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There's this drummer I jam with who was recently telling me about this weird series of coincidences that keep occurring to him involving the number 666. So anyway, earlier today I was listening to Aphrodite's Child's album 666 for the first time (downloaded it a while ago, noticed I had it, thought I'd give it a listen while I clean my studio), and I thought about what he said. Coincidentally, within a couple hours of my listening to this album, he messages me recommending I check out two videos of theirs from that same album, because it tied in with something he had joked about earlier regarding Beck ripping older artists off. I just found out about these guys from some blog I was reading months ago, and have never even heard them mentioned by anyone before or since until today. This synchronicity is notable especially due to the obscurity of the band, and because it adds further credence to his weird recurring 666 thing, which he was just telling me about the day before yesterday. Also it just occurred to me that prior to listening I had read through some hysterical Christian comic book pamphlet going on about end times/book of revelation shit, and that happens to be the theme of the album (at least the LSD induced interpretation of it).


Synchronicities. Go.

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There's no such thing as synchronicity. It's merely coincidents that you give too much meaning to. Like when you think about someone and they call you, how many times have you thought about someone and they didn't call you? Far more than times I am sure.

I did an experiment and tried to look out for the number 23 and sure enough it started to pop up everywhere and once I stopped it didn't stand out any more than any other number.

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Guest disparaissant

i was just talking to someone in french and someone posted on tumblr that they are trying to study french but the person across from them is listening to linkin park really loud and they cant concentrate



rampant dans ma peau

ces mots je n'entende pas...

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Guest Gary C

There is no such thing as coincidence, just like there is no such thing as luck.



All things flow according to the whims of the great magnet

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There's no such thing as synchronicity. It's merely coincidents that you give too much meaning to. Like when you think about someone and they call you, how many times have you thought about someone and they didn't call you? Far more than times I am sure.

I did an experiment and tried to look out for the number 23 and sure enough it started to pop up everywhere and once I stopped it didn't stand out any more than any other number.


It has nothing to do with cause and effect. Giving meaning to coincidences is pretty much the definition. From Wikipedia:


Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s.[1]

The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality. Instead it maintains that, just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of cause and effect.

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Jungian nonsense.


It's not nonsense at all. Quantum physics tells us that the we have to deal with statistics in physical description of our world, and in that place there's no place for causality, because causality means determinism, what fundamentally means we can predict the position and speed of a particle in the future, if we know it's position and speed at some instant. Also, we know it's position and speed at any time in the past. That's the Newtonian determinism, which was for the one of the most important building blocks of classical mechanics and also of all the pre-quantum physics. Causality means that if something happens, something must happen as an outcome, and that means those two are connected, but that also means that we can predict what can happen.

Think of the Laplace's demon, a hypothetical being that knows the positions and the speeds of all physical particles that the world is made of, at one instant. From Newtonian determinism it follows that this being also knows the positions and speeds of all physical particles at any time in the future or the past, and so to say this being knows how the world will look at any time, just as how it looked.


Quantum physics simply says that's not possible. I've myself thought for a long time that fundamentally speaking quantum physics is simply the best we have for now, but in the future we will come up with something better, and that eventually we'll end up on determinism again. Well, guess what, I am not sure about that so much now. First of all, quantum physics is logical in a way that everything must be quantized. You have the ultraviolet catastrophe as a result of assuming that the energy's spectrum is discontinuous, that is - energy can take any value at all. It's simply wrong, and logically thinking you can understand that there must be some fundamental unit of anything, because there's always some fundamental particle, carrier which defines some physical quantity. Then you have Heisenberg's uncertainty principle which says that your part as an observer of some experiment inevitably leads to the difference in the results you'll obtain - what is also logical, if you for example observe some microscopic structure, if you're using light, photons will obviously affect what you see/observe. You can't beat uncertainty principle, because whenever you observe world in it's fullest, you need some particle, something physical that'll transmit the information to you, and that something will affect the other parts of the world, and so you won't see what you wanted to see, but the outcome of the fact you wanted to see that. It's inevitable, as long as there's a physical information transfer involved. If you wanted to know how the world looked before, you'd have to know the way how that information transferer interacts with the world. This would again require additional information transferer and you'd end up in the same situation. So the question really is can we really get anywhere better?


