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so does anyone think that Minecraft will come to the Wii U ??

With Notch taking shots at Nintendo on Twitter, I seriously doubt it.



Super Smash Bros 3DS codes are going out to Club Nintendo members in US, I believe platinum members are getting them first.


Edit: jeez people are selling these codes for up to $100 each!




A friend gave me one of his codes. It's really fun. Very fast. I just wish I could play with more than 4 characters.



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I've just started destiny on ps4 as well. Played the beta on a 360 and just couldn't resist. Add me please, I only know one guy with a PS4, and he doesn't play Destiny :-/ I suck.

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so does anyone think that Minecraft will come to the Wii U ??

With Notch taking shots at Nintendo on Twitter, I seriously doubt it.


Super Smash Bros 3DS codes are going out to Club Nintendo members in US, I believe platinum members are getting them first.


Edit: jeez people are selling these codes for up to $100 each!



A friend gave me one of his codes. It's really fun. Very fast. I just wish I could play with more than 4 characters.



It looks like the weak ass thumb nub on the 3DS is no match for Smash Bros gameplay.



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Of course they are. I hate the circle pad. I was very disappointed that you can't use the d-pad for movement in the game. The circle pad is so weak and imprecise that I prefer not to use it. A game like Super Mario 3D Land would have been so much better if that pad weren't so crappy. I know they couldn't put a real stick in it, but certainly they could make something better. Maybe that new nub they're adding to the "NEW" 3DS will be better.

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I really want to like Destiny more than I do... I mean, I am enjoying it currently, the gameplay really is great, but there's kind of a lack of content. The campaign is pretty short overall and as of right now the endgame is a bit repetitive. I wouldn't mind so much if the loot system was more rewarding, I've been playing all week and have yet to see a single exotic or legendary item... It'd probably be a lot more fun if I had people to regularly party up with but none of my friends seem to have a PS4, so often times I'm going solo unless doing a strike.


All that said, for now I am enjoying it, the FPS elements are top notch, and the game does look gorgeous... hit me up on PSN if you wanna do some strikes/raids (raids start on tuesday)

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I take back some of my previous ambivalence, about Destiny...


I'm now loving this game the way I wanted to, the strike playlists are pretty fun as is the crucible PvP. When you choose to take full advantage of everything there is to do, there's quite a bit there and always a way to challenge yourself more. Also now after a bit of research, I understand how to go about leveling in the endgame better and it's actually a pretty deep system. Also I hear the "raids" that have now been unlocked are pretty damn challenging but equally awesome and I like that they require a full team to complete (it's been said that unless you're level 26 you shouldn't even bother as you will get wasted). I also read Bungie's plan is to roll out periodic story mission events and such into the world throughout the coming months to expand the experience, and that is pretty cool. New missions for the "Awoken Queen" are announced to be coming in the next few weeks also the 2 expansions on the horizon... It's a unique plan of unrolling content I'll give them that, I guess I'm with it as it keeps things fresh throughout the life of the game.

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Guest jasondonervan

I take back some of my previous ambivalence, about Destiny...




It's a unique plan of unrolling content I'll give them that, I guess I'm with it as it keeps things fresh throughout the life of the game.


So many people were expecting The Second Coming of Halo, and when that didn't happen, Destiny is unfairly written off. One. Week. Your point about rolling out of content is especially relevant - it's a game that will be tinkered with by Bungie as much behind the scenes as it is through announced additional content, much like (but not to the extent of) a full-blown MMO.


The levelling system appears to have gone over several heads as well. Few seem to understand the perks benefits of gear levelling, how to maximise bounties, strikes, how ranking works beyond lv20, etc. Yet another example of a vocal, impatient group of people who think that if a game doesn't deliver instant gratification to them in a Candy Crush-esque explosion of bright colours and big numbers within minutes of release that it's a failure somehow.

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I take back some of my previous ambivalence, about Destiny...




It's a unique plan of unrolling content I'll give them that, I guess I'm with it as it keeps things fresh throughout the life of the game.


So many people were expecting The Second Coming of Halo, and when that didn't happen, Destiny is unfairly written off. One. Week. Your point about rolling out of content is especially relevant - it's a game that will be tinkered with by Bungie as much behind the scenes as it is through announced additional content, much like (but not to the extent of) a full-blown MMO.


The levelling system appears to have gone over several heads as well. Few seem to understand the perks benefits of gear levelling, how to maximise bounties, strikes, how ranking works beyond lv20, etc. Yet another example of a vocal, impatient group of people who think that if a game doesn't deliver instant gratification to them in a Candy Crush-esque explosion of bright colours and big numbers within minutes of release that it's a failure somehow.


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I think some of the average reviews are kind of exaggerated in terms of negativity.


It's a very good game, giving it below a 7 just seems slightly silly, because objectively speaking it's way too competent for that. I think of a lot of worse games are getting higher scores on a weekly basis. But I'm not saying the game is for absolute top scores either, because parts of it are disappointing, that doesn't make it a bad game though.


But again, it's the ridicules amounts of hype backfiring. When you've built you're game up enough, to the point where anything else but groundbreaking is going to be disappointing, you've kind of shot yourself in the foot before the game is even out.


But honestly most people I've talked to that has actually played it, seem to really like it, including myself.


Also... This game is probably a case of a new IP having to find its footing. I think we've seen that with a lot new series in recent years, and lot of them has had masterpieces of sequels released after the original turned out to be a slight disappointment to some. I predict Destiny 2 will be pretty darn amazing and actually will be groundbreaking.

Edited by Npoess
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Destiny's a great game, regardless of shortcomings. I, for one, am loving the grind behind levelling beyond 20, drops are addictive, and you always feel like you're doing something even if you don't see it on your screen like you did for levels 1-20. I've had 3 legendary drops, every one of them turned out to be a rare item (which is terrible considering the drop), but I keep playing, because I want that exotic/legendary drop for reals.


The story may be flat, but it's classic Bungie as far as gameplay is concerned, the Crucible was a little unbalanced at first, but once you've properly learned the ropes of the game (i.e. getting to level 20), then it's a blast.

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See I was never about to call it a failure, I had an idea of what I was getting into from playing the beta. And I have been enjoying the full relase. And I'm used to having to grind for gear and levels from playing Diablo, Dark Souls, Borderlands etc... Destiny does go about implementing the system in a pretty unique way though, that I'll agree is definitely not about the instant gratification, even less so then Diablo... It could be argued that it's not exactly intuitive either, and I think that's why it goes over many people's heads.


The thing that's different than grinding in Diablo, or even more simillarly Borderlands that I think a lot of people get frustrated with is the fact that you can bump up the difficulty and complete missions but it doesn't necessarily guarantee better loot (the way Torment levels worked). I understand that now, and that it's absolutely essential to complete bounties, join a faction, play the crucible, and the Vanguard playlists. I get it now, and appreciate how it really truly makes you utilize every available resource you have for getting further.


My only little gripe, is that after completing the campaign, it leaves WAY more questions than answers (but I understand that's how they wanted it and somewhat intentional as these answers are still yet to come further in this release or within the planned sequels... In which case I'll be looking forward to more)

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I think some of the average reviews are kind of exaggerated in terms of negativity.


It's a very good game, giving it below a 7 just seems slightly silly, because objectively speaking it's way too competent for that. I think of a lot of worse games are getting higher scores on a weekly basis. But I'm not saying the game is for absolute top scores either, because parts of it are disappointing. That doesn't make it a bad game though.


But again, it's the ridicules amounts of hype backfiring. Because when you built you're game up enough, to the point where anything else but groundbreaking is going to be disappointing, you've kind of already shot yourself in the foot before the game is even out.


But honestly most people I've talked that has actually played it, seem to really like it, including myself.


Also... This game is probably a case of a new IP having to find its footing. I think we've seen that with a lot new series in recent years, and lot of them has had masterpieces of sequels released after the original turned out to be a slight disappointment to some.

What's sad is Bungie might miss a 2.5mil bonus due to the Metacritic scores...

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I'm sure this will sell enough, to the point where those money doesn't even matter.



They've got a lot to make up - Destiny's combined costs (the game, marketing, etc.) are rumoured to exceed 500 million USD...

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Yeah, that's true... and a bit worrying for them. But I already think the series had made a big enough mark on the industry, so that the series will be profitable going forward.


I mean it's already a highly established gaming brand at this point, just from the marketing.


And it's just a fun sci-fi shooter, I wouldn't recommend anyone not to try it out, most people will probably find some enjoyment out it, so it won't completely lose publicity I think.

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A friend of mine finished Dark Souls II for the xbox, so he lent me the disc. Whipped up a fake account for a free month of gold membership.




This game is so much fun. Except I'm completely lost as to where to go after beating The Duke's Dear Freja. Been pvping mostly in the meantime (but not very well, haha)

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Yeah, that's true... and a bit worrying for them. But I already think the series had made a big enough mark on the industry, so that the series will be profitable going forward.


I mean it's already a highly established gaming brand at this point, just from the marketing.


And it's just a fun sci-fi shooter, I wouldn't recommend anyone not to try it out, most people will probably find some enjoyment out it, so it won't completely lose publicity I think.

Well, the PS3/PS4-exclusive DLC is available now at 20.00USD, so I guess they're making up already...

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So excited to discover the pc port of Jet Set Radio! One of my favorite Dreamcast games. Got it on the humble store sale. It's a solid port. Great to play this one at higher resolutions.

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Finally beat Monument Valley, that shit was doing my head in, now they're making more levels!!


Can't wait for the new levels. I beat it in like 2 hours.

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