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Not too late to have WATMM 2012 awards


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excellent suggestions so far.


going to keep this thread open for like, a bit. then close it and choose some categories and then do a poll with said categories.

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the 2 watmm'ers most likely to bone if left alone together.


watmm'er most likely to get decked at a watmm party.


watmm'er most likely to be a tranny.


most disliked mod/ mod that shouldn't be a mod.


watmm'er most likely to get banned in the next 3 months.

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most watmmer on the path towards becoming the next sinicalypse


troll of the century... seriously, i know my prolonged solipsis-laden model-hunting troll likely annoyed the shit out of you lot, but i'm pretty sure i'm spot on with the arrangement of the whole WATMM thing, and that means.... why, let's turn back the clock to 1997 and blare TV STAR real loud, roger! i would, except my main PC has corrupted ram so i have to hang out in safe mode which doesn't allow me sound.... which is for the better, since i'm forced to dip into my vinyl archives.

seriously, i laughed my ass off pretty good when i figured out what WATMM is all about... the satire and its origins.... if people had any idea just what those post-lunchtime shits after eating mexican REALLY meant... oh my god they'd come in their pants after they post backstage coachella videos where they claim watmm.


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Guest Frankie5fingers

most disliked mod/ mod that shouldn't be a mod.


watmm'er most likely to get banned in the next 3 months.

with a suggestion like that i think youve already won that next category.

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do the polls let you (the voter) add a member or will you have to go through the arsepains of adding everyone yourself?


can't add a member no, but i'll do a poll/polls to get the final categories sorted out then a thread where people can vouch for their nomintaed member for whichever category, then i'll narrow it down to a final ten or so, then make a poll for voting for those ten or so members.

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most disliked mod/ mod that shouldn't be a mod.


watmm'er most likely to get banned in the next 3 months.

with a suggestion like that i think youve already won that next category.



i'm sure the mods could handle it.


also, jokes?




watmm'er most likely to be signed by Rephlex.


most influential watmm'er, 2012.


most retarded watmm'er, 2012.


biggest pussy watmm'er, 2012.

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