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School Shooting in Connecticut

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am i the only gun owner here who still gets sort of freaked out by the idea of holding a gun in my hand?

What gun do you own?

it's a revolver, and since i am totally ignorant about gun types and anything about guns i couldn't honestly tell you what caliber or manufacturer it is. All i can tell you is that it feels like a really powerful cap gun and it scares me


edit: in case you are wondering 'who the fuck buys a gun and doesnt know what kind it was' , it was given to me by a friend who owns probably 20 firearms.

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I was about to ask why if it scares you! But that answers me well enough.


It's an odd idea. My friend toured the states a couple years back and he fired off a few guns on a range and vouched for how powerful and manly it made him feel. Seemed a bit odd to me, he's a timid sort usually. I think I'd like it too much!


That said, when I saw police carrying automatic weapons everywhere when the olympics were on here I was freaked out. But obviously you're not used to seeing them all the time in the UK.

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the honest answer to why i own a gun if it scares me is probably because the potential of an apocalypse/american melt-down scares me more, and in that scenario i'd much rather be armed than not (and i totally don't mean to defend myself against a tyrannical government, but against mad max esque anarchist pirates). but i'm a paranoid dude, and im sure most gun owners feel some kind of empowerment when they shoot them, i'm definitely not one of them.

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am i the only gun owner here who still gets sort of freaked out by the idea of holding a gun in my hand?

What gun do you own?

it's a revolver, and since i am totally ignorant about gun types and anything about guns i couldn't honestly tell you what caliber or manufacturer it is. All i can tell you is that it feels like a really powerful cap gun and it scares me

I might be wrong, but sounds like it could be a snub nose chambered in .38 special. That's a common gun for concealed carry/personal defence.


I bought a Ruger 10/22 rifle during the summer, which uses .22 LR. But I used it strictly for paper target shooting at the range, and haven't fired it since July. There are revolvers chambered in that round too, though.


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In my readings it seems like it might be true both that gun control might not help and that having more guns is bad. Almost like it's better to ban guns right off when the country still has few of them, but it's too late once it already has them. Could there be possible solutions to reduce number of guns without "gun control" per se? I think my state offered people ridiculous amounts of money for their guns, and that that helped (although I'm not too sure, I just heard about this).


I'm still not convinced gun control won't work, but I think that it's not as clear cut as many of us liberals would like to think. However, I also don't care about anyone's right to have a gun and if it were feasible to ban guns then it probably should be (should to be? should have been? were to should have been? man, fuck tenses) done. This isn't free speech, this is a device meant specifically to kill.

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I'm with you awepittance, I hate the feel of guns. But mostly because the times that I've held and shot one, I've always felt this strange magnetism to blow my own head off or shoot someone near me. Yeah, it's probably best I don't own a gun. But really I don't think anyone should have such instantaneous (and with the new glocks and stuff, nearly weightless and recoil-less) ability to end someone's life.


Guns are evil by definition, pretty much. Get a goddamn compound bow if you want to hunt...

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But mostly because the times that I've held and shot one, I've always felt this strange magnetism to blow my own head off or shoot someone near me.


I love that. Comes from the same impulse I get of jumping into train tracks when fast trains are plowing through, or jumping off high ledges. Fucking mad.

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yeah, I always get that when I'm on a high ledge. Was recently hiking in some very steep mountains in China and the path went along a narrow ridge line. I was gripping the chains on either side tightly not because I was afraid of falling, but because I was so tempted to throw myself off. Maybe it is some mutant inversion of the fear of falling, not sure...like you are so panicked you just want to get it over with. But it creates an almost overpowering urge for me.


Glad to find a fellow weirdo, lol.

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When I was a kid it was fun to shoot with a shotgun and my grandfather had it casually hanging in the coat rack with the shells stored somewhere in the cupboard or someplace and I did not think much of it. It was just the thing to own if you lived in the countryside.


But then when I was 19yo and in army I had a personal RK-62, a kind of variant of the AK-47 assault rifle. When it was not loaded it was just a another piece of equipment to lug around but when it was loaded with live ammo it felt like the most dangerous thing I had held in my hands and I absolutely hated the feeling. I don't know what happened but I guess I realized how dangerous guns can be and the assault rifle was only designed to kill people, not for hunting.


Also it was pretty chilling to see some of the mental cases that were prone to outbursts handle their rifles right next to me.

