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Amazing New Images of Saturn and Titan from Cassini


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i just stared at this for like 8 minutes


See that white spec in the top left corner of the rings? That's us :)

That's Here.

That's Home.

That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.


like a cat tied to a stick



in a cage



on antibiotics

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yea it is. i remember when Cassini launched and the ciclops site came up.. raw photo data is still streamed almost every day from it. one of the probes landed on Titan and there was hardly a peep from the media which was surprising. to me it's a lot more interesting than Mars bc it's like a primordial earth, with the methane atmosphere and stuff. went with my cuz to see the exhibit in D.C. which was really nice, full rez photos and of course the eclipse was the showcase.


a cool fact i remember about Saturn.. the rings are a few hundred thousand miles wide and only about a hundred meters thick. there are a few photos with the rings 90deg edge on and it looks like a sheet of paper.

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