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Tracks/Albums that remind golden era autechre (95-98)


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Oh, I misunderstood the purpose of this thread. The group I've heard that best approximates Autechre's 90s sound is Frank and Bill. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any videos of their stuff online, but it's definitely worth your time to seek it out.




All 3 of their albums are absolutely amazing.

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the more ae-like artists i get into, the more i realize each of them has really unique little things that separate them from AE stylistically - proem, telefon tel aviv, monolake, clark, plaid, speedy j, arovane, apparat etc.


OP track is nice tho, i would wager if ae built that track they would make the synths more subtle and the beats fatter.

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Thanks for all the replies in this topic! Yes, Fizzarum did a massive amount of research on autechre's sound back then in 90s. When I launched my local website on ae (autechre.net.ua) I received a lot of info from them in form of old discussion boards stuff etc. We decided to contact Sean to ask him technical questions on Chiastic Slide's sound and here's what we received:


Hello SB and RB!

Here is questions of Fizzarum about "Chiastic Slide". I'll not publish it. This isn't questions from russian fans that I'm preparing now.


Masive question about Chiastic Slide from Fizzarum.


At first I must to say that "Chiastic Slide" is my favourite work. Secondly - it's the most amazing and mysterious music for me to present day. Until now I'm always listen this album and find something new, that not heard in previous listening. When i'm focusing my perception on other levels (macro and micro) - i begin to hear new layers and grooves. I'd be awfully glad if you'll answer all my questions.

Unfortunately I didn't find any interview where you talking about technical aspects of "Chiastic Slide" :-( So lets back into 1995-1996 - time when you recorded "Chiastic Slide"


- Can you tell about three basis tools (hardware and software) that gived so unique sound to "Chiastic Slide"?

atari st running c-lab creator, ensoniq eps 16 , yamaha dx 100, roland 202, korg ms10, juno 106, roland r8, various fx units.

For example I distinctly hear FM syntheses on "Tri Repetae"

can u ? on which tracks?

and Nord Lead on "Cichli Suite", but I can't identify unique sound of "Chiastic Slide". Please give answer on this question!


- What was basic method of recording "Chiastic Slide"? Maybe this is HDD based digital editing with aggressive EQing and FX processing or extensive using of Ensoniq ASR-10 (EPS-16) (resampling thru FX, looppoint modulation, fx modulation, external FX algorithms and so on)?

yeah stuff like that


- Did Korg Prophecy was used in "Chiastic Slide"? If yes - how strongly?



- Did offline processing of "SonicWorx" and "Sound Hack" programs was used? If yes - how strongly?



- What basic sequencer was used? Logic Audio 2.5?

c-lab creator

roland r8

mc 202


- Was used Environment of Logic Audio for building algorithmic patterns (for example melody line from Cichli or Pule) or this melody lines was played manually? Or maybe other method was used?

on screen programming. some keyboard and drum pads. some roland r8.


- Did you strongly used external FX of Ensoniq ASR-10 for

Chiastic Slide? I mean the following FX: Time-Dicer, Grain-Storm,

FMFX, Pitch Warp, LO Fidelity?

used time dicer on tri rep thats all


- Did you used Modified OS for Ensoniq ASR-10 and EPS-16? If yes - what additional functions had this OS?

live sample rate convert. loop pos modulation with zero crossings. special compression algo. realtime input fx routing thru any fx. few other more specialised functions.


- How were received ethnic sounds of "Tewe"?

there are no ethnic sounds on tewe


- What method or synthesis was used to receive sounds used for make main melodic lines in tracks: Cipater, Chichli, Hub, Pule, Nuane?

cipater was juno

cichli was samples cant rem what made from orig i suspect dx thru some fx

hub is a secret

pule is juno thru korg ms10

nuane is eps16

from what i can remember anyway. could be wrong.. hard to rem after all this time...


- Did you use Max by Cycling 74 and Nord Lead by Clavia in "Chiastic Slide"? I think that you didn't use it or maybe I be mistaken?



used m a few times on atari


I want to thank you for your answers on my particularly technical questions!

If you don't mind, I want to get more specific information about some stuff:


> - What basic sequencer was used? Logic Audio 2.5?

> c-lab creator

> roland r8

> mc 202


You meaning, that you're absolutely don't used multitrack audio recording and all material was done only over MIDI? If I understand correctly, when you writed Chiastic Slide you aren't used Apple Computer, any HDD Recording system, Ensoniq ASR-10. Am I right?


all except rettic ac, that was the last track we did for chiastic slide.

3 of the 4 tracks on envane were also done on a mac, after the chiastic tracks were done.


> - Did you used Modified OS for Ensoniq ASR-10 and EPS-16? If yes - what

> additional functions had this OS?

