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Players are split into two teams: Enlightened and Resistance.

You turn on GPS on your phone and walk around to collect energy. Local landmarks (statues, notable buildings etc) are 'portals' - essentially sites that need to be captured. You deploy resonators to capture the portals for your team, or you can attack portals that the other team owns. Portals can be linked, and when you link three in a triangle you create a field.

There's a whole bunch of different levels for resonators, weapons and players, carefully engineered so that players need to work together to build high energy links, or to destroy the links of the other team.


Started playing last week, and have visited lots of local statues and artworks that I didn't know existed before.

Was sprinting around at lunchtime trying to stop the other team from destroying a key portal and bringing down one of our major fields.

Cycled around for miles yesterday claiming new portals.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i can see the future. two guys on opposing teams will be trying to "capture" something and then itll end up in an actual fist fight in the street.


oh by the way, this is stupid.

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interesting, but isn't this only borderline augmented reality...is it possible to see things that aren't there if you hold an android based phone up to see the statue, for example? That'd be kind of cool.


If they made it so that success in building a triangle got you like...a free coffee at Starbucks, this would be a fun game to play.

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btw it's so fucking easy to fake GPS location data and trick the game, it's not even funny.


just put a fake location app in /system/apps and you don't even need to turn on the developer options in Android - it'll still spoof location data and the game will happily accept it.

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btw it's so fucking easy to fake GPS location data and trick the game, it's not even funny.


just put a fake location app in /system/apps and you don't even need to turn on the developer options in Android - it'll still spoof location data and the game will happily accept it.

That'd be silly.

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btw it's so fucking easy to fake GPS location data and trick the game, it's not even funny.


just put a fake location app in /system/apps and you don't even need to turn on the developer options in Android - it'll still spoof location data and the game will happily accept it.

That'd be silly.


the whole game is silly

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btw it's so fucking easy to fake GPS location data and trick the game, it's not even funny.


just put a fake location app in /system/apps and you don't even need to turn on the developer options in Android - it'll still spoof location data and the game will happily accept it.

That'd be silly.


the whole game is silly

I don't see the problem. If it makes people go for a walk around the city and get some fresh air, that's a good thing. Right?


Sitting at on your ass at home, faking the GPS signal to take over these zones (or whatever it is) on the other hand, is hella silly.

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i don't like the direction gaming is taking... augmented reality bores me, as does mobile gaming.


i don't need a game to make me go take a walk. THAT is silly

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