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Guest cult fiction

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Guest cult fiction

I'm curious to hear your experience with facebook...


Has it brought any new listeners? How do your likes compare against your bandcamp and soundcloud stats?


Also, feel free to post your facebook link.

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Guest cult fiction

Yes, there is always the danger that your facebook artist page will become so wildly successful that you wind up nude in the streets, masturbating in front of tourists.

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Guest Adam

I had an advertising going for my page. Totally it cost around 5dollars or so, I don't know and brought 50 likes, 10 of them actually seem to care. It's really good because people tag your page when talking about you and stuff like that, and well, it's good. On soundlcoud people seem to follow me more though. All links are in my sig.

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from the perspective os someone totally unknown and reluctant to post his music:


facebook brings nothing to the table in terms of promotion, it's more of a way to keep fans posted rather than making new ones.


soundcloud is 70% spam likers / 25% thank you for liking my page likers / 5% genuine likers.


i used to think i figured out how to be famous on the web but as of now i have no idea in the age of everyones-a-musician vibe going on.

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Guest Promo

I agree with Kinski about Facebook artist pages and that its mainly folks who genuinely like your music. I've liked the pages of a lot of artists I'm genuinely into and its a good little way of keeping up to date on them.


Ps I know I've now broken my forced two year silence lol but I probably won't post here much now anyways. I just don't think I can hack negative energy when I'm merely trying to just get through the day with my own severe depression.

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Guest cult fiction

Thanks for the feedback!


I see lots of well known electronic artists in the 1k-3k like range, which seems paltry vs. the number of people who buy their records, which is what made me wonder how effective facebook really is.


I had an advertising going for my page. Totally it cost around 5dollars or so, I don't know and brought 50 likes, 10 of them actually seem to care. It's really good because people tag your page when talking about you and stuff like that, and well, it's good. On soundlcoud people seem to follow me more though. All links are in my sig.


$5 for 50 likes seems reasonable, if just one of those people were to buy a bandcamp album the advertising would pay for itself. If not, it's only $5.


Ps I know I've now broken my forced two year silence lol but I probably won't post here much now anyways. I just don't think I can hack negative energy when I'm merely trying to just get through the day with my own severe depression.


Being flippant and miserable is just part of WATMM's dna... if people really acted like they do on WATMM, they'd be a cantankerous mob still yelling about the 'nice tits' thread as they burn Flashbulb in his bed.

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I'm close to 200 likes on my facebook page (http://listn.to/hautlle) I agree that it's better for updates to people already interested rather than gaining new fans, but having another entry point to my sounds can't hurt :shrug: I usually promote my friends/fellow WATMMERs music and my own upcoming releases on there. Other than that I don't post all too often because I can't stand spammy fucks filling up my feed with their bullshit.

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Guest Promo

I suppose it boils down to quality, originality and a good presentation too. I believe if people just like what you're about they will come to you in time.

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