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Post your daily commute


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I would do this, but my daily commute is by bus and tram, I'd rather not be a weird dick and film it by taping my mobile to my forehead. Maybe if I casually hang my camera around my neck like a tourist and keep it filming the whole way, it'd be shaky as fuck though.

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Guest fiznuthian

only partially related i know but i'll share anyway because i'm excited..

got a new bike!


it's a surly moonlander with salsa woodchipper drops and bar end shifters





i'll be commuting to work 5 days a week again. i got a job at a warehouse for a huge online retail company some 4.5 miles away.

but the roads are super fucking dangerous and deadly so i needed a bike that can go off the beaten path a little and make the trip safely.


fucking assholes in cars definitely do not share the road. pulling a "claim the lane" routine in my town was going to kill me in due time, sooner than later.

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on my way to work one day over 3 years ago.


what's the track?


no idea, something i got off of some collection of thaiwanese pop music years ago.

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Guest Franklin

Today I decided to film my drive to and from college, speed it up roughly 8x, throw some BoC overtop and post to YouTube. This is the 'view from your bedroom window' taken to the next level. Post something similar, or don't and critique mine. Either way, enjoy!




Dude I would increase your following distance by 20 metres across the board. will save you from getting hit from behind. Sweet vid!! I'm hoping to make one tomorrow.

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don't have enough time to put some cool tune under it... guess you'll get a chance to hear what dr lopez sounds like... (pretty boring and slightly effeminate)


half-way through a cultural icon!


nice. btw, was that the Seinfeld restaurant you passed ?


yeah... its just a diner but its's the one!

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don't have enough time to put some cool tune under it... guess you'll get a chance to hear what dr lopez sounds like... (pretty boring and slightly effeminate)


half-way through a cultural icon!


nice. btw, was that the Seinfeld restaurant you passed ?


yeah... its just a diner but its's the one!



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