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Guest placidburp

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Is chatmm like the hang out for everyone who's in the inner circle? Some other forums I'm on work like that... They have like social groups and put everyone into relationships with each other and 90% of the conversation is stuff like that... But there's a set group of people and new comers and what not are not really welcome.


Hope it's not like that since I'm thinking of going on there and socializing, I'm sure it isn't though.

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Is chatmm like the hang out for everyone who's in the inner circle? Some other forums I'm on work like that... They have like social groups and put everyone into relationships with each other and 90% of the conversation is stuff like that... But there's a set group of people and new comers and what not are not really welcome.


Hope it's not like that since I'm thinking of going on there and socializing, I'm sure it isn't though.


not really, its just a lot of shit-talking, acting goofy/stupid, and occasionally having a really down to earth interesting and friendly conversation. Everyone is welcome, just wear a thick skin for a bit and you'll be embraced soon enough :)

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Is chatmm like the hang out for everyone who's in the inner circle? Some other forums I'm on work like that... They have like social groups and put everyone into relationships with each other and 90% of the conversation is stuff like that... But there's a set group of people and new comers and what not are not really welcome.


Hope it's not like that since I'm thinking of going on there and socializing, I'm sure it isn't though.


everyone is welcome in chatmm. we don't even have a lot of chatmm-centric memes or anything, so conversation is easy to follow. we talk about music, movies, television, etc. and often we listen to each other's music on plug.

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ive gone in chatmm for almost a year and i've never seen anything amounting to a serious or menacing or ominous death threat, or anything even approaching a threat that should cause concern. i'm a person who probably has got several or at least a few ppl around here to dislike me because of things i've said in the forum, which have been maybe a little too aggressive and political in nature, but i have to say that i've probably seen less heated debates or arguments in chatmm in the past year than what happen in any given week in watmm at large. i personally try to keep from arguing in chatmm, key word being TRY, although it has happened a few times and i have seen others do it. but i think myself and others try to avoid it. so my perception is that chatmm is more chilled than watmm at large. others might have a different perception, but i think some people tend to remember the one time they saw an argument a month ago more than they remember all the nights where nothing happened. and i've never seen a really BAD argument in there anyway.

another thing is that, depending on the person, the people who are so concerned about negativity may be just as responsible for it as anyone else. i can vouch for what hoodie says 100%. i dont think its too cool to run your mouth and talk shit constantly, act like you are perfect, slam people for their taste in music being a little different from yours and do stuff like that constantly, but all while hiding behind this fabricated persona, then if someone makes one comment or joke (and everyone perceives it as such) that you can take out of context and try to use against them and pretend to be injured or threatened by it to do so. it's a bitch move. plain and simple. some people need to grow up and realize that the door swings both ways.

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Is chatmm like the hang out for everyone who's in the inner circle? Some other forums I'm on work like that... They have like social groups and put everyone into relationships with each other and 90% of the conversation is stuff like that... But there's a set group of people and new comers and what not are not really welcome.


Hope it's not like that since I'm thinking of going on there and socializing, I'm sure it isn't though.


not really, its just a lot of shit-talking, acting goofy/stupid, and occasionally having a really down to earth interesting and friendly conversation. Everyone is welcome, just wear a thick skin for a bit and you'll be embraced soon enough :)

Ah alright. Thanks for that. I was just a bit pessimistic because what I've mentioned has been the case most of the time, and I've never really had a good experience.


everyone is welcome in chatmm. we don't even have a lot of chatmm-centric memes or anything, so conversation is easy to follow. we talk about music, movies, television, etc. and often we listen to each other's music on plug.

That sounds nice. One of these days I'll get over my anxiety and try.

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My favorite CHATMM experience was when some idiot said he'd kill me and my family.


That place is not a whole lot of fun anymore tbh.

you're one of the biggest shit-talkers on chatmm, so i don't understand where you get off framing a joke as some type of threat upon your family. that's really messed up.


i don't know what your deal is, but everyone puts up with you even though you constantly wear a facade of sarcasm and feigned offense. if you don't think chatmm is fun, then please feel free to avoid filling it up with your whiny complaints about "rudeness" and never go in there again.


if your behavior is the result of immaturity (which i suspect it is) let this be a wake-up call: nobody enjoys talking to someone who is constantly confrontational and hides behind some type of manufactured internet persona.

lol Hoodie post


There's a difference between trashing LFO (which is really bad, to be fair) and going "hurr I'll kill u m8", chatroom/joking/mentally ill or not.


But then again.. Hoodie-post.

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introverts only on chatmm sorry extroverts go outside or something and leave us alone for once


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My favorite CHATMM experience was when some idiot said he'd kill me and my family.


That place is not a whole lot of fun anymore tbh.

you're one of the biggest shit-talkers on chatmm, so i don't understand where you get off framing a joke as some type of threat upon your family. that's really messed up.


i don't know what your deal is, but everyone puts up with you even though you constantly wear a facade of sarcasm and feigned offense. if you don't think chatmm is fun, then please feel free to avoid filling it up with your whiny complaints about "rudeness" and never go in there again.


if your behavior is the result of immaturity (which i suspect it is) let this be a wake-up call: nobody enjoys talking to someone who is constantly confrontational and hides behind some type of manufactured internet persona.

lol Hoodie post


There's a difference between trashing LFO (which is really bad, to be fair) and going "hurr I'll kill u m8", chatroom/joking/mentally ill or not.


But then again.. Hoodie-post.






her posts have content. yours have condescension, with nothing to back it up.

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