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School Shooting in Connecticut

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Whoever did this will have hours of documentary coverage, interviews with friends and family, and an endless array of scapegoat blame by various political entities on who what their "beliefs" and "motivations" were. It's going to suck and yet it'll be hard to look away.



The stuff killers such as him dream of.

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

This is fucking depressing, my deepest sympathies go out to the victim's families and loved ones and I hope everyone involved gets the ongoing care they need.


I just hope this finally brings a discussion on realistic ways to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening. Whenever anything like this happens, it seems everyone uses it to create an infamous celebrity they so desperately want to hate or to merely use it to push political agendas which have nothing to do what actually happened; it's as if placing the blame on someone and having a guilty party to despise makes it all better. As we can all see, those tactics of responding to these horrific events have done us no favours.

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I hope he is completely forgotten.


Now you know full well that ain't ever going to happen.


I know, but seriously, if this was say 1982 or 1972 or earlier, it'd be a well-known tragic event but beyond a brief background and name, the perpetrator would not be acknowledged in any other way. Whoever did this will have hours of documentary coverage, interviews with friends and family, and an endless array of scapegoat blame by various political entities on who what their "beliefs" and "motivations" were. It's going to suck and yet it'll be hard to look away.



Totally man. It's horrible but that's how things are now. A few years from now there'll probably be a movie made about it. People love tragedy too much, it sells.

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How the fuck do you kill 18 children, how fucked up in the mind was this guy that he was able to go to a classroom full of children and just shoot them dead, cold blooded and without mercy, how was he able to continue after shooting the first one? he didn't feel remorse or anything?


Fucking 5 year olds!!!!! this guy killed 18 5 year olds!!!! argrgrhrg fucking asshole!!!


sad and depressing, I feel for the parents, cant even being to imagine how this feels to them.

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Yeah, on one hand I realize how seemingly cold it is to value one type of life (child) over another, but then again children are almost completely defenseless....they didn't have a prayer. This was a disgusting act, plain and simple.


I suppose I could try to psychologically analyze all this in a larger context, but honestly I just feel depressed about this. Its just horrible.


One thing that drove me nuts was during the TV special alert or whatever they kept filming one young lady bawling on the phone after I suppose she recvd the horrible news. I understand you need to report, but leave her the fuck alone for chrissakes.

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am i the only one that thinks you can't really prevent this type of shit? some sick fuck with no prior record kills his own mother and then kills children is impossible to detect. everything is monday morning quarterbacking. this is a sick world with sick fucktards everywhere. i am really having trouble even processing this one. these usually go over my head and i don't pay much attention to them. i am not watching the news over and over but i just cant process this. pure evil.

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am i the only one that thinks you can't really prevent this type of shit? some sick fuck with no prior record kills his own mother and then kills children is impossible to detect. everything is monday morning quarterbacking. this is a sick world with sick fucktards everywhere. i am really having trouble even processing this one. these usually go over my head and i don't pay much attention to them. i am not watching the news over and over but i just cant process this. pure evil.

Yep, pretty much. (*edit: by that I mean I share this sentiment...)

The world fucking sucks, but on the bright side some of the music is pretty cool.

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Guest Mirezzi

Don't be (stupid head in the sand ambivalent) assholes.






Guns don't attack children; psychopaths and sadists do. But guns uniquely allow a psychopath to wreak death and devastation on such a large scale so quickly and easily. America is the only country in which this happens again -- and again and again.

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Terrible, but as usual the media outlets are going about this in the opposite manner that they should be. This video pretty much sums up my feelings...


That was excellent. Thanks for sharing.


Why listen to the forensic psychiatrist. Eggheads--pfft, what do they know?

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am i the only one that thinks you can't really prevent this type of shit? some sick fuck with no prior record kills his own mother and then kills children is impossible to detect. everything is monday morning quarterbacking. this is a sick world with sick fucktards everywhere. i am really having trouble even processing this one. these usually go over my head and i don't pay much attention to them. i am not watching the news over and over but i just cant process this. pure evil.

I'm of the opposite opinion. (Please note, I have never been in a situation to prevent this type of thing, and I'm blindly assuming you haven't either.) However, having been party to an investigation into a violent crime once, typically there are signs all over the place and all of the checks and balances fail. These sorts of things happen suddenly, but not in a vacuum.


You're right, it's very hard to look back and say precisely what should have been done to prevent it. But I think the willful ignorance and demonization of mental illness in this country is at fault. People can see the signs but get nervous and have no real avenues to pursue.


Guns are definitely not the problem though. We should be giving five year olds guns. That situation would have been prevented if all the five year olds in the class were armed. Fucking fuck.


Great Newswipe btw.

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Guest Mirezzi


am i the only one that thinks you can't really prevent this type of shit? some sick fuck with no prior record kills his own mother and then kills children is impossible to detect. everything is monday morning quarterbacking. this is a sick world with sick fucktards everywhere. i am really having trouble even processing this one. these usually go over my head and i don't pay much attention to them. i am not watching the news over and over but i just cant process this. pure evil.

I'm of the opposite opinion. (Please note, I have never been in a situation to prevent this type of thing, and I'm blindly assuming you haven't either.) However, having been party to an investigation into a violent crime once, typically there are signs all over the place and all of the checks and balances fail. These sorts of things happen suddenly, but not in a vacuum.


You're right, it's very hard to look back and say precisely what should have been done to prevent it. But I think the willful ignorance and demonization of mental illness in this country is at fault. People can see the signs but get nervous and have no real avenues to pursue.


Guns are definitely not the problem though. We should be giving five year olds guns. That situation would have been prevented if all the five year olds in the class were armed. Fucking fuck.


Great Newswipe btw.


Well put.


Also, yes:



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