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New Track for Fall


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Me and a friend (the guy doing guitars) have been getting together to make music for a while now, here is a track we started and finished in a very short amount of time (we only have Mondays to work together)


Probably the final mix. Let me know what you think watmmz. :emotawesomepm9:

Fall is my favorite season BTW :cerious:

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The guitar is very nicely integrated; I like how it features sounds not typically associated with the guitar from a musical standpoint like the scratching of the strings etc. I wish there had actually been more of the sort of novel guitar texture employed ultimately. The bass synth that pops in at 2:53 produces some satisfying moments as well. The main organ voice is comparatively uninteresting texturally; I would have liked to hear more variation in it's number of oscillations; if used properly I find that can have a profound emotional effect; just listen to the organ in Portishead's 'It's A Fire' and you may hear what I mean.

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I have never really listened to much Portishead.


I appreciate the critz Goiter. I agree, the organ sounds are pretty bland! I am still fighting latency issues with Live 8 so its annoying recording guitar parts that are intricate haha we do with what we have!


Thanks for the props fellas :emotawesomepm9:

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I have never really listened to much Portishead.


I appreciate the critz Goiter. I agree, the organ sounds are pretty bland! I am still fighting latency issues with Live 8 so its annoying recording guitar parts that are intricate haha we do with what we have!


Thanks for the props fellas :emotawesomepm9:


Freaking Ableton latency. It has killed so many of my tracks. The driver error compensation doesn't even work. The way I got mine into semi working order was recording the metronome and then playing it back. If you go into the clip editor, you can measure the exact latency regardless of Ableton's ineptitude to do so. I did this by dragging from the quarter note mark to where the waveform of the metronome begins. This only partially worked, but I recently upgraded from lite to full and have had latency-free bliss since. A mysterious, but welcome occurrence...

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Guest uptown devil

really nice jam, slow and smooth.. love it. i'm down with the organ, it's subtle and warm, and makes for a nice background texture. only thing i don't care for is the synth that comes in around the 2:50 mark, it doesn't seem to match the subdued and relaxed tone that the rest of the song carries (imo).

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