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So... I've been kinda tempted to get back into Destiny... I never really hated it, just got kind of bored with the initial lack of content in PvE after I played the shit out of it non-stop for about a month, and I admit some of the bashing might have changed my outlook on it a bit as well. I did enjoy the Gauntelt fights though.

I've heard recently with the 2 expansions out now various patching and the upcoming "Taken King", that Bungie has really made a lot of improvements to the quality of the game and value of playing. I've read that The Taken King is supposed to be bringing a new system of leveling less reliant on light levels so it feels less grindy (one of my other initial qualms with it).

Does anyone still play Destiny on here, or gotten back into it recently that can attest to it's improvement? Is it worth it to get back or should I just shy away and patiently wait for other games to be released?

Edited by ghOsty
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The new WoW expansion, titled Legion, looks awesome! They seem to be making some really nice moves design-wise. Which is nice, as Warlords of Draenor seems a bit lackluster. They changed PvP big time. And the lore involved covers a lot of ground. One big thing is the introduction of artifact weapons. This allows for some really cool ideas on weapon-talent trees and cosmetic customization. Each spec will have it's own artifact weapon. Frost DKs will get frostmourne for example.


Of course this means very little if you're not into WoW, but I'm sure excited.

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The new WoW expansion, titled Legion, looks awesome! They seem to be making some really nice moves design-wise. Which is nice, as Warlords of Draenor seems a bit lackluster. They changed PvP big time. And the lore involved covers a lot of ground. One big thing is the introduction of artifact weapons. This allows for some really cool ideas on weapon-talent trees and cosmetic customization. Each spec will have it's own artifact weapon. Frost DKs will get frostmourne for example.


Of course this means very little if you're not into WoW, but I'm sure excited.

I gotta say it looks pretty nice, even as a non wow player.

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So... I've been kinda tempted to get back into Destiny... I never really hated it, just got kind of bored with the initial lack of content in PvE after I played the shit out of it non-stop for about a month, and I admit some of the bashing might have changed my outlook on it a bit as well. I did enjoy the Gauntelt fights though.


I've heard recently with the 2 expansions out now various patching and the upcoming "Taken King", that Bungie has really made a lot of improvements to the quality of the game and value of playing. I've read that The Taken King is supposed to be bringing a new system of leveling less reliant on light levels so it feels less grindy (one of my other initial qualms with it).


Does anyone still play Destiny on here, or gotten back into it recently that can attest to it's improvement? Is it worth it to get back or should I just shy away and patiently wait for other games to be released?


Yeah I play it, I only started when the first expansion came out but already with House of Wolves and the upcoming expansion, it feels like Bungie are moving towards their original vision for the game. I am not a huge fan of the Prison of Elders, particularly the Skolas encounter, throwing loads of enemies one level higher than you is not clever difficulty and gets tedious really quickly. Overall though, I see where they're going with it, bringing back the bounty encounters makes the world feel a little more "living" than before, and the story actaully feels cohesive considering the content.


I'm quietly optimistic for The Taken King, I think Bungie have taken a lot of criticism on board and they seem to have gotten Activision off their back a bit to give them time to perfect their vision.

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I dunno, I feel I have given Destiny so many chances at this point, it doesn't seem to get any better ever. I think this game is the prime example of a developer overselling their game and doesn't deliver on what was promised. Pretty entitled mentality, but they kind of built this game up as something potentially amazing.


The pure shooting mechanics of the game are so good though, which is why I think so many people sticks with it, because the rest of the game is just average at best. But again, just as a shooter, it's some of the best of there. And the co-op stuff is quite well integrated.


The biggest flaw of the game is that i tries to and be PvP shooter and an RPG, those two genres are kind of conflicting in the game. A PvP shooter requires a huge amount of balancing and a RPG kind of have to be bit unbalanced in parts in order to be fun. And by trying to both, it's not very good at either of them.


I would for them in the inevitable sequel to:

More story elements, and that game doesn't take itself too seriously, because it's quite a silly universe to begin with.

Better and more interesting loot , I think it could learn a thing or two from Borderlands.

Make the whole customization and unlocking system more easy and logical, it's some of the most convoluted I've ever tried in a game.

More variety in missions and map design.

It's kind of a huge budget game, so I don't think it's too much to ask for more enemy and weapon types.

Better boss-battles, since most of the bosses are mostly just huge bullet sponges.


I know all this thinking that I know better than the developer and listing improvements is kind of silly, but this game clearly has a lot of issues that are pretty transparent, and it has been a poorly received by many.

Maybe The Taken King will make some of these improvement, I was stupid enough to buy the season pass when it was on sale, I'd like to get of my money's worth at some point.


I have enjoyed the game at moments, but most of the time it has been kind of a drag.



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Can't really agree more with those comments, you hit the nail on the head... I was never with the initial Destiny hype so there was no initial dissapointment from me, I expected a Phantasy Star Online clone and got exactly that, fine with me. Hoping for similar things from TTK and beyond but we'll see.


Totally agree with bosses just being bullet sponges, "elite" enemies are just the same too. Have you done either of the raids at least? They are really good fun, and very bullet sponge free, something they kind of abandoned in House of Wolves/Prison of Elders.

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Do the developers of Destiny still plan to have it last 10 years or whatever they were saying? They were promising such a huge game but I've hardly heard anything about it since release.


I've been playing Yoshi's Wooley World (looks amazing, very fun), Splatoon (new content all over the place) and Smash Bros recently. New fighters and stages are cool in Smash. I've been training/fighting my Amiibos again then having them duke it out to see who's king. Ganondorf won round 1. (Out of Ganon, Link, Marth and Robin) Time to retrain them a bit more carefully and see how things change.

Edited by QQQ
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Can't really agree more with those comments, you hit the nail on the head... I was never with the initial Destiny hype so there was no initial dissapointment from me, I expected a Phantasy Star Online clone and got exactly that, fine with me. Hoping for similar things from TTK and beyond but we'll see.


Totally agree with bosses just being bullet sponges, "elite" enemies are just the same too. Have you done either of the raids at least? They are really good fun, and very bullet sponge free, something they kind of abandoned in House of Wolves/Prison of Elders.


Actually haven't played the raids, it's kind of hard to gather four people for it - there's no matchmaking for it, right?

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Can't really agree more with those comments, you hit the nail on the head... I was never with the initial Destiny hype so there was no initial dissapointment from me, I expected a Phantasy Star Online clone and got exactly that, fine with me. Hoping for similar things from TTK and beyond but we'll see.


Totally agree with bosses just being bullet sponges, "elite" enemies are just the same too. Have you done either of the raids at least? They are really good fun, and very bullet sponge free, something they kind of abandoned in House of Wolves/Prison of Elders.


Actually haven't played the raids, it's kind of hard to gather four people for it - there's no matchmaking for it, right?



No matchmaking, and no in-game ways to find groups, another thing Bungie dropped the ball on... you'd need five others for a full team. I usually use destinylfg.net, just message whoeever and ask to join, I've had positive experiences all the time through grouping up with strangers.

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Yeah, that's really silly I think. Who really knows 5 people that plays the same and one particular game all the time?


But I don't do a whole of talking to strangers online these days either way though, got kind over that in the XBL days.


Anyway, if any watmm people is up for Destiny some time, my PSN name is also Npoess,, feel free to add.

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does destiny have couch coop? does enemy difficulty scale to meet the size of the party or do you need a full group to do most stuff? my old lady was talking with some people about it the other day and she seems interested in it for us to play together. i guess i'd just wait on taken king to come out to scoop it up because that has all the other dlc and crap crap they've released for it up to this point, yeah?


never really kept up with it but it'd be nice to have something to play with the missus. don't think we've jammed together since we cleared diablo3 and super mario cats

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I was invited to do the vault of glass raid by some stranger in the tower, nobody in the group knew how to do it, nobody talked and people started jumping ship pretty early on. That's my raiding experience with Destiny. If there's ever some watmm raiding or nightfall going down, please do add me. I'm rabovenk on PS4, got the season pass as well but pretty much quit before the expansions even dropped. None of my mates play it, and I kind of suck at pvp.

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guys i'm bored, entertain me, what are your 15 most ever favourite Let's Play vids??? not that i care or anything, i'm just bored LOL


please mildly entertain me (cuz im oooh sooo bored)





Playing Dragon Age: Origins again at the moment. Is DAII any good?

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