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syd syside

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So if we were to give in and look at your way. An evolved masturbation aid is creepy now is it? Single and even partnered, males and females the world over are aghast at the notion. Now i know that watmm is pronless now, but i didn't think that with it's passing, so would go your sympathy for the subject entirely!!


Bunch of fucking PC nutbags. heh, society is safe in your disapproving hands.


[dleetr - ever unrepentant.

It's not a fucking evolved masturbation aid - it's a virtual girlfriend. Something that attempts to replace real interactions. Unless you take your fleshlight around with you in public and speak to it?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I do. Oh god, how I do.




His name is Peter Peter Reid Seed Eater.

that Avatar and and Response go so fucking well together. FLOL
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So if we were to give in and look at your way. An evolved masturbation aid is creepy now is it? Single and even partnered, males and females the world over are aghast at the notion. Now i know that watmm is pronless now, but i didn't think that with it's passing, so would go your sympathy for the subject entirely!!


Bunch of fucking PC nutbags. heh, society is safe in your disapproving hands.


[dleetr - ever unrepentant.

It's not a fucking evolved masturbation aid - it's a virtual girlfriend. Something that attempts to replace real interactions. Unless you take your fleshlight around with you in public and speak to it?


I don't know why this is making you so angry. Let people do their thing man, it's not hurting you.

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So if we were to give in and look at your way. An evolved masturbation aid is creepy now is it? Single and even partnered, males and females the world over are aghast at the notion. Now i know that watmm is pronless now, but i didn't think that with it's passing, so would go your sympathy for the subject entirely!!


Bunch of fucking PC nutbags. heh, society is safe in your disapproving hands.


[dleetr - ever unrepentant.

It's not a fucking evolved masturbation aid - it's a virtual girlfriend. Something that attempts to replace real interactions. Unless you take your fleshlight around with you in public and speak to it?


I don't know why this is making you so angry. Let people do their thing man, it's not hurting you.

I'm not angry - why would you think I'm angry?

It's not hurting me, but this kind of shit affects how societal interactions evolve, and I'm thinking of my progeny you know?


and lol at reid.

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I'm also gravely concerned that having a virtual girlfriend might replace real social interactions.






*closes door, draws shades, returns to playing video games all day long in my underwear*

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At first, no, but eventually it will be cheap enough. That Minority Reality film depicts this as a very real futuristic techno-entertainment industry. I see no reason why it won't exist,...

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At first, no, but eventually it will be cheap enough. That Minority Reality film depicts this as a very real futuristic techno-entertainment industry. I see no reason why it won't exist,...

I mean that the hooligans are the ones who are more than likely going to continue to go out and fuck, then reproduce, in a manner that is analogous to rabbits.

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not new but awesome:




its basically the real life hoverboard I ever wanted


lol, this post was completely drowned out by the furious VR hentai debate.


Quantum locking is amazing. I can't wait to see what other developments that technology will lead to.


Also, I wonder how long it'll be til the google glasses market is completely flooded with virtual sex apps.

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LLNL set record fire 192 laser beams at 2mm target, 500 trillion-watts peak power


In California, at the ultra-powerful fusion laboratory of the National Ignition Facility, 192 laser beams have fired simultaneously, blasting their target -- a circle 2 millimeters in diameter -- with 500 trillion watts. That's 1,000 times more than the entire rest of the United States was using at the time.


It is the highest-energy laser shot ever fired in real life, although some fictional lasers have exceeded the record.


The NIF's ultimate goal is to induce nuclear fusion in a highly compressed pellet of hydrogen, which will be held at the target point of the laser beams. The fusion reaction will generate energy, so we'll earn back our 500 terawatts with interest.




As the beams move through a series of amplifiers, their energy increases exponentially. From beginning to end, the beams' total energy grows from one-billionth of a joule to a potential high of four million joules, NIF said -- a factor of more than a quadrillion.


And it all happens in about five millionths of a second.


Because the laser is on for the merest fraction of a second, it costs little to operate -- between $5 and $20 per blast, spokeswoman Lynda Seaver told FoxNews.com in March, when an earlier test set the stage for the July 5 blast.

NIF’s managers hope by the end of the year to reach a break-even point, where the energy released is equal to if not greater than the energy that went into the blast.






Pre-amp for the laser:




Target chamber:




Laser target:




Target zoomed in. A NIF target contains a polished capsule about two millimeters in diameter, filled with cryogenic (super-cooled) hydrogen fuel:



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Google's self-driving cars complete 300k miles, no accidents yet





300 thousand miles = 480 thousand kilometers.


Technology is at its best when it makes people’s lives better, and that’s precisely what we’re going for with our self-driving car project. We’re using advanced computer science to try and make driving safer and more enjoyable.


Our vehicles, of which about a dozen are on the road at any given time, have now completed more than 300,000 miles of testing. They’ve covered a wide range of traffic conditions, and there hasn’t been a single accident under computer control.


We’re encouraged by this progress, but there’s still a long road ahead. To provide the best experience we can, we’ll need to master snow-covered roadways, interpret temporary construction signals and handle other tricky situations that many drivers encounter. As a next step, members of the self-driving car team will soon start using the cars solo (rather than in pairs), for things like commuting to work. This is an important milestone, as it brings this technology one step closer to every commuter. One day we hope this capability will enable people to be more productive in their cars. For now, our team members will remain in the driver’s seats and will take back control if needed.

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Some more interesting thoughts on this:


Individually-owned cars have poor ROI, huge amounts of urban surface area is wasted by countless unused parked cars, often occupying around 1/3 of the available space between two rows of houses on a single street, sometimes even nearly half. Multiply that by the number of streets and the wasted surface area is catastrophically large.


By having a network of on-demand self-driven cars, you could eliminate around half of the existing streets, which would make it possible to increase the size of buildings or use the saved surface area to turn them into green lanes. Only a one-way lane would be left for servicing (police/fire-trucks/ambulance/moving).


The network would maximize ROI since cars would be used almost 24/7, unlike current cars which go unused for almost 90% of the day, and when not used they would redistribute themselves according to demand predictions based on time of the day, day of the week, etc., to speed up the service.


Moving to a on-demand self-driven car network would cut down on overall fuel consumption, reduce noise (most of the noise in a city is coming from cars), and offer rapid on-demand service. There is also a lessened need for asphalt or concrete and maintenance, as well as fewer accidents.


And in the end, it's a lot more money back in people's pockets, to be spent on what they want, rather than spend it on what they need, which is always a benefit to strengthen the economy and favor innovation.

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let's just cut to the chase here, how long is it going to be before someone makes a computer interface that just injects your brain with oxytocin and dopamine while giving you an orgasm that lasts for over an hour straight? the concept of a virtual girlfriend will be technologically out dated q


also the NIF that you posted Compson was about 5 miles away from the old house where i grew up.


It's probably one of the most extreme cases of 'Greenwashing' you will ever witness in your life besides carbon emission credits. The NIF is no more than a disguise for continued quasi live nuclear weapons testing. Inside the laser directed chamber it simulates the ignition sequence of a nuclear explosion. A family friend works there and his grandson was just diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 3. Before you leave to go home from the LLL you are required to get a quick radiation test. After the weapons test ban treaty was signed, the LLL and los alamos continue to test nuclear weapons just in clever ways that the public thinks is some kind of new wonderful technology that will benefit all of society. It's a perfect example of how weapons and defense technology has been rebranded in the american consciousness.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



In the future we'll all done 1950 attire and hairstyles. And play non-touchscreen boardgames? swinging.

AHHHHH its Fallout in real life! i think i see a Chinese tank rising over that hill in the back!
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