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Guest RandySicko
the honest answer to why i own a gun if it scares me is probably because the potential of an apocalypse/american melt-down scares me more, and in that scenario i'd much rather be armed than not (and i totally don't mean to defend myself against a tyrannical government, but against mad max esque anarchist pirates). but i'm a paranoid dude, and im sure most gun owners feel some kind of empowerment when they shoot them, i'm definitely not one of them.


Nice to finally see someone articulate this point without the childish mention of a 'zombie outbreak'

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yeah, I always get that when I'm on a high ledge. Was recently hiking in some very steep mountains in China and the path went along a narrow ridge line. I was gripping the chains on either side tightly not because I was afraid of falling, but because I was so tempted to throw myself off. Maybe it is some mutant inversion of the fear of falling, not sure...like you are so panicked you just want to get it over with. But it creates an almost overpowering urge for me.


Glad to find a fellow weirdo, lol.

I think that on psych tests they ask you the question "When you are on a high ledge, do you think about jumping off?" This is to test for pathological liars, since most people get this feeling and would thus answer yes.

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i dont get that feeling. i dont see how you could possibly know that ''most people get that feeling'' either.



i fuckin hate being near ledges because the idea of falling off them terrifies me. and im scared shitless of heights.

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lol yeah i cant wait for teh fucking apocalypse i can shoot off my gun and feel like a big man! fucking yanks

e: ive got jerky noodles and put all my money into gold and ammunition, am in my airing cupboard waiting for the apoc c u guys on the other side of the looking glass

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Guest RandySicko

We aren't even going to get to the point of an 'apocalypse' because if enough shit hit the fan to cause mass uproar, it would be because our government screwed up enough where the people actually realized it was time for a revolt. They won't do that because we're already in the perfect position.... waiting and 'prepping' for something bad to happen when in fact, we are already slaves to an unrecoverable police state - television in view and drool cup in hand.

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yeah, I always get that when I'm on a high ledge. Was recently hiking in some very steep mountains in China and the path went along a narrow ridge line. I was gripping the chains on either side tightly not because I was afraid of falling, but because I was so tempted to throw myself off. Maybe it is some mutant inversion of the fear of falling, not sure...like you are so panicked you just want to get it over with. But it creates an almost overpowering urge for me.


Glad to find a fellow weirdo, lol.


weird indeed. do you also get the urge to drive your car into a tree or on-coming traffic?

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lol yeah i cant wait for teh fucking apocalypse i can shoot off my gun and feel like a big man! fucking yanks

e: ive got jerky noodles and put all my money into gold and ammunition, am in my airing cupboard waiting for the apoc c u guys on the other side of the looking glass



calm down or you'll shoot in your pants

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Guest RandySicko
Join us again on Tales To Kill Yourself By, with your host... RandoSicko! Have a good evening folks.




I'd like to dedicate this show to Obel... he saw the train coming and never looked back

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Guest Mirezzi
‎"In the coming weeks, I will use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens — from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators — in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. Because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine. Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard? Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?"

Well, thanks for that, Obama.

As the weeks become months and then years, when we look around at the bodies piling up in schools as the pundits rank them on the Shooting Massacres Hall of Fame...when either very little or nothing at all has been done to address the problem...at least we can read your speech again.
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Join us again on Tales To Kill Yourself By, with your host... RandoSicko! Have a good evening folks.




I'd like to dedicate this show to Obel... he saw the train coming and never looked back


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i dont get that feeling. i dont see how you could possibly know that ''most people get that feeling'' either.



i fuckin hate being near ledges because the idea of falling off them terrifies me. and im scared shitless of heights.

Well, most people I've talked to get it.



I don't get the urge but I definitely imagine in my mind what it would be like. The same way I imagine what it would look and feel like to be beaten to death with a baseball bat.

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I think that on psych tests they ask you the question "When you are on a high ledge, do you think about jumping off?" This is to test for pathological liars, since most people get this feeling and would thus answer yes.



yeah, I always get that when I'm on a high ledge. Was recently hiking in some very steep mountains in China and the path went along a narrow ridge line. I was gripping the chains on either side tightly not because I was afraid of falling, but because I was so tempted to throw myself off. Maybe it is some mutant inversion of the fear of falling, not sure...like you are so panicked you just want to get it over with. But it creates an almost overpowering urge for me.


Glad to find a fellow weirdo, lol.


weird indeed. do you also get the urge to drive your car into a tree or on-coming traffic?

only when Clark's Iradelphic comes on ..........................*rimshot*


Actually I do occasionally but the urge is way muted so it doesn't unnerve me.

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