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[170 bpm drumstep'n bass] Blacklisted


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Made for the Final Dead Dog Renoise Competition held at the renoise forum and won it ( http://forum.renoise.com/index.php?/topic/35854-final-dead-dog-renoise-competition/ )


If you have renoise 2.8.1 (demo version will work as well) installed you can play the song file, get the song file here:




This track will be part of the Segment 2 ep released on bandcamp eventually.






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shit i forgot to cast my vote, forgot to go thoroughly through the entire list tbh

was probably gonna vote for yours though :D


noticed from the xrns it was you as well. :p grats for the win - neat track.

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This stuff is sick. really loving the high bpm. I'd love to drive on the autobahn super fast listening to this. But alas, I'm in Canada and I don't have a lisence. :(


Really good stuff though. The percussion must have taken you quite some time. Good work man.



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This is fantastic. I've never used Renoise, except staring blankly at the demo version yearssss ago. I like anything anyone makes on tracker programs just because I have mad respect for those who use them. Anyways, love the drums, vary a lot, in a solid way, the track just flows really well. Love the part around 3:00. If i keep talking it'll just be asskissing.

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Thanks Machinemask :biggrin: , trackers look more difficult than they are in reality. Once you know how to record notes in using the keys on your keyboard and insert note-off's, get some sense of the structure, translating your ideas across patterns it is dead easy.

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Yeah I imagine I'll get a better understanding of it sometime in the future, if even just to know how to use one, not necessarily switch my production to one. They're sweet. lol I probably just get flustered when it starts moving DOWN and not to the right.

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