Miles is one of the few musicians in history to make groundbreaking music in his whole career.

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I am not a fan of his material from '80's, he invented smooth jazz as well, which is a genre I will never love. But 5 years before inventing smooth jazz he was making some of the most groundbreaking music at the time.

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I bought the reissue of In A Silent Way which is wonderful. There are a couple of other reissues in my local record store I should pick them up really.

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yes, get 'Live Evil'....game changer that record is and was and will forever be. Also 'In Concert: Live at the Philharmonic'. Could be the most perfect live experience ever put on record.

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I have Live Evil already. It needs to be listened to properly. I've not had it too long though, there is always a back log of stuff to listen too and not enough hours in the day it seems.

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