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School Shooting in Connecticut

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Lol if you think left wing = liberal.

in your case, it does. so what are you one of those closet liberals? just say it, you'll feel much better. it's OK in today's society. in fact, it seems to be favored. take this place for example. even your childish brand of liberalism- resorting to name calling, emoting, being casually dismissive of points because you can't actually come up with anything intelligent to say back at them ('lol'), etc, seems pretty common around here. if 'liberal' is such a bad word that you can't admit to being one, then why are you?

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as a complete pacifist (or pussy, take your pick) i find it extremely strange that anyone could consider a gun manly, i mean they are literally tools of violence designed so that even the biggest fanny in the world could kill a 15 stone boxer. seems to me that they actually make you a complete pussy in the world of thinking being good at violence makes you more of a man.

unless im mashing somebodies face to pieces with my bare hands, im not interested. im abit of a purist in that respect.



il just re-iterate now im less drunk than last time aswell, if you are for the open ownership of guns, i dont like you. your usernames have been noted and you can consider yourself part of my watmm shitlist.

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as a complete pacifist (or pussy, take your pick) i find it extremely strange that anyone could consider a gun manly, i mean they are literally tools of violence designed so that even the biggest fanny in the world could kill a 15 stone boxer. seems to me that they actually make you a complete pussy in the world of thinking being good at violence makes you more of a man.


Agreed. Proves that they're too cowardly to rely on the fists their mum gave them.

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If you are in a situation where you need to kill your opponent, then while it may not be more manly, its a shit ton more intelligent to use a gun than your fists...



Still not a fair fight, tho..

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Do I understand this correctly, do the anti-gun control folk really believe in the whole "I need my guns for the inevitable government overthrow" thing? Or is that just convenient NRA rhetoric that they adopt because in reality they're just attached to their shooty guns?


Good question. I'm sure there are plenty of nutters who buy guns in case they're inclined to prepare for armed insurrection, as well as for the "Zombie Apocalypse". People who literally buy into this nonsense are delusional, IMO.


And as far as being attached to one's gun goes, I'd personally value the company of another human being or a pet more.

Let me reiterate my point that making a case for your own level-headedness is no reassurance in a world containing psychopaths who also have access to firearms.

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Lol if you think left wing = liberal.

in your case, it does. so what are you one of those closet liberals? just say it, you'll feel much better. it's OK in today's society. in fact, it seems to be favored. take this place for example. even your childish brand of liberalism- resorting to name calling, emoting, being casually dismissive of points because you can't actually come up with anything intelligent to say back at them ('lol'), etc, seems pretty common around here. if 'liberal' is such a bad word that you can't admit to being one, then why are you?



i think we should all calm down for a bit. this discussion has devolved into something really vitriolic and meanspirited.

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If you are in a situation where you need to kill your opponent, then while it may not be more manly, its a shit ton more intelligent to use a gun than your fists...



Still not a fair fight, tho..


I don't think there are many rules of engagement if the resulting outcome is one of you ceasing to be alive. Like in a game of chess, the odds maybe being a beer at the pub, playing fair is important. But if my life is in danger I am going to defend myself in the smartest way possible... Fortunately I haven't had that kind of issue before, well aside from one time maybe when two individuals in black ski masks/clothes tried to force my side house door open as I stood just 10 feet away. They saw me and I saw them, but luckily they couldnt get the doors open and left. Probably wouldn't have killed me as I suspect they just wanted stuff... but still in those kind of situations, fairness is a bit silly thing to hold onto.

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i think we should all calm down for a bit. this discussion has devolved into something really vitriolic and meanspirited.


Yes sir. I know it's still a hot topic in the news, but that doesn't mean we need to sling poo at one another. We can discuss in a civilized manner.

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i was thinking about picking up a nice samurai sword for the zombie apocalypse



Someone attacked my school with a katana one time. Fortunately, there were no fatalities.

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Could argue that guns were designed for eating animals... or at least making it easier... just as a knife makes it easier to eat animals...

What in the actual fuck, how is ANYONE taking this analogy seriously? Try eating your next meal with a spoon and a gun and let us know how that works out.



A knife allows you to more effectively break up animal flesh so that you can eat...


A gun allows you to kill an animal more effectively so that you can eat...





pro tip: capture and breed. have you heard of fences and gates? you really don't need guns to kill and eat animals. humans are intelligent enough to be able capture n breed any animal (zoos y0).


if you live alone in a shack in the american wild then maybe consider owning a gun. if you're anywhere near civilisation (especially urban and suburban ffs), no guns please...


knives however, are very fucking necessary for many purposes lol wtf

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and the chances of your life being in danger would be drastically reduced if every tom dick and harry wasnt allowed a gun.



Not true. Studies have shown that homicide and suicide rates tend to stay relatively the same regardless of access to firearms.

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if you live alone in a shack in the american wild then maybe consider owning a gun. if you're anywhere near civilisation (especially urban and suburban ffs), no guns please...


knives however, are very fucking necessary for many purposes lol wtf


To tell you the truth, I use a knife far more than I've ever used a gun. It comes in handy for preparing daily meals, you see.

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Could argue that guns were designed for eating animals... or at least making it easier... just as a knife makes it easier to eat animals...

What in the actual fuck, how is ANYONE taking this analogy seriously? Try eating your next meal with a spoon and a gun and let us know how that works out.


A knife allows you to more effectively break up animal flesh so that you can eat...


A gun allows you to kill an animal more effectively so that you can eat...




pro tip: capture and breed. have you heard of fences and gates? you really don't need guns to kill and eat animals. humans are intelligent enough to be able capture n breed any animal (zoos y0).


if you live alone in a shack in the american wild then maybe consider owning a gun. if you're anywhere near civilisation (especially urban and suburban ffs), no guns please...


knives however, are very fucking necessary for many purposes lol wtf


my comment was in reference to the point of the creation of guns... it does serve a more effective way of hunting animals therefore it would have been invented regardless of human violence purposes for people to go out and shoot animals. Plus it is fun to shoot guns. I have shot shotguns at those flying discs before and if you play video games at all, its kind of like that but different/more intense.


about 4-5 people have taken my post out of context because I was responding to someone who said guns were invented for the sole purpose of murdering humans. I simply don't think thats true. Same can be said about the knife. It was invented to murder animals, so humans could survive. It since has been adopted to make eating more classy. Guns have been on a similar trajectory as violence is down and most people have guns to shoot at targets and for self protection.

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lol at the idea of being sporting when defending yourself. That suggests to me a character that enjoys violence. If your well being is in danger and you can't escape or talk yourself out of it, you should do your best to end the conflict as quickly as possible. The idea of being a 'man' and brawling yourself to safety is stupid.

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Lol if you think left wing = liberal.in your case, it does. so what are you one of those closet liberals? just say it, you'll feel much better. it's OK in today's society. in fact, it seems to be favored. take this place for example. even your childish brand of liberalism- resorting to name calling, emoting, being casually dismissive of points because you can't actually come up with anything intelligent to say back at them ('lol'), etc, seems pretty common around here. if 'liberal' is such a bad word that you can't admit to being one, then why are you?


Let me be as clear as I can. Liberalism = 'nice,' reformist capitalism. Actually that's NOT the traditional definition, bit that's how it's used today, especially in the US.


I'm against capitalism and the state. You could more accurately call me a libertarian socialist, a communist or an anarchist because that's where my political convictions lie.


Liberals often mean well but they're totally misguided. They'll call for gun control in the US while cheering on or at the very least tolerating Obama's murderous foreign wars. They'll call for corporations to pay "fair tax" and buy "fair trade" products as if it makes a jot of difference when the system that makes them seem necessary is still in place.


But I've been over this like, a million times on watmm. You've noticed that I don't actually care about having a "rational debate" or whatever (another liberal fetish). Very observant. Because what's the point? Nobody changes anybody's minds here - but if I find your views offensive then sure I'll rant here and let off some steam. You're doing exactly the same.


Anyway - I'm going to stop shitting up this thread now.


Wait, you're acidphakist? Ha. It's been a while. I legitimately hope you're well, and that's not sarcasm.

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