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Alex Jones semi-regularly bends the ear of the president, but look nobody actually takes Alex Jones serious, so that's consolation, ya?


You get a bunch of people saying (e.g.) "Let's make a Muslim Database lol" and the result is an actual Muslim Database. It doesn't matter if an individual is *sincere* in his attitudes, the group acts out the attitudes regardless.

Usagi: yeah sorry I'll try to

trump recently called jones to thank him




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Rest assured,

Alex Jones is just kidding about the Jews controlling the world,

and Sam Hyde is just joking when he retweets Alex Jones,

and when the buck comes to you,

just pass it by saying "j/k lol",

and so hey nobody's actually responsible for propping up people like Alex Jones,

it's all just a big joke with no actual consequences.

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So you agree with me then spend two pages shitposting about how much you disagree with me? Wtf

No, I don't agree with you.


This was the moral of Black Mirror's "Hated in the Nation", btw: Nobody actually believes that the person they're calling for the death of should actually die, and yet they die all the same.


This isn't an SJW idea.


I think the 'common sense' notion of a human being is that first they decide their moral values, and then they act them out. That is simply not the case. Moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt has been studying this very thing for about 10 years now--he spends a lot of his spare time talking about the dangers of SJWism, btw--and what's clear is that much of the time people act however they act, and their moral ideology is simply a post-hoc rationalization for their behavior.


To be clear, I'm not calling for anything besides simply acknowledging that speech influences the world, regardless of the speaker's intentions. I'm not saying we should even do anything about it, but let's at least acknowledge it.

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Yeah, I agree

And I definitely think Sam is a funny guy

Some of his criticisms of the Left are completely valid

But he doesn't seem to actually have any criticisms of the (Alt-)Right

(Or at least none that I've been able to find)


Keanu, this isn't just one big matter of "yes or no"

I am talking about specific things


It's not as monolithic as "Do you like Sam: yes or no?"

I think he's a funny guy

But I also think that language can have unintended consequences

That is not a contradiction

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For example, here's Sam sarcastically bemoaning the "six million" [ ;^) ] Jews who died in the Holocaust:




Now, he's not *actually* disputing the "six million" figure, and neither are the people who make these jokes and enjoy these jokes, and hey this is all just a big joke, doncha see?


Just like the people who send anti-Semitic materials to Jewish journalists are just joking, jeez. There is no actual harm being done. The people impacted are merely being over-sensitive SJWs. C'mon man, lighten up.

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you should stop posting for 40 days and reassess your presence and activity on watmm.

Why on earth would I take your advice on how to behave?


Y'know, when we act cynical and sarcastic with each other,

we might consider whether we're actually trying to make the people around us have a better time or a worse time


If you had asked me that a few years ago

I would've said "of course I'm interested in making things better"

All the while looking for any excuse to be nasty and dismissive and resentful and petty and undermining

(I'm still that way but I am working on it)


Anyway, I've changed my tune on sincerity and insincerity

And their effects

I'll leave my argument on that note, I guess


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you're kind of touching on shock comedy in general here though. like when louis CK goes on SNL and jokes about how banging kids must feel pretty good..... for pedos i mean for them if youre one of them i mean! and you had people here and everywhere saying how GENIUS that is. for some reason it was super genius to say kids must feel p good. super intelligent. like the man could be making rocket ships but instead hes gracing us with brilliant jokes that expand our mind almost like how LSD and weed does. and you can't criticize it because hey that's comedy. comedy is sacred. you can SAY ANYTHING (but only if you're one of them, nobody else). just not sure you'd be as bugged about sam making a holocaust joke if he had voted on hillary.

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you should stop posting for 40 days and reassess your presence and activity on watmm.

Why on earth would I take your advice on how to behave?


Y'know, when we act cynical and sarcastic with each other,

we might consider whether we're actually trying to make the people around us have a better time or a worse time


If you had asked me that a few years ago

I would've said "of course I'm interested in making things better"

All the while looking for any excuse to be nasty and dismissive and resentful and petty and undermining

(I'm still that way but I am working on it)


Anyway, I've changed my tune on sincerity and insincerity

And their effects

I'll leave my argument on that note, I guess




You know how in stereotypical movies there is imagery of creepy people smiling way too much walking towards you?  As if they're crazy?


This is a real thing and it applies to things like this on a lesser scale too


Yeah we all know the Holocaust was bad, but if you bring it up at every moment while people are trying to have harmless fun, we'll all think you're a bit off.  We get it, we know.

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Very important note:  That is not me defending those news articles who were seriously posting those things


That's me opposing you attacking us over what they said, when we show no indication of legitimately liking those articles, apart from not openly expending energy on opposing them as strongly as you do

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Very important note: That is not me defending those news articles who were seriously posting those things


That's me opposing you attacking us over what they said, when we show no indication of legitimately liking those articles, apart from not openly expending energy on opposing them as strongly as you do

I'm not attacking anyone


And yeah I'm not that worried about people thinking I'm weird anymore

So whatever

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Very important note: That is not me defending those news articles who were seriously posting those things


That's me opposing you attacking us over what they said, when we show no indication of legitimately liking those articles, apart from not openly expending energy on opposing them as strongly as you do

I'm not attacking anyone


And yeah I'm not that worried about people thinking I'm weird anymore

So whatever



I don't think you're weird


You have 9,000 posts.  I know about people like you.  I know who you are.  It's fine



obligatory kek to lighten the mood to avoid coming across as serious because you can't be honest and genuine about anything in this world full of constant judgement so it's easier to just pretend to be judgmental to avoid another person pretending to be judgemental too from seeing you as "too soft" or "too vulnerable" or "too naive" or "too dumb".  Cynicism is an easy cover for that since it evokes feelings of insecurity or worry in the viewer, very subtly.  This is a easy cover which prevents growth as a genuine human being.  Haha just kidding about all that shit, none of it matters, I was joking lol don't be so serious.  Trust me though I wasn't (I totally was) [not] {lol totally yes though} you = [](kiosks_t numTwelb)->LOL_t{autidmLevel()}(7.30)->g_ci_nUMKEKS_GET_0


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telling limpy to shut up for saying hyde should shut up


everybody should just shut up

I'm not at all saying that Sam should shut up

That is not my point at all


In the spirit of lightness and comedy, here's a little joke:


Q: What's the best way to make a person resentful and vindictive?


A: Tell them their opinion isn't valid, that they're a bad person for holding it and that they should keep it to them-self



(It's funny 'cause it's supported by robust empirical findings)

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