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ROYGBIV came on the radio at work


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One of the chaps who works the night shift must of changed the work radio station and left it on BBC6music. So after an hour or so me and my fellow colleagues are all congregated together. A few songs are playing and there are murmers of discontent, so I tell them not to worry (being sarcastic) and that just because its not on X Factor they can relax. I am getting earshots of mild abuse "what's this fucking weird shit" being the most obvious, and thats being directed at something mainstream like.....I dunno...Smashing Pumpkins or The Clash, something of that ilk anyway.



Then the opening chords of roygbiv come blaring out. At first I didn't realise and to be honest my brain sort of starts spinning out a bit. I get disorientated and giddy. Then it registers I am listening to BOC at work. Thats very, very trippy indeed. What was even more trippy was the absolute mass reaction of hate this track recieved. I am not joking when almost everybody stopped in their tracks and started hurling abuse at it. Don't worry I thought it was funny as fuck, like water off a ducks back to me, in fact the humourous tirades that followed put me in stiches. Somebody commented like it was Super Market Sweep (British gameshow lol) for robots. Etc etc. When I told them I have all their music some of them told me I need to see a doctor lol.


Anyway its a bit of a yarn, but what was unforgettable was the mass reaction of dislike towards this classic track. I am not joking but the reaction was really fucking weird.


BOC does it seem fuck with peoples brains. For good or for bad.

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I recall playing Dawn Chorus in my car and one of my friends said "wtf is this" with "its trippy" in there and how it would be best heard to high or some shit. I just kept listening to Dawn Chorus and believe it or not I haven't seen or heard from this dude in a while lol.


Thankfully I am friends with others who love BOC just as much as any of us here.

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well i watched the gondry movie, with loads of Boards of canada's tunes & most people seemed to enjoy it (it fit perfectly with the movie actually = bit sad/weird/youthful & nostalgic)

People like stuff they wouldn't usually like given certain contexts. They'll like totally weird songs if they're in movies that they like, and they'll even listen to the soundtracks. I feel like a movie helps to explain the emotional context of the music, and so people "get" the songs in that case. Twilight is a perfect example of this.

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it's 'yeah!' backwards.


also, is this what the BoC subforum has come to? jesus fucking wept.


Just having a chat Lord Kaini, nothing more, nothing less.

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A friend of mine about Geogaddi: "Is this the spooky music you use to scare your niece?"


That is probably why the director chose to use Gyroscope in his movie Sinister.

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I really thought by now we would be discussing new fucking music, sometimes I ramble on a bit. Apologies its a fucking lame thread.


I wager we'd all like something more substantial to sink our fangs into.

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