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who said: "life's weird without a beard" ?


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Worthless trivia, I have not shaved since mid-April. I am currently not planning to cut it anytime soon.


I do that often. My beard is meh, but shaving just sucks. I have a 5 o'clock shadow by lunch anyway.

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Every time I shave I regret it. My so-called "beard" is just a splotchy mess with half my face lacking coverage, but every time I shave it I look 14 again. Better to look a rapist than an effeminate prepubescent boy I say.

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I had a beard for just over a year and I got sick of maintaining it. Also, I'm not tall enough to look good with a beard.


I think I'll start a blog called fuckyeahcleanshaven.. and one of the image macros can be "I don't need a beard to prove that I'm a man" or something similar.

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