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This looks way better than minecraft and its free


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Help us out by donating at - http://www.codehatch.com/donate.html


Third party torrents will be listed here as we become aware of them. If you want your torrent to be known tell us about it and we will put it up here. Thanks for helping us spread this. :)






Big thanks to Cory from x10hosting for putting the first two download links up. He said it's running on their 1GB/s connection!


http://www.indiedb.com/games/starforgegame/downloads/starforge-v01-zip - Another download, great site for indie games.


Music by http://www.loudcore.com - Kevin made all the music found in the trailer. He's got lots of great stuff released on his site.




- Go to http://www.forgeforums.com to view game fixes and talk with us. They will be reported in the Feedback/Bugs section:http://www.forgeforums.com/viewforum.php?f=12

- When the game launches you will be immediately greeted with a blank screen. This is normal behavior, as the level is building during this phase, including procedural texture generation. It may take a couple minutes on some computers. This is something we plan to fix in the near future.

- Some the features shown in the video are not yet included in this build but they will be playable soon.

- The game may not run on your computer, has performance issues and playability problems. We strongly apologize for this and we are set on fixing these issues over the next few weeks.


We hope that these temporary problems will not create a bad impression and we are unsure if we revealed our game too soon. Nonetheless we will work hard to make the game as it ought to be.


Official Sites:

http://www.codehatch.com - Site working bug sluggish

http://www.starforge.com - The main hub, currently down,

http://www.hatchstore.net - Register your online account early. Server currently down though.



We removed the download mirrors from our website as our servers are unable to handle the traffic. However, we will remove them once we feel the existing torrents are well-seeded enough.

Also, to address some skepticism: ALL of the video is real footage of the game, recorded with Fraps. However, I regret to say that the build released today (which is currently being seeded) has glitches and performance issues, and is limited mostly to people with higher-spec computers. Also, while ALL of the features shown ARE real, not all of them are implemented in the first build as they need to be further developed and optimized in order to be well-received by the public. The build is slow enough as it is and we are having our hands full with ONE build, let alone one for each feature (and the executables exist - we used them to make the video). We will be working as hard as we can, over the next few weeks, responding to player criticism (Go to our website at www.forgeforums.com) implementing major performance revisions and generally fixing everything.

All of the features promised in the video are in mid development and will appear in a future build very soon. At the end of the day though we are just two people and only have 24 hours in a day like anyone else. We had no idea our project would receive this much attention and we hope that we timed this right. We will try our very hardest over the coming months and years to make this project the exact way we envisioned it to be.

Thank you all so much for the attention and positive feedback so far.

--Steve & Will, CodeHatch


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Looks great. I like the genre bending aspect. If they could implement FarCry like graphics into something like this it would be awesome. I would also like to see something like Garry's Mod mixed with this game. I think it would be great if you could get that creative with the things that you make. Then you could like trade your inventions for resources and/or barter. I think the economy could work really well.

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Looks incredible... just wish my crappy computer could run it.


i've got a pretty good machine and this is what the game sounded like, going idm up ma ass (no edits, just "playing" the game):





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cool game, I built a big 3 story base with a ton of turrets and lasers. It's kind of hard to climb/control movement. But It was fun once the aliens & spiders started coming. I think I broke it though because all the lasers/missiles started spinning and shooting uncontrollably. And unfortunately the 2hrs of work I put in was gone once I exited. Anyone know how to save?

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Guest Mirezzi

Goodbye minecraft.


lol I don't think so they're basically two completely different things !!!


I've always thought, sooner or later, wouldn't the fact that Minecraft looks like a dirty nutsack catch up to its popularity? It was sort of begging for this to happen.

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ya i was thinking if I could save I would probably build a million story building up to space, and that would probably take a long time.


I was thinking more like it can get so real, complex and limitless that it would replace real life for some people. I mean, you can do pretty much everything, the map is limitless, it's multiplayer, and you can go to space.....


Goodbye minecraft.


lol I don't think so they're basically two completely different things !!!


I've always thought, sooner or later, wouldn't the fact that Minecraft looks like a dirty nutsack catch up to its popularity? It was sort of begging for this to happen.


Plus this ^

It has very decent graphics to follow up with the whole concept.

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Guest Sprigg
I don't think Minecraft aficionados care about graphics.


Honestly the graphics are part of the charm for me, and if the game was hyper realistic I wouldnt enjoy it nearly as much as I currently do.

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I don't think Minecraft aficionados care about graphics.


Honestly the graphics are part of the charm for me, and if the game was hyper realistic I wouldnt enjoy it nearly as much as I currently do.




whoever's saying "goodbye minecraft" because this has amaaazing graphics is really missing the point

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minecraft can be modded pretty heavily to look better








that still looks way more interesting to me than some generic shooter with building blocks, and i don't even really play minecraft anymore.

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downloading the direct zip but does anybody know if this is PC-only? i'm drunk and dont feel like reading the previous posts

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I didn't care about the graphics when I played minecraft. But this one takes the cake for me, it's definetly NOT what it is all about.

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