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'Global Warming's Terrifying New Math'


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I read Stevenson's Termination Shock recently. Decent stuff, though he doesn't seem to know how to tie it up at the end, as often seems to happen with him. Nor did it really delve into the problem that gave the book it's name. I assume it's just a matter of time before some Muskian ubermensch decides to crack on with some maverick geoengineering scheme. That might bring improvements but then lock us into a deadly dependence on said techno-fix, whereby a dearth of funds, sabotage or a logistical cock-up could spell death for millions and possibly the condemnation of vast areas to permanent uninhabitability. Is anyone putting serious thought into those kind of situations?

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Temperatures Tuesday rose past 95 degrees (35 Celsius) in numerous locations, including at elevations of about 3,500 to 4,500 feet in the Andes foothills. In some cases, the temperature crested above 100 degrees (38 Celsius) after leaping from morning lows in the 30s and 40s (single-digits Celsius).

Some places have even reached all-time maximums — surpassing summer temperatures, even though it is winter. This has occurred in locations with 20 to 30 years of climate data available, showing how exceptional this heat is compared with recent decades.

bolding mine

now idk why they don't have much temp data for South America, but fuckin hell this shit is wild. i really think we're seeing just a taste of what's going to happen. 

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1 hour ago, auxien said:


bolding mine

now idk why they don't have much temp data for South America, but fuckin hell this shit is wild. i really think we're seeing just a taste of what's going to happen. 

gonna be some chaos. this video.. another about that AMOC/gulfstream report.. in a nutshell says northern hemisphere will get varying degrees of cooler and southern hemisphere will get varying degrees of warmer.. but in all that is fucked up weather, rains, floods etc etc.. 


also, coincidentally.. this video which is mostly about how china is covering up the massive floods in Beijing.. first in 140 years.. shows some crazy flood footage. 

the headline is a bit overdone but.. whatevs.. 


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11 hours ago, prdctvsm said:


the narrator is that Richard Dolan guy right? from the disclosure project? 

edit, yeah that's him i think. 

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8 hours ago, ignatius said:

narrator is that Richard Dolan guy right? from the disclosure project? 

edit, yeah that's him i think. 

its a steven greer from sirius disclosure project doco,

wish it were a richard dolan from intelligent disclosure //;;

lol nvm - there's still some insightful & useful info up in that them there vid so who cares, imo


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11 minutes ago, prdctvsm said:

its a steven greer from sirius disclosure project doco,

wish it were a richard dolan from intelligent disclosure //;;

lol nvm - there's still some insightful & useful info up in that them there vid so who cares, imo


i watched it and there's a narrator at times.. i was trying to figure out if the narrator was Dolan.. for no reason other than "they crossed the streams".  i think it is Dolan. his voice is not too hard to recognize.

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3 minutes ago, ignatius said:

i watched it and there's a narrator at times.. i was trying to figure out if the narrator was Dolan.. for no reason other than "they crossed the streams".  i think it is Dolan. his voice is not too hard to recognize.

u cld well b rite, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

all da info bout fossil fool companies, banksters, military industrial complex & media/tech giants™ suppressing free energy science for 100+ yrs ago is worth knowing tho


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10 hours ago, prdctvsm said:

u cld well b rite, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

all da info bout fossil fool companies, banksters, military industrial complex & media/tech giants™ suppressing free energy science for 100+ yrs ago is worth knowing tho


i'm not saying that Dolan adds or reduces credibility.. was just curious. 

re: suppressed tech.. hard for me not to take some of that w/a grain of salt.. not that it isn't how corporations operate.. but some of it is quite fantastical.. i'd need like a 1 hour well done doc on each one of those instances he talks about where someone has created a black box tech that generates 1000s of times the power of what is put into it. not saying it isn't so but i want to see the math. "show your work".  but there's evidence in things like suppression of hemp as an industrial product. well documented how dupont put the nail in the coffin of that so it could use its own patented processes to make plastic and chemicals for paper etc etc..  I've read a few books about tesla and it's fascinating to read about his life. the stuff about the papers being seized from his hotel room are all true. there's a lot of "wtf" about his dealings with financial backers and the Wardencliff project. 

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6 hours ago, ignatius said:

'm not saying that Dolan adds or reduces credibility.. was just curious. 

re: suppressed tech.. hard for me not to take some of that w/a grain of salt.. not that it isn't how corporations operate.. but some of it is quite fantastical.. i'd need like a 1 hour well done doc on each one of those instances he talks about where someone has created a black box tech that generates 1000s of times the power of what is put into it. not saying it isn't so but i want to see the math. "show your work".  but there's evidence in things like suppression of hemp as an industrial product. well documented how dupont put the nail in the coffin of that so it could use its own patented processes to make plastic and chemicals for paper etc etc..  I've read a few books about tesla and it's fascinating to read about his life. the stuff about the papers being seized from his hotel room are all true. there's a lot of "wtf" about his dealings with financial backers and the Wardencliff project. 

oh dolan adds cred imo - if, in fact, it is him narrating ((;;

the v use of internal combustion engines, fossil fuels etc - in this time where science & tech are exponential & all encompassing alone begs the ? re: suppression of alt energy sources. w or w/o grains of salt, conspiracy vids, ufos or whathaveyou.

greer outlines this in the lost century doco posted above; detailing how most of the brainiac visionary science geniuses like nicola tesla coming up w breakthroughs in this field of free & clean universal energy have, for this +100 last years been so v naive, unskilled & outright deluded when it comes to the inherent practicalities & corruption of big business - so that all their hard won discoveries & inventions are either taken to the grave )):: , or inevitably sequestered, 'blackshelved' or suppressed by Vested Interests® 

money = root of all evil

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3 hours ago, prdctvsm said:

oh dolan adds cred imo - if, in fact, it is him narrating ((;;

the v use of internal combustion engines, fossil fuels etc - in this time where science & tech are exponential & all encompassing alone begs the ? re: suppression of alt energy sources. w or w/o grains of salt, conspiracy vids, ufos or whathaveyou.