> live sample rate convert. loop pos modulation with zero crossings. special

> compression algo. realtime input fx routing thru any fx. few other more

> specialised functions.


Who was writed alternative OS - Bill Mauchly from Waveboy

Industries or Stephen Sprenger from Prosoniq?

By the way: do you have ext?rnal FX for ASR-10 from Stephen Sprenger?

If you're interested, I can send it to you...














not got that, no


we have the waveboy disks


the modifications were done by a guy called john barratt, he was an american worked for ensoniq. we lost touch with him soon after.


> - How were received ethnic sounds of "Tewe"?

> there are no ethnic sounds on tewe


I'm probably not clearly asked my question. I've meaned sounds that sound like ethnic instruments. So I try to paraphrase this question:

- How were received sounds of "Tewe", that start to play nearly after 30th second? This sounds reminds me of Comb filter work.

The dynamics of elements of this track is just blow my mind!

It's absolutely gem!



its a secret



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Woah, they clearly seem to despise the interviewer from the look of those answers .... :unsure:


Has to be Sean. He was a right prick back in the day (not unlike some of our other favorite artists, heh). Though he did deliver the lols:


- How were received ethnic sounds of "Tewe"?

there are no ethnic sounds on tewe

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I can understand why they were a bit annoyed...They've said in the past they don't like people trying to sound like them, and that with all the technology out there today there's no excuses for someone to sound exactly like someone else. I kind of agree, but I'm not nearly as anal about it...

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Hello SB and RB!

- Can you tell about three basis tools (hardware and software) that gived so unique sound to "Chiastic Slide"?

atari st running c-lab creator, ensoniq eps 16 , yamaha dx 100, roland 202, korg ms10, juno 106, roland r8, various fx units.


Damn... besides the EPS, that's some pretty sparse, limited gear... they must have done a lot of field recordings. Either that or their effects units are magical.

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I can understand why they were a bit annoyed...They've said in the past they don't like people trying to sound like them, and that with all the technology out there today there's no excuses for someone to sound exactly like someone else. I kind of agree, but I'm not nearly as anal about it...

Yeah in the past I read interviews thinking how arrogant they sounded, but it's only over the last few years that I've sided more and more with the 'hostility' of their responses. You read so many interviews that are either just bland clearly-can't-be-arsed-to-research catch-all questions like 'So, MAX/MSP - it's cool huh?' and 'what music do you listen to ....blah blah' or they're probing to the point of being rude 'So tell me how you make this track - show me now'. One of my favourite interviews is definitely ~ism's one back in '08: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/30687-interview-with-sean-booth/ . Another good one was his chat with Andrew McKenzie about technology in general -


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I can understand why they were a bit annoyed...They've said in the past they don't like people trying to sound like them, and that with all the technology out there today there's no excuses for someone to sound exactly like someone else. I kind of agree, but I'm not nearly as anal about it...

Yeah in the past I read interviews thinking how arrogant they sounded, but it's only over the last few years that I've sided more and more with the 'hostility' of their responses. You read so many interviews that are either just bland clearly-can't-be-arsed-to-research catch-all questions like 'So, MAX/MSP - it's cool huh?' and 'what music do you listen to ....blah blah' or they're probing to the point of being rude 'So tell me how you make this track - show me now'. One of my favourite interviews is definitely ~ism's one back in '08: http://forum.watmm.c...ith-sean-booth/ . Another good one was his chat with Andrew McKenzie about technology in general -



I don't think the responses to those Fizzarum questions are too prickish, to be honest. They're terse, but everything could have been left unanswered or answered with abject pisstaking. And that ethnic sounds question was objectively fucking stupid, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can understand why they were a bit annoyed...They've said in the past they don't like people trying to sound like them, and that with all the technology out there today there's no excuses for someone to sound exactly like someone else. I kind of agree, but I'm not nearly as anal about it...

Yeah in the past I read interviews thinking how arrogant they sounded, but it's only over the last few years that I've sided more and more with the 'hostility' of their responses. You read so many interviews that are either just bland clearly-can't-be-arsed-to-research catch-all questions like 'So, MAX/MSP - it's cool huh?' and 'what music do you listen to ....blah blah' or they're probing to the point of being rude 'So tell me how you make this track - show me now'. One of my favourite interviews is definitely ~ism's one back in '08: http://forum.watmm.c...ith-sean-booth/ . Another good one was his chat with Andrew McKenzie about technology in general -



I don't think the responses to those Fizzarum questions are too prickish, to be honest. They're terse, but everything could have been left unanswered or answered with abject pisstaking. And that ethnic sounds question was objectively fucking stupid, lol.


agreed. the questions are much more prickish to me than the answers. i mean they asked what sequencers they used about 4 times.

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