In that sense, what we perceive with physical senses is limited and will always be fundamentally speaking incorrect. As long as we're limited on physical world we'll be forced to use statistical approach. The only way that we could see the actual truth would be if there was some sort of immaterial information transfer, or if there was no transfer at all. The latter would be possible only - if we were absolutely everywhere, in everything. That way we wouldn't need any information transfer because we are already in everything. This is where Jung's concept of collective unconsciousness could find his place, in my opinion. My recent thoughts are these: Maybe we're made of both unconscious and conscious. Conscious, logical, critical part is the one we use when we're focused on the physical world arounds us. It's incredibly powerful part with which we created science as a way to describe what we perceive with out physical senses. The other part, unconscious, is intuitive part which so to say is in everything and in a way knows everything, or at least, has a certain deep, fundamental knowledge that can go from unconscious to conscious somehow. Jung for example states that if a unconscious would be embodied in a person, it would be a person with the knowledge and abilities far more superior than anybody else's.

This unconscious, irrational part, needs no criticism and statistics because he already sees the right picture. Criticism and statistics is needed if you aren't really sure in something, and don't have a truly solid base. Also, criticism also implies somewhat that you know that something is wrong. Jung talks about Rhine experiments, where some people had to guess the symbols on a specially designed cards that we're arranged in a pile and pulled at random, and those people were themselves in some cases thousands of kilometres away from the person that was pulling the cards out of the pile. Some people had incredibly big number of "guesses", and Jung states that they focused on themselves, on the unconscious, where there was the right picture present, and so they knew which card was pulled. So, in a way, Jung's meaningful coincidences could simply be coincidences for our conscious part, while for unconscious part they could be something in a way already determined. Because we're not truly the one with the world, when we're focused on our conscious part, we're separated from it, we can't ever know the real truth, no matter how close we get. This is why unconscious could in my opinion be so important. Also, I admire Jung's as scientific as possible approach, while still not losing the touch with modern physics's observations and conclusions. After all, he was an admired psychiatrist spending his life in contact with real patients with real problems.


I can understand how some people might think Jung's going toofar, but I think that's his strength. He's at the same time so scientific and yet so intuitive. He makes us question what we think and believe, and in a truly healthy way, which in my opinion causes a progress in our lives, towards better.

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I am a part of some synchronicity science project and have been for about 14 years now. I am creating this experiment for myself by the power of my mind to connect events in the material realm, subconsciously, in ways both meaningful and not. By believing in the possibility of manifestations, I see them daily, sometimes hourly and even more quickly than that sometimes. I will be thinking or talking about something and then see or hear an example of the same idea instantly, someone will say what I was thinking without me having been around them or talking to them. I will talk about something and then change the channel on the tv and see what I just talking about no matter how obscure the subject matter.


The one that stands out the most in my mind right now is the time I traveled to Britain from Texas to see ATP 03. There were many syncs that happened on this vacation but the clincher was going to the festival at Camber Sands, seeing a cute girl walking around by herself, taking notes about all of the acts. I thought she was a journalist because she always alone, writing in her notebook. I wanted to go up and talk to her about all of the amazing music we were witnessing but I never got the courage to do so. Was pretty drunk the whole time. She seemed very preoccupied at all times as well.


So I was staying in London at a hostel in Baywaters before I left for the festival and decided to go back to the same hostel due to its inexpensiveness and good location. I get back from the festival and check in, get a new room on the top floor. I grab my luggage, go up to the top floor, find my room, and there she is. The girl from the festival is in my room and going to be staying there for a few days.


At this point I tell her that I had seen her at ATP and that this was weird to be staying in the same room after having gone to a beach in Essex and then return to London to find her staying in the same room as myself. It ended up that she was from Texas. Had flown over from Germany where she was going to an American college in Marburg. We ended up hanging out and becoming good friends, she loved Snares, the Twin, Skam records, most idm that I love. It seemed like a soulmate opportunity.


She was heading for Edinburgh in a few days and I had decided to make it up there as well, before having known she was going as well. We met up there and hung out a lot, she returned to Marburg but told me before she left that if I wanted to visit Germany, I could stay with her. I did this. It was amazing being in a small German town, eating fresh food, drinking clean water from the tap, being forced to recycle glass and learning what a socialist govt is like. One night I had a massive spiritual experience while hanging out in her dorm room, meditating by myself. Details about this will be available whenever I write them into a longer format explaining aspects of the experience that I can't go into now due to the length of this post and self-restraints.


