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Despite solving all of these type of puzzles


(even getting as far as



doing most of them in the secret-bit inside the mountain area




- I still struggle to wrap my head around the sun/star/landmine type ones !

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i was waiting for witness to be sub $20 before i bit and it has been a few times in recent weeks. but now i'm requiring that i beat talos principle first. got through a lot of it really fast when i first bought it (beating both portals before is good training for these kinds of puzzles) but then it started taking me a good bit more time to solve each puzzle and then i just forgot about it...

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Despite solving all of these type of puzzles


(even getting as far as



doing most of them in the secret-bit inside the mountain area




- I still struggle to wrap my head around the sun/star/landmine type ones !



The ones in the desert?

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Despite solving all of these type of puzzles


(even getting as far as



doing most of them in the secret-bit inside the mountain area




- I still struggle to wrap my head around the sun/star/landmine type ones !


*not clicking on the spoiler*


The last full run of puzzles I solved were the Desert Ruins. I'm onto these tree puzzles at the moment and, yeah, they're pretty clever.



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The ones in the desert?

Ah no, the one with coloured * symbols that look like the mines in Minesweeper - Think they get properly introduced in the treehouse. Currently clocking in at 56 hours with 485 (+33) puzzles solved, though haven't played it for a couple of months


EDIT: Now 490 (+35) - damnit, forgot how addictive this thing was...

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Ugh! Stupid World of Warcraft and it having a new patch released today. I re-subbed and am just trying to play it in a relaxed, no stress manner. I like that you don't have to do raid content to get geared now. You can just do Mythic+ Dungeons for consistent good gear, and almost any gear has a chance to randomly be forged into something great. I doubt I'll be subbed for too long as I have other games to play.


Mass Effect Andromeda is a ton of fun so far. I'm really hoping the hilarious animation glitches happen in the romance scenes. I really like the RPG elements taking a bigger spot in this one. First game to come out that makes my PC chug a fair bit at Ultra+1080p settings. I still run it at that, as it'll only dip to around 40fps here and there while in gameplay.


I'll have to check out The Witness. Seems intriguing, not to mention purty.

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I'm way too many hours into Mass Effect and my completion is only at 34%... Part of me wants to see the ending already but I keep getting distracted by all the side quests. These planets are 2cool4me.

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I'm way too many hours into Mass Effect and my completion is only at 34%... Part of me wants to see the ending already but I keep getting distracted by all the side quests. These planets are 2cool4me.

50% or so fo me brotendo :wink:

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I'm way too many hours into Mass Effect and my completion is only at 34%... Part of me wants to see the ending already but I keep getting distracted by all the side quests. These planets are 2cool4me.

I wish the side quests were more interesting than a bunch of fetch quests where you spend forever traveling to scan x number of things.


Don't even get me started on the dinos, rock trolls, rhinos and bugs that inhabit every planet. Worst fucking creature design since generic MMO number six billion, it's like they didn't even try.

Edited by Gocab
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I'm way too many hours into Mass Effect and my completion is only at 34%... Part of me wants to see the ending already but I keep getting distracted by all the side quests. These planets are 2cool4me.

50% or so fo me brotendo :wink:


48% now. on2u

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sometimes I fire up Life is Strange just to listen to the theme song. Loved that game.


The theme song is amazing. Wish the rest of the music in the game was that good.

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Thimbleweed Park - so far it's pretty fucking good! There have been a couple of bugs and I think one of the puzzles might be broken. Let me know if anyone else plays it. It's the safe puzzle I'm talking about.

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Gonna start work on the Dark Souls 3 DLC tonight or tomorrow. I've heard/read almost nothing about it beyond the first trailer (I don't even know where it's accessed from!), and probably won't be able to get any help since I've got a shit internet connection to the PS4 right now, will be playing it blind and alone since it's the last content for the series; seems fitting to me. I've seen that it's decently long and I saw a headline today stating it has what may be the best boss in the series. Them's big words, but I'm pretty hyped. No spoilers u guyz plz thx :)

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probably gonna spend about 3 hours trying to win that fucking chocobo race in ffx to unlock tidus' stupid legendary weapon while binging on cum town episodes.

I did it. Took me about 3 hours. Thank you cum town for getting me through this

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I know a fair amount of you guys played the new Deus Ex...


Question: wtf are the "origine" and "fin" keys on your keyboard? My language is set properly, I checked key bindings and there are no such keys, etc, but it's asking me to use those keys on my keyboard for ending or restarting tutorials. 


I pushed all the obvious buttons and googled this shiz but found nothing.

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Actually yeah, thank you. You might be right!!


But none of my key bindings are set for those keys and my language is set to USA. I bought the game on steam btw, it's not cracked or anything like that. Weird lol.



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Actually yeah, thank you. You might be right!!


But none of my key bindings are set for those keys and my language is set to USA. I bought the game on steam btw, it's not cracked or anything like that. Weird lol.



Sounds like Canada problems
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I'm just here to shit on Mass Effect Andromeda again. Fuck this game, not going to bother finishing it. Giant bomb review is on point. https://www.giantbomb.com/reviews/mass-effect-andromeda-review/1900-762/


In short this is to Mass Effect what the Phantom Menace is to Star Wars. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy it, but good for you if you do. Should've gotten Yakuza 0 instead.

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