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Today: Felix Baumgartner 36km stratosphere jump


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He wasn't, that was a bit confusing. What he was saying was, to get the door to open, the capsule pressure needed to match outside pressure. Dude was complaining the door wasn't opening, and Kittinger was telling him that the interior capsule pressure was only down to the equivalent of 100,000, it needed to drop further...if that makes sense

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he should've shouted "Red Bull gives you wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......" as he jumped.

a massive missed advertising opportunity for Red Bull there.



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Guest Frankie5fingers

im surprised that theres an Austrian that i have a harder time understanding then i do Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Supposedly BBC did a lot of filiming of the event and are compiling the footage into a documentary... The helmet cam footage is to be released in a little bit and will probably be featured in the documentary as well.

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Re: "Red Bull gives you wings!", they probably considered it, but then realized if he said it and died, it would be the worst possible advertising...


i have absolutely no doubt that there was a marketing meeting concerning this

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he should've shouted "Red Bull gives you wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......" as he jumped.

a massive missed advertising opportunity for Red Bull there.

In an austrian newspaper article (online, but can't find the source currently) they wrote Red Bull wanted him to say "Welcome to the world of Red Bull" (IIRC), but he refused to do so.


EDIT: Found the source. It was "Welcome to my world - the world of Red Bull"


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Haha... about the idea to have him saying "welcome to my world"...




"Was meine Sicherheit gefährdet, unterbinde ich. Wenn alles vorbei ist, können wir gerne die Kuh melken. Red Bull hatte schon die grandiose Idee, dass ich beim Hinauffahren den Spruch 'Willkommen in meiner Welt - der Welt von Red Bull' einspreche. Sage ich, seid ihr deppert, oder was? Stell dir vor, der Armstrong steigt auf dem Mond aus und sagt diesen Spruch. Wenn einer vor dem Fernseher sitzt und das sieht, ist ihm deine Leistung nichts mehr wert. Lächerlich, so eine Idee. Aber bei mir gibt es kein Kasperltheater."

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I can't be the only person who doesn't find this at all interesting or impressive, but fucked if I'm going to read this thread and find out for sure.

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that's very well done, it's funny though, I rewatched the original Kittinger footage last night and it's a lot better than the Baumgartner footage imo. More dramatic I think, mainly due to the low-tech capsule, and the cloud cover way down below...


also for the Kittinger footage, did they have a free-falling camera trailing him? I don't understand how they got some of those shots...

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