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[CylobBot] Modular analogue synthesis as an extension of a digital system, part 4


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Static ValuesSkipping ahead of the list I made in the first post in this series, since this experiment is only a few hours old, here is a very simple patch which can have complex outcomes.For each of the outputs on the ES3 interface, a static value may (optionally) be generated, in response to a MIDI key. There is also a lag control for each output, per key-patch. The resulting audio from the modular is put back into SuperCollider for final attenuation, also with a lag control.statix_patch-300x232.jpgIn this way, complex sequences of control voltages can be set up, with either abrupt or smoothed changes. For the following demo, only 7 keys are used.In the patch, two filters put into self oscillation are amplitude modulated by one controlling the attenuation for another in a VCA module. The result of the AM is put through the Doepfer A-137 Wave Multiplier, with the various parameters being controlled by the patch. Another VCA sends the signal to a spring reverb if opened, and then the two are mixed afterwards and the signal sent into a low-pass filter, the cutoff of which is also being modulated by one of the original filters. Some hardware tweaking took place during the recording.

Demo: sequencing static values


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