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Guest Social Spastic

it's the same as any drug it's all about the quality which is hard to find, i ain't bothered with drugs for years

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the other difference between c and e is that as you go up the chain with e's, you just hit european clubber types and slightly mad chemistry types, go up the chain with charlie and you very rapidly meet some truely awful people.


aside from the occasional raver chemist making the stuff which accounts