greer outlines this in the lost century doco posted above; detailing how most of the brainiac visionary science geniuses like nicola tesla coming up w breakthroughs in this field of free & clean universal energy have, for this +100 last years been so v naive, unskilled & outright deluded when it comes to the inherent practicalities & corruption of big business - so that all their hard won discoveries & inventions are either taken to the grave )):: , or inevitably sequestered, 'blackshelved' or suppressed by Vested Interests® 

money = root of all evil

yeah.. i watched it. it's full of interesting information and ideas. when it comes to all the suppressed tech i don't buy all of it. there's not enough info to back up the magic boxes that keep getting invented that solves everyone's problems. not saying that tech hasn't been suppressed and industry hasn't ruined people's lives for their own benefits/agenda etc. all that shit is true. but there's not enough to for me to grab on to to believe it all.  if there was more info it'd be better. 

but, there's a bunch of books about tesla.. i've read a few. really fascinating guy. the wardenclyffe project never worked.. yes his funding did get yanked by JP morgan when Tesla said "we'll make energy free for everyone and make money from selling devices" and JP morgan apparently replied "not with my money you won't".  all that shit is true.. it's also true that it never worked and that tesla had a million ideas.. many brilliant and many crackpot flights of fancy and bragging to compete with other inventors who got lot's of press.  did he get interrupted? yeah.. sure. did do amazing things? yes. absolutely. was he gonna crack free wireless energy beamed to everyone from a big tower that sucked energy from the earth.. or whatever? no one knows but he wasn't anywhere near that when he lost funding.. he was in massive debt and grasping at straws. 

he didn't give a shit about money.. he would've been the wealthiest person in all of history if he had renegotiated his contract for royalties for AC current.  Westinghouse bought the patent from him for his generator that converted mechanical energy to electric AC current... and part of that was a royalty that meant Tesla would get a certain amount of money per Kw/H transmitted.  it was a ridiculous amount of money with the coming electrical boom of everything in the country. Westinghouse and Tesla were friends of a sort and westinghouse told him "i can't possibly pay this royalty. it's too much. It's more than I can make for selling the power." so instead of saying "ok, just give me like 10 cents instead of the 2 dollars" or whatever it was.. tesla tore the contract up. if he would've taken even a small royalty he'd have been more rich than any person in the history of earth or something. really.. he'd have been able to fund all his ideas w/o any issues ever. so it goes. big science inventor brain.. small business brain. a shame really. he'd have lived a better life there at the end and been better cared for. 

and i'm not saying it's impossible that a dozen or more times there's been free energy on the table and everyone got assassinated to keep it secret.. i just don't see the proof.  short interviews and blurry photos don't really do it. 

anyway.. if it is true then it's just another thing to get upset about.. like oil dick heads and car dickheads buying up public transportation networks and shutting them down so they can sell everyone gas and cars. 

edit: but also


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basically, temps peak the year after an el nino year so this el nino having just started and we're way high temps already so next 12-18 months will be worst ever. we're going to blow away previous peaks. 


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i don't know that this is the best way to lessen human footprint (5.something million people in a few hundred sqmiles scares the fuck out of me) but it sure looks like a possible path towards it

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10 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

Florida summers have gotten unbearable. Need to move.

yes. it's too fucking hot. i was saying that in 1994. i left in 1996/7.  i went miami -> orlando -> san diego -> portland.  several family members left south florida but there's many still there. also, have extended family in north florida.  every time i go to visit it's worse, hotter, more people, over bearing car culture, sprawling stripmall mecca. i hate it.  i loved it in the 70s/80s/and some of the 90s though. 

i visited in late june/early july right as that heat dome was kicking in. fucking misery. 

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capitalism is a lazy term and socialism is a bad slogan

it's not even clear. it's ambiguous.

almost no one doesn't want capitalistic socialism

the problems are not as simple as "we just need to do something about capitalism." 

we don't need to take action against "capitalism," we need to take action toward net zero carbon emissions. upgrade the grid. invest in cold fusion. de-subsidize oil.

we need to crack down on big oil who are running the game. their fracking is dumping methane into the atmosphere, which is 10x worse than co2, and no one is even talking about that. their sociopath puppets the GOP quash the annoying regulations that would fix that. meanwhile the arctic ice cap will be gone in 10 years, and people are being catlazered into talking up socialism, which makes the left lose elections

do people in big oil enjoy the right to own companies? yes. is the solution demonizing that freedom? no. the solution is to work within the same exact capitalism system. and if you want better socialism, we will also increase socialism within the exact same capitalist system

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7 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

we deserve everything that's coming at us

you'd have to clarify the 'we' because there's a lot of people.. who don't deserve it.  there's specifically handfuls of people in board rooms making decisions for the last 75 or so years who deserve it.. lot's of it.. and yeah, plenty of duped stupid americans who's faces are going to be eaten by the proverbial leopards... but most average people making whatever limited choices they can make to survive are just pawns.. or worse.. they are fodder for a big nasty machine. 

america is a preposterous place. mind boggling when looking at the scale of stupidity and selfishness in how this place was built.. the inefficiency, the waste.. how cities were built and changed for cars.. suburbs etc..  someone looking around at earth from space might laugh at the stupidity of this place.  the they look south and think "wtf they're wrecking all those forests and jungles for cows to make burgers for fast food places? palm oil... what a bunch of cruel idiots".

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