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Shuffly synth-hop


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Guest Promo

Okay first tune I like but its too repetitive so I lost interest. I think it needs some new elements introduced. I can certainly hear potential in it though and maybe would even be good for a mc or vocalist on top. The beat is good the riff hooked me but as I say I lost interest after a minute or so.


Next tune is again cool. Really like the slo mo beat and off kilter vibe you got going on. Yeah second one is sounding fresh. I think this one has lots of potential but needs to be shrunk down into more of a song structure. For example the bit at the end where you introduce those pads should come in a lot earlier.


In conclusion the 2nd one was my fav although its still quite repetitive and I feel the arrangement again needs refining.


Hope my comments help. :-)

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Guest Promo

No worries. Yeah hope my comments didn't read as harsh 'cause I do like what you're doing with these tunes! :D

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I agree, the production is great, but I want more notes! I think the progression at the end of the 1st one is nice, if that or something else was introduced early on & shaped the chords of the song I would like it a lot better. It has a lot of soul but no tension.

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Very weird tracks. I agree with everything beeing said. The 2nd one is way better than the first. I think in the first track this shuffle thing going on actually is way to much and not adding anything but confusion, while in the 2nd one it seems to make sense.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

ive gotta agree with everyone. the first seems a bit repetitive. youve got something really great there but nothing actually happens. id like to hear more of a melody on top like the second one has.

as for the second, for some reason when i listen to it i think of Taco's "puttin on the ritz". lol maybe you should think about adding some tap danicing. (not really lol)

all in all, great start.

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had a quick listen cos im on the run, but its good shit man, i like both, but agree with what has been said, powerful but needs more subtlety on the synths and on the mix, but this is going somewhere dude, keep up the good work.

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