So she and I never hooked up, there wasn't the chemistry there for romance but I feel the point of meeting her was to make it over to Germany and fall in love with the area I was staying in and have the mind bending experience that I ended up having in a dorm room at a strange American college in the German countryside.


So to summarize: Was in London, traveled to Essex, went to most bad ass festival ever, noticed cute nerdy girl, went back to London, girl is in my hostel room for the next couple of days, we meet up in Edinburgh, I fly to Germany to stay with her, I have spiritual sex with angelic beings, and after I leave Germany I never talked to her again. I think maybe one letter was exchanged after the fact.


I see sevens everywhere usually 77 or 777. On license plates, addresses, billboards, telephone numbers, receipts.


The only way to truly experience synchronicity is to believe in it. Robert Anton Wilson's book 'Prometheus Rising' started this trend within myself. It has not stopped since I read the book in 1998. I never want it to stop. I have had lulls in synchronistic activities in my life and I equate them with whenever I am working too much and not thinking about myself and stressing out about things. This is when the magick starts to leave my life and the synchronicities become less apparent. So I stay focused as much as I can because I find my life to be more interesting when I am seeing connections between anything and everything.


Sorry that you have never experienced this or do not believe in this Azatoth. You always seemed like the type to me that might be ridden with my same mental illness. Ha! Being a Lovecraft fan can strip belief systems out of one's life completely. I love his writing but his philosophies on life are not in accordance with the way I think and what I have experienced. He created his own magickal worlds and had no need for any outward magickal reality and was a dark minded individual. He might have been afraid of manifesting his creations. I would have been and still am. May Shoggoths never be real!

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I am a part of some synchronicity science project and have been for about 14 years now. I am creating this experiment for myself by the power of my mind to connect events in the material realm, subconsciously, in ways both meaningful and not. By believing in the possibility of manifestations, I see them daily, sometimes hourly and even more quickly than that sometimes. I will be thinking or talking about something and then see or hear an example of the same idea instantly, someone will say what I was thinking without me having been around them or talking to them. I will talk about something and then change the channel on the tv and see what I just talking about no matter how obscure the subject matter.


Is it this the project?



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Synchronicity is all about commonalities between seemingly unconnected events right?

Your mind is an incredible cross-referencing program/machine.

So is Google, so is Facebook, Wikipedia and every other major site on the internet. With these working together, everything is connected; it's just a matter of degrees of separation.

So when you experience "synchronicity", maybe you're just not seeing the connections.


It's about as weird planting 2 seeds of the same species in different locations but at the same time and in very similar conditions: climate, lighting, moisture, soil quality, etc. and being surprised that they are the same height or stage in development.


Also what is with all the fuzzy minded posts today, what with this and the central bank Rothschild business elsewhere

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There's no such thing as synchronicity. It's merely coincidents that you give too much meaning to. Like when you think about someone and they call you, how many times have you thought about someone and they didn't call you? Far more than times I am sure.


Yep, that's all obvious, but it doesn't stop those interesting coincidences from occurring and my observing them on a regular basis. This is the thread for sharing them.

Great post Atop!

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I am a part of some synchronicity science project and have been for about 14 years now. I am creating this experiment for myself by the power of my mind to connect events in the material realm, subconsciously, in ways both meaningful and not. By believing in the possibility of manifestations, I see them daily, sometimes hourly and even more quickly than that sometimes. I will be thinking or talking about something and then see or hear an example of the same idea instantly, someone will say what I was thinking without me having been around them or talking to them. I will talk about something and then change the channel on the tv and see what I just talking about no matter how obscure the subject matter.


Is it this the project?




no this is.




thanks for the fun making.


Thank you Zephyr for making this thread.

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What are we talking about here, it's really just about cool coincidences. Like yesterday while bowling with friends, I got a strike and my friend got two strikes on the times where we coordinated our bowls with a certain friend in the lane next to us. No, nothing caused it, but it was still funny.

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Just happened:

- read this thread and figured I'd post some old Beastie Boys: http://forum.watmm.c...chine-workouts/

- realized I hadn't heard the whole License to Ill album since the 80s

- played the album and pondered the title of the track "Paul Revere" (didn't know who it was)

- paused the track halfway through to have dinner and watch Futurama

- watched episode S06E23 which features... Paul Revere!





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