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I only ask because I figure there are a number of artists with similar or more technical merit, [who] were equally or more so influential to the scene...


Who are they in your opinion?

I think Vibert has influenced tons of musicians, even Aphex' analords series were inspired by the lovers' acid album, right? The wagonchrist moniker has inspired tons of artists including DJ shadow, Kid koala (I read that in some interviews a bit back, will see if I can link).




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I only ask because I figure there are a number of artists with similar or more technical merit, [who] were equally or more so influential to the scene...


Who are they in your opinion?

I think Vibert has influenced tons of musicians, even Aphex' analords series were inspired by the lovers' acid album, right? The wagonchrist moniker has inspired tons of artists including DJ shadow, Kid koala (I read that in some interviews a bit back, will see if I can link).





Sorry I know that's there, I've posted in it!... I just meant theres other people with more influence. =P


I am hung over and not entirely with-it today. Forgive me.


Venetian snares has definitely influenced the current scene, probably more so than any other artist in the last 10 years, though his merit is debated by some people...

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VSnares has specifically asked we don't feature a fan forum about him, so that's off the books...


I have been considering Ceephax recently as the guy certainly can hold his own with his brother's output...

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VSnares has specifically asked we don't feature a fan forum about him, so that's off the books...


I have been considering Ceephax recently as the guy certainly can hold his own with his brother's output...


Yeah Ceephax has certainly got some decent output, and in terms of keeping music discussion relevant (I mean... current versus nostalgic...) it is certainly reasonable!


Ceephax and Mouse on Mars would be two of my recommendations.

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Anyone who doesn't appreciate Cylob's output is an uncultured philistine.


Enlighten us heathens please.

Empathy Box was great, as was his Ventolin remix. Cut the Midrange, Drop the Bass was clever. What else...?

Edited by sweepstakes
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Come on you can troll better than that Chen


no troll.

Beyond the classics already mentioned:


Trojan Fader Style

Formant Potaton

Bounds Green


the little gems he put up on youtube:


His Ambient News project.


All fucking gold.


Even his stuff as nonprivate is fucking 1000 times more interesting than Snares' output.

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Come on you can troll better than that Chen


no troll.

Beyond the classics already mentioned:


Trojan Fader Style

Formant Potaton

Bounds Green


the little gems he put up on youtube:






His Ambient News project.


All fucking gold.


Even his stuff as nonprivate is fucking 1000 times more interesting than Snares' output.


Thanks for that. those youtube tracks are wonderful!

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the little gems he put up on youtube:






Thanks for that. those youtube tracks are wonderful!


Yes, thanks, these are really nice.


Even his stuff as nonprivate is fucking 1000 times more interesting than Snares' output.


I haven't heard the nonprivate stuff but I think people pick on Snares a bit too much. On the whole, I like Snares' stuff at least as much as Cylob's.

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I enjoy quite a few of Snares' releases, the earlier stuff in particular is great. Pretty much everything up until Horse and Goat I really enjoyed. Some of the stuff after that has been a bit more hit and miss. Although I did really like HCCBU and Rossz too.

But it's not interesting to me the way Cylob's music is. Cylob really challenges you as a listener, he uses tonality and sonority to express himself in ways that Snares just doesn't touch.

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I enjoy quite a few of Snares' releases, the earlier stuff in particular is great. Pretty much everything up until Horse and Goat I really enjoyed. Some of the stuff after that has been a bit more hit and miss. Although I did really like HCCBU and Rossz too.

But it's not interesting to me the way Cylob's music is. Cylob really challenges you as a listener, he uses tonality and sonority to express himself in ways that Snares just doesn't touch.


I'm more interested in his Last Step output than his Snares stuff. Agree with you on Cylob; some of his stuff you really have to listen carefully to extract the subtle bits and appreciate them.

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Anyone who doesn't appreciate Cylob's output is an uncultured philistine.


Enlighten us heathens please.

Empathy Box was great, as was his Ventolin remix. Cut the Midrange, Drop the Bass was clever. What else...?


Empathy Box is a Blade Runner reference btw.

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If he did more tracks like this he wouldn't get such a bad rap:




such an insanely good track, that. the cms style is sooo great when he 'gets it right'. cms1&2 are great as well in my ears.

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I'm glad what turned out to be a negative thread has transformed into an appreciation of the great music Cylob makes, and why he has a subforum here for his fans to show their appreciation.

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indeed lots of love for cylob,


here are a few of my favs, mostly not on youtube


- brain in a jar

- I want to see you naked

- kyoto

- Get A Taste (Weakly Non-Linear Mutual Attraction Mix)

- total information awareness




















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