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oculus vr headset


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Yeah, pretty much. VR socialising, Vr games, VR hanging out with your friends in ad ridden places filled with real money dlc, total control over it's userbase. Sheep herding 2K.

Edited by Gocab
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By the time I have the money to dabble in VR gaming, there will be more options and better technology so this Facebook buy doesn't really bother me. Assuming that VR properly takes off this time, which it looks like it could. Then again, always thought that Oculus had the right idea by going the independent route and with the addition of John Carmack it looked promising, but who knows with Facebook getting involved how much corporate BS and interference will there be.

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Why would Facebook want to get in on the VR market?


To compete with Google Glass. I'm guessing they'll use the tech to make something more in that realm.



Will there be room for both virtual reality and augmented reality in future; perhaps the lines separating the two will begin to blur...

Hold me.

Edited by roasty
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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Yeah, pretty much. VR socialising, Vr games, VR hanging out with your friends in ad ridden places filled with real money dlc, total control over it's userbase. Sheep herding 2K.


I threw up a little bit in my mouth. This isn't the future I was promised in my youth

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I ordered a dev kit to work on some audiovisual installations.

Even though I'm not a big fan of Facebook this actually might

be good news for developers. Not going to jump to any conclusions yet.


This was an interesting read:


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and by kill, I mean in the financial sense by not clicking on any feed ads and turning adblocker on all the way so all you see is the search bar. if you are already doing this, please continue.


roast, that facebook periscope picture is :)


what can i say? i like it...


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i'm listening to a sad dododo song while browsing this thread in chronological order, and the shift from optimism and excitement to dread when facebook buys the 'lus is rather lyric.

Edited by sheatheman
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