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Is that shot in infrared, or is it just colour processing?


i tweaked the colors a little.


lushful luke

you managed to make a very familiar type scene into something magical and previously unknown to mine eyes. lush

those are great luke! like Salv says, its like ive never seen it before. even though i would see that every day where i used to live.


thank you.

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the self-portrait made me lol for like 5 minutes.


love the photomanipulation also.



VERTICALHOLD, nice work by you too, my man.


and LUKE, you make me want to trek to wherever you are

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some photos from Iceland:





stills from some film sets:




Wow, is that shot gonna be in slowmotion?


Funny, I immediately knew that those photos were taken on Iceland. Such a beautiful place.

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Wow, is that shot gonna be in slowmotion?


Funny, I immediately knew that those photos were taken on Iceland. Such a beautiful place.



It's a photo I took on set from a film shoot - but yesss, the actual camera they were shooting with was high-speed (phantom camera) - I think there's a trailer for it online somewhere...


boom: http://www.clarelangan.com/state_trailer.htm


and yesss - Iceland is incredible, and its landscape drastically changes every few feet, mad place

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just launched the re-design of my website: http://www.niallconroy.com/


scanned some more caffenol photos




some photos from Iceland:





stills from some film sets:



think I already posted this, but working on a new one:





Paralyzed VHS Eye I - one of a series that i'm working on. not sure how many i'll publish. i like em'.




frickin A!

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yeah, when are you going to illustrate some awesome ethereal Calvin and Hobbes-esque graphic novel? i'd pay to have something like that.


here's another eye, not sure how many i should post, they are all kind of similar... but i'm trying to finish one a day this month so i can have something to show for the month of December besides a few empty tequila bottles and two clogged pipes.




edit: and another:



Edited by Luke Fucking Hazard
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Aencre,.. I envy you. All my friends think I have this amazing imagination because I can draw. Pff. It just takes a few years of practice and an eye for composition. What you possess, I will always secretly wish for. That shit is true whimsical, artistic imagination. You should consider writing a comic strip or something, I'd definitely read/buy.

Edited by drukqs
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He's made a couple of comic books (are they really called that), in french, I think they were sold out as well last time I checked :(

Link that stuff aencre! Wattem want's to buy you.

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