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i tryed it once and i saw the devils tail, took me and especially my wife hours before i felt a bit like myself again, i also remember being pissed off when i came back on earth, like agressive and i'm not like that

we did have some spliffs and booze before we took it

salvia ain't nothing to fuck with, not sure i'll ever do it again

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my (only) salvia experience was positive, my body was paralyzed, lots of laughter and then the roof turn into endless waves of hands and in the distance i felt the presence of a reptilian priestess who had lots and lots of motherly love to give, as i coming down i started crying cause i wanted to stay longer and hug whatever presence was there.


edit: forgot to add she was in a treehouse in a jungle, i never visualized this but i felt it, cant really explain this

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my (only) salvia experience was positive, my body was paralyzed, lots of laughter and then the roof turn into endless waves of hands and in the distance i felt the presence of a reptilian priestess who had lots and lots of motherly love to give, as i coming down i started crying cause i wanted to stay longer and hug whatever presence was there.


edit: forgot to add she was in a treehouse in a jungle, i never visualized this but i felt it, cant really explain this


I'm still so intrigued by this whole lizard thing


There were many things I read going into the trip that I sort of expected, but lizards were definitely not one of them. I hadn't even considered that. Yet I still distinctly had sentient cartoon lizards observing me


What the fuck? Lizard conspiracy


Also in the book "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" Dr Strassman describes one of his patients coming into contact with a crocodile-like reptilian creature while on intravenous DMT.

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you should read this zeff its insane and its related to all this salvia reptile shit





its probably have something to do with ancient art/myths that still echoing out there in our collective unconscious if you buy into that sort of thing which i do (but understand if people arent into that type of thinking)

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so im doing some reading on salvia since its been brought up and someone described the salvia realm as their home which is exacly how i felt as i was coming down, i felt that place where the reptilian priestess resides was my home and thats one of the reasons i was so sad.


If you are interested on salvia look up the mazatec people, they use it to communicate with the virgin mary but before the spanish conquer of mexico it was the usual serpents and shit like that.

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A strange read


I personally am extremely skeptical of any spiritual collective unconscious types of explanations though. I find it more likely that our brains provide consciousness to us at an extremely high level of abstraction so any minor changes to the underlying low level support (neurochemistry) results in extremely high level changes in our perception which are radical and unpredictable, and in the case of salvia is probably related to some part of the brain related to reptiles in some way perhaps an innate fear of them or some part of our brain far since covered by evolution. I don't know I'm talking out of my ass but yeah

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IMO salvia is pretty much junk and not to be trifled with by humans.


Also, never got the hype about 2c-b. It was alright, but it always made me puke 20 minutes after eating it.

I had a lot of incredible times with 2c-b... Always really enjoyed it.

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Yeah surprised you got anything from a normal joint too, back in the day I had to use one of those blowtorch lighters and a pipe.


Salvia is fucked, not recreational at all. It's like slipping into some dead parallel reality, everything is the same but everything is sinister. Reminded me of that Stephen King novella The Langoliers.


The lizard thing is interesting. The first time I tripped, the first thing I saw was the the tessellated lizards from the Escher drawing all over my jeans. And then the walls. And then the floor...

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it's not sinister, it's everything you want it and not want it to be....


my experience was about 10 years ago and i had a really great time. i smoked it on a water bong and i was able to inhale an entire hit without coughing, i old it as much as i could and while i was exhaling the trip started...

i remember the strong feeling of being pulled/pushed, nothing visual, just the sensation, like i was the genie coming out of the bottle, kinda like i had a trail...

i remember looking at the tv and slipknot was playing so, yeah, sinister, changed channel... was a bit afraid because i was alone and i had big windows and was afraid of a possible blackout and wake up i dunno, whatever... so i laid down, closed my eyes, and had 10minutes of crazy visuals fractals/tunnels/psy colors, the dimension was palpable while i was "flying", i mean, i really felt there physically while at the same time i knew i was in the couch, like yeah, i'm having one of the best lucid dreams ever (didn't even knew about lucid dreaming att)...

then i remember that after all that speedy ride trough all that insane shit, like, mountains, i arrive at a plane field, very calm, still flying, but with that sensation like in a desert field riding towards the horizon... suddenly i felt that if i was able to reach it something bad/good was going to happen and i didn't felt ready for it so i opened my eyes and it was over...


no reptilians for me, but i guess if you watched this series as a kid:



oh and some nut sent me this page the other day:

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Starting to wonder whether I like what I learned from the experience of my last (first) salvia encounter


Do I have a shorter attention span, does my mind wander more, does my mind jump between topics more and are its thought processes more boxed into discrete time intervals than before I took it?


Or was I always this way but am only now aware of it?


I have a general feeling of unease. A few times now I've jolted to reality all of a sudden and wondered whether the trip just ended or whether it has been days already. I think I'm just hyper-aware and I hope this wears off but it's really and scary. I wonder whether I'll wake up in a few moments and be in a Requiem For A Dream type of situation. I'm really extremely psychoanalyzing myself here and probably making it worse but when I sit here with nothing to do it's hard to not focus on my mind when it's all I have. So any subtle changes are more noticeable. Idk

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Starting to wonder whether I like what I learned from the experience of my last (first) salvia encounter


Do I have a shorter attention span, does my mind wander more, does my mind jump between topics more and are its thought processes more boxed into discrete time intervals than before I took it?


Or was I always this way but am only now aware of it?


I have a general feeling of unease. A few times now I've jolted to reality all of a sudden and wondered whether the trip just ended or whether it has been days already. I think I'm just hyper-aware and I hope this wears off but it's really and scary. I wonder whether I'll wake up in a few moments and be in a Requiem For A Dream type of situation. I'm really extremely psychoanalyzing myself here and probably making it worse but when I sit here with nothing to do it's hard to not focus on my mind when it's all I have. So any subtle changes are more noticeable. Idk


I think your fine man, you managed to write an articulate post on the internet using a computer. You aren't loosing your mind. I think once you sober up from any drug experience, you just start to notice that life is kinda weird, a little off, you know?

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thats good Zefoiia. You begin to realize how your mind is working and probably put in perspective what you think you are.

Try to not overthink, actually try to not focus on what you think, simply let go of any thoughts, dont hold on to any thoughts. a thoughts has no power on its own. dont feed it and watch the mind plays its tricks. I wont go too far now into that!


I have encountered lizards on my last al-lad trip. was about to breakthrough, a breach open in my living room and seen two srt of lizards scanning me and walking all over me, they were saying something along the lines '' he's ready', I saw lights, then my girlfriend that was around freaked out and shook me to wake me up. she was scared that I was gonna die or something.

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thats good Zefoiia. You begin to realize how your mind is working and probably put in perspective what you think you are.

Try to not overthink, actually try to not focus on what you think, simply let go of any thoughts, dont hold on to any thoughts. a thoughts has no power on its own. dont feed it and watch the mind plays its tricks. I wont go too far now into that!


I have encountered lizards on my last al-lad trip. was about to breakthrough, a breach open in my living room and seen two srt of lizards scanning me and walking all over me, they were saying something along the lines '' he's ready', I saw lights, then my girlfriend that was around freaked out and shook me to wake me up. she was scared that I was gonna die or something.


hahah. "he's ready"... to get woken up by girlfriend

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Starting to wonder whether I like what I learned from the experience of my last (first) salvia encounter


Do I have a shorter attention span, does my mind wander more, does my mind jump between topics more and are its thought processes more boxed into discrete time intervals than before I took it?


Or was I always this way but am only now aware of it?


I have a general feeling of unease. A few times now I've jolted to reality all of a sudden and wondered whether the trip just ended or whether it has been days already. I think I'm just hyper-aware and I hope this wears off but it's really and scary. I wonder whether I'll wake up in a few moments and be in a Requiem For A Dream type of situation. I'm really extremely psychoanalyzing myself here and probably making it worse but when I sit here with nothing to do it's hard to not focus on my mind when it's all I have. So any subtle changes are more noticeable. Idk


I think your fine man, you managed to write an articulate post on the internet using a computer. You aren't loosing your mind.

Exactly the point I tried to make a few pages back when I suggested my brain is still fine after poly-drug use!




But yeah, zeffy boy you're fine. Don't go too deep down the rabbit hole in analyzing yourself. I've gone down that route before and nothing good came of it. It's why I'm the self deprecating POS I am today lol. Constantly analyzing myself.

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Yes, I too voice that sentiment:

Digging down deep enough, without others around to pull you out -one way or another-, is... perhaps unwise.

You seem like a good enough chap, judgin from your post, dealing with issues others have dealt with too, in their own way.

Chill out, and don't spend too much time chasing around thoughts in your head: they tend to cease running around there if you stop chasing them!






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Guest Chesney

Yeah the reptile thing is popular it seems. Same as you spi, the first time I tripped I was in college canteen and I was in a corner, slowly melting into the brick wall when all of a sudden everyone was looking at me and a mate came forward and his fave turned into a scaly snake, then everyone around the table did too.

It was just like Disney's Alladin, The return of Jafar. That was the only ominous part of it all though, everything else was just chilling with amazing visuals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taking salvia again some time in the near future despite deciding I never would. Using a pipe this time and not a joint, and will try microdosing a few times to learn to calmly handle the time/memory warping dissociative effects (which now that I think back really remind of of strong sativa) before I delve into the large quanties + closed eye out of universe visual territory that I'm aiming for, along with hopefully some salvia gravity which I've not had yet.

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Yikes, Salvia never sat well with me. I remember drooling from laughter, visual distortion and flashing, and feeling the 'gravity' or the 'foot on your face' feeling from the push, then just an odd haze like I'd done too many whippits and a horrid taste in my mouth.


That says something to me as I've been to the moon and back when it comes to serotonergic receptor tickling fun-powders. I don't think there is much I haven't tried elsewhere, but that one was a definite NO when I tried it. Set me straight on that particular chemical lol.


Either way, hope you have a good time, Zeff. :happy:

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Guest unteleportedman

I too hate the salvias. Each of the few times I've done it back in like high school I've had unpleasant experiences. One of the worst times I remember, immediately after doing a bong hit of a high extract someone had, I felt like my body froze and then everything in my vision started splitting in half symmetrically from top to bottom. After that, everything including my body (which split in half) started forming back together in reverse. I also remember bad things in the few other experiences I've had like drooling, anger, laughter for no reason, sweating, etc.


Salvia is def fucked.

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