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that bit where he



stumbles upon the apartment of horrors and wanders out to the balcony and devises a plan for disposing of Heinrich



is amazing. his face.

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Absolutely you do


Btw, the first time I saw it I found the whole movie on youtube. Not sure if it's still there, but it shouldn't be hard to find in any case.

Edited by Auditor
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It Comes At Night - Considering some of the reviews this one got I was disappointed, has a couple of tense moments but didn't really feel anything at the inevitable ending. Reminded me of Retreat, another film I wouldn't bother watching again. 

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It Comes At Night - Considering some of the reviews this one got I was disappointed, has a couple of tense moments but didn't really feel anything at the inevitable ending. Reminded me of Retreat, another film I wouldn't bother watching again. 



Oh man, I loved it. I felt like I was getting sick just from watching it.

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Phase IV


This was amazing. Intensive ant macro photography meets 2001: a space odyssey.


Watch it if you have not.

I just looked on YT and they have it plus also the MST3K version, which should I watch (or rather, put on my Watch List but never actually view)?

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It Comes At Night - Considering some of the reviews this one got I was disappointed, has a couple of tense moments but didn't really feel anything at the inevitable ending. Reminded me of Retreat, another film I wouldn't bother watching again.


Oh man, I loved it. I felt like I was getting sick just from watching it.

Maybe I was in the wrong frame of mind, when I saw the film was getting some buzz I avoided everything about it and went in expecting a creature feature.

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It Comes At Night - Considering some of the reviews this one got I was disappointed, has a couple of tense moments but didn't really feel anything at the inevitable ending. Reminded me of Retreat, another film I wouldn't bother watching again.


Oh man, I loved it. I felt like I was getting sick just from watching it.

Maybe I was in the wrong frame of mind, when I saw the film was getting some buzz I avoided everything about it and went in expecting a creature feature.



So did I, but I liked what it did instead. A lot of people didn't seem to like it, so maybe I'm a just naïve optimist who loves depressing movies.

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Phase IV


This was amazing. Intensive ant macro photography meets 2001: a space odyssey.


Watch it if you have not.

I just looked on YT and they have it plus also the MST3K version, which should I watch (or rather, put on my Watch List but never actually view)?


The original, it's really good. You will also get all sorts of BoC washed out 70's sci-fi vibes from it 

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Annabelle - 1/5

So bad. Jump scares were so predictable and story line was all over the shop. One thing I did appreciate was how the horror wasn't just used in the dark quiet of a creepy house, but was brought out too - in plain sunshine, however it was still an utter waste of money and time. The only positive...



Ye na, no positives.

Hoping 'It' will be as good as it looks. May read the book. Any good?

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What Happened To Monday - Pretty bad. Hammy acting and terrible writing. I'm also a little confused as to the "dystopian" aspect... all things considered da big evil gubment solution to overpopulation is not a bad one. But of course there has to be a big twist which makes zero sense anyway.


I need to stop watching Netflix trash.

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