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Guest placidburp

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My favorite CHATMM experience is when I see that there is one user in there, then I enter and give a big, warm "Hey (so-and-so)! How's it going?", and then they leave.

That's my favorite.

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My favorite CHATMM experience was when some idiot said he'd kill me and my family.


That place is not a whole lot of fun anymore tbh.


That's the rudest of rude.



Don't leave chatmm foil plz :cry:


Seriously tho, don't leave chatmm


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Guest Adam

That's nothing Foil. People accused me of being an american in chatmm few times. Haters gon hate.




Also just remember how much fun we had with that old idm fanboy few days ago.

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Guest Rulohead32


My favorite CHATMM experience was when some idiot said he'd kill me and my family.


That place is not a whole lot of fun anymore tbh.

What? When did this happen?


when foil decided to change his avatar. again.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Surely that must've been a joke, right? I've been meaning to go in there for a while. I'm scared. Hold me.

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Nah, I doubt it was "serious" in the "imma do it"-way. Still though, the same person have said similar things to other members before, and even if he WAS kidding, I don't really see the 'fun' in telling other people that you're going to kill them.

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My favorite CHATMM experience was when some idiot said he'd kill me and my family.


That place is not a whole lot of fun anymore tbh.


you're one of the biggest shit-talkers on chatmm, so i don't understand where you get off framing a joke as some type of threat upon your family. that's really messed up.


i don't know what your deal is, but everyone puts up with you even though you constantly wear a facade of sarcasm and feigned offense. if you don't think chatmm is fun, then please feel free to avoid filling it up with your whiny complaints about "rudeness" and never go in there again.


if your behavior is the result of immaturity (which i suspect it is) let this be a wake-up call: nobody enjoys talking to someone who is constantly confrontational and hides behind some type of manufactured internet persona.

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