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Post Your Favourite SC/BC/EKT/ETC finds

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Post good smalltime artists and/or albums and/or songs you've found trawling the depths. Can be from WATMM or other forums or local bands or wherever. RULES


1. don't post your own tracks (duh)

2. don't post all of your 9 bajillion SC friends. Be choosy, tryta limit to 3 peeps per post or sumtin

3. give description or comment so we know what we're getting into


So here's some shit



funky drums & vinyl sampling. Sorta glides around halfway between a beats album & straight instrumental downtempo. Feels like DOOM could step in at any moment



lofi pop rock with catchy hooks & song lengths generally under 2 minutes



newish Transmuteo demo. I'm digging the direction he seems to be going. Still can't tell if the new age angle is for serious or not

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I've been listening to this one a lot for the last few weeks. don't know what to think about the vocals, but I love the tracks. they're great! I have no idea where it fits in genre wise, so I'm afraid I can't comment on that.



lovely production too.

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