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Help me save my girlfriend's cat


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So a while ago my girlfriend moved in with me, from across Europe. She had to leave her cat behind at the time, but she's been missing it very much ever since. I saved up some money and spent a total about ~1000€ to get the cat brought into the country for her. Last night was the big day when we were supposed to pick it up at the airport, but something was wrong with the cat's passport(strange EU laws) and it is now quarantined and we have one week to come up with the money so we can take it back to the country of origin and take care of the passport and return again.


But I am fucking broke as shit after this first try and all out of ideas on how to fix the situation. So I turn to watmm! If anyone can help us out with any size donations to get this sorted out, I will give you a download link containing tons of my own unreleased music in return. I know it's not much, but if anyone is interested in helping out and getting some of my music at the same time then PM me and I'll love you long time.








(ugh, I feel like an ugly beggar)

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shit. i'm absolutely skint. i would bloody love to help you out (especially for some prime unreleased impakt!) but i've literally got about 22p :(

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How much is needed to release the kitty?


Well, the release is around 200 euros. But we will have to take it back to Romania, get a new passport and then back again to Norway. Not really sure how much I'll need yet.


shit. i'm absolutely skint. i would bloody love to help you out (especially for some prime unreleased impakt!) but i've literally got about 22p :(


It's okay bro :D


How much do you need and is paypal ok?


I have a cat and would be pretty pissed upset if this happened


I dunno how much I'll need yet, but at least 500 euros I'm guessing. Paypal is fine indeed!


gimmie ur paypal


It's impaqt@online.no but don't skin yourself on my account mate - you've helped me a lot already with your hosting!


I saved up some money and spent a total about ~1000€ to get the cat brought into the country for her.


Seriously ? WTF ?


Aye - the cat needed shots, a passport and transportation from the home city to Bucharest, then a flight to rome, then oslo and then trondheim :\

I appreciate all the replies so far and thanks to the guys that already helped me out. I've compiled a ~2gb rar with mp3s and stuff that I'm gonna upload for you when I find a suitable host. Thanks so much, guys.

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I believe you but I just found it comical how much this sounds like one of those Nigerian scams where a rich princess is being held hostage.

that's what it sounded like to me, especially considering there isn't a set amount he has to get to release the cat (unless i missed something)

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Wow, thanks a lot Kaen! You the man! And guys, it's no scam - the reason I don't know how much it will take is because the prices of the flights fluctuate, there's a running tax for every day they keep the cat and I haven't really put down a spreadsheet on all the costs that will be involved. Like I said earlier, the actual release of the cat isn't the most expensive thing - it's that we have to fly back to Romania with it, get the passport sorted and then fly back again...

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Guest Gary C

impakt, ive known you online for many years and there's a cat involved, im helping. :music:


I just sent you 1,000.00 NOK, i hope that helps brother.


Wow, impakt had better name the next cat Kaen.

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