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Guest bitroast

Dark souls 2 is a real tugowar between moments of enjoying it and then being overwhelmed by lacklustre level design/unfair shitty challenges/boring boss fights and confusing game progression. Beat a boss and literally end up in a square room with nothing in it but a bonfire in middle that warped me out of there. Reminded me of the quake level editor days and my first piss poor attempts of bland level creation. Im spending more time staring at the bonfire warp list trying to figure where to go next compared to exploring the world.

Still, fun at times. But man. What a weird unbalanced game.


Feels more like Dark Souls: Online than mere Dark Souls 2.. Which is weird cos dark souls is online anyway lol

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After everything I've heard about DS2, I think I'm gonna skip it and wait for 3 to come out, in the meantime there's always Bloodborne, which DS3 seems to be moving toward combat/mechanics-wise

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New place doesn't have Internet yet, so booted up Hohokum which I got free from PSN+ and I haven't touched yet. Opening level greets you with the very lovely A Walk by Tycho, I think there are a few other Tycho tracks in the game as well. Really good fun, I love the style and sound design of it. The puzzles can be a little too obtuse at times but I've found I can figure stuff out eventually, so far.

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That's a great game, Oceans.


Finished the Dragons Keep DLC for BL2 and found it to be surprisingly playable. Maybe because I was slightly overlevel so I could mostly skip the boring shooting parts. Pretty good overall. The Hammerlock one was dreadful though.


Playing GTA V at the moment. Good game.

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Guest bitroast

I thought DS2 SotFS was great. but it's the first Souls game I've owned/finished, so :shrug:

Yeah. Is tricky!

By all means im enjoying it and still think its a sick game.

But theres somthung missing that the other games got that this one doesn't. You could call it outright nitpicking tho, if someone whos played it but not the others can't fault ds2.

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Guest bitroast

See now im enjoying the game again actually, come think of it. When i wrote the prior post i was in much more negged out pissed off state of mind. Its a back n forth tugowar :>

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Guest bitroast

For anyone thats played the souls games and skipped 2 i would say.. its still worth checking out. Theres fun to be had in it for sure 100%.


Its impossible to play it (for me at least) without comparing it to the others but i still am enjoying playing it.

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For anyone thats played the souls games and skipped 2 i would say.. its still worth checking out. Theres fun to be had in it for sure 100%.


Its impossible to play it (for me at least) without comparing it to the others but i still am enjoying playing it.


Which is my case. This is the only Souls game I haven't tried yet, even though I own a copy of it on PS4. I have beaten the 3 other games since last winter and I think I need a break instead of jumping right into DS2. All those games are a bit too similar to rush through all of them.

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That Fallout Shelter game finally got ported to Android, goodbye concentration....

I named a kid Schploft Afterblong, then everybody became depressed and got killed during a radroach infestation





hah, I'm actaully really struggling with it, it seems like if I don't open the app to collect stuff every 10 minutes everybody starves/becomes irradiated.


I'm struggling too, both food and water are all very low and that doesn't seem to improve a lot. Unless you "rush" certain rooms, maybe. But that's where the dangers are because you can get a fire or radroach infestations if it fails. At first I tried to just let everything idle, make everyone starve to death. But that doesn't seem to happen. It seems you're practically safe if you don't rush any rooms. Weird.


Still, it's a fine little thing to get into the Fallout 4 mood a bit.


You'll need a specific type of balance between the rooms, with a slight priority on diners (upgrade them ASAP). It's important to have the right people assigned to the right rooms and preferably with outfits that boost relevant skills. It's important not to have redundant /non-essential rooms because they use power like a motherfucker. It's hard to balance all this out until you have enough dwellers, but you'll get the hang of it. My vault is pretty self sufficient, it's low on food because I'm breeding them like rabbits and sending people to gyms to boost stats, but it never goes in the red.




It helps to send your explorers out with good weapons, like this bad boy:





So I managed to get some decent balance going, things sometimes went in red, but mostly remained green, managed to get a rocket launcher, and managed to give a substantial amount of dwellers guns and equipment. Then out of nowhere I get a radroach infestation, only 8 of my 24 dwellers survived. Wtf. I survived two raider attacks before that without any deaths. Everyone was at decent health, but those radroaches kept on coming. Wtf wtf wtf :catrage:


Should I just remove all the bodies and continue? Don't want to lose all that equipment, but reviving is costly...

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How do you even manage to get people killed by radroaches!? I understand raiders can be a bitch but radroaches die if you sneeze on them. Just send dwellers to adjacent rooms and try to have some kind of gun equipped. Probably helps to have stimpaks ready as well so get a lab started.

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How do you even manage to get people killed by radroaches!? I understand raiders can be a bitch but radroaches die if you sneeze on them. Just send dwellers to adjacent rooms and try to have some kind of gun equipped. Probably helps to have stimpaks ready as well so get a lab started.

I don't know! It took quite an amount of rounds to just kill one for some reason... And it was one of those infestations that go to every room, so sending to different room was useless. It's true I didnt have a medlab... Was still too busy micromanaging everything else.


Still got dead bodies all over the place, what to do?

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I don't know, I haven't had a death yet, but I think you should only pay to revive dwellers with stats you need (like agility for diners), and then maybe hope for new arrivals?

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The stats on my new arrivals have all been shite, I send them straight to training.

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Just had another infestation, I had 3 of my best equipped dwellers, armed with 10mm, rifle AND a rocket launcher blasting away at ONE radroach, AND ALL THREE DIED :catrage:

I'm almost just about done with this shit


(and by done i mean starting a new vault... ad infinitum)

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I don't know, I haven't had a death yet


Still not as impressive as this (Resident Evil HD):



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well if you've played it before re1 is pretty easy...


just realized the metal gear comes out in <2weeks. not sure i'll be able to hold off until black friday because i don't want the whole game spoiled for me...

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Not getting this achievement implies beating the game without saving, in less than 3 hours, in invisible enemy mode, among other things. Achieving all this without dying once is an achievement in itself. The player must have quit the game before dying in order to do this.

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The guy who made Binding Of Isaac made a new short game called Fingered



Which trailer do you want to see? The rambling WTF pseudo-esoteric one that doesn't go anywhere and barely says or shows something of the game:




Or the somewhat more informative one:


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