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new squarepusher album name


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Guest Idiron McGriff

anybody who even for the remotest second thought that was an even half-legit album title deserves to be slapped on the forhead by a bunch of 10year olds who then shout SPAM and run off giggling at your expense.

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if i recall correctly, menelec and ultravisitor were leaked well before the rest of the album, and i also remeber hearing versions of those songs without the crowd (pretty sure i could dig them up also). I'm pretty sure most of that album was made in his studio, with crowd sounds inserted.


As far as album titles go, there have been lots of worse titles out there, and it seems like in order to impress electronic music fags you either have to make some gigantic sentence of completely random break core nonsense (like "Cum rocket chomping gorilla twats flapping in pickle juice") or random scrambles or letters or numbers. Personally the title "Hello Everything" doesn't really bug me cuz i know the music is going to be amazing reguardless of some text printed on the front.


As far as the last electronic song/album ever, i'll have to see it or read it to believe it, even then I still find it hard to believe he'd quit. How many times has Aphex claimed he quit. If it is the honest to god truth, its really unfortunate because I personally have been digging squarepusher the most out of all the experimental electronic stuff since maybe Big Loada.


When i break it down, there are lot of good producers and mathmatians making "electronic music" these days, but what is always going to seperate squapusher and aphex and whatnot from the millions of ppl making fm drums is that they are real musicians. They were real musicians when they didn't have computers, and are still real musicians.


I'm very much looking forward to the new squarepusher album. :squarepusher:

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Guest 1001 0

i think the title is very squarepusherish.. so im ok with that.


and im also ok about everything you said pHone (clever, am i not?)



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this album is happy and hopefull and triumphant.. its like if u could run in outerspace and jump over planets that sort of vibe.. when u listen to it on head phones bowling about the street u feel like you can walk through walls and become invinsible.. thats the vibe

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Guest Mr. Modular
this album is happy and hopefull and triumphant.. its like if u could run in outerspace and jump over planets that sort of vibe.. when u listen to it on head phones bowling about the street u feel like you can walk through walls and become invinsible.. thats the vibe


Divine almost

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i think the title is very squarepusherish.. so im ok with that.


and im also ok about everything you said pHone (clever, am i not?)



i lol'd :cool:

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i made a mistake, i didnt mean melenac, i meant c town smash, the bass solo thats recorded afterwards. it sounds very much like a show i went to as i remember certain licks on the bass, (i'm sad like that) anyone else think they were there too, or thinks it's taken from a show they went to....?

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I used to think it was a live album, because of one interview. But I think he actually meant there were portions that were sampled from live shows. I wouldn't be suprised if a couple of the guitar tracks and such were from a live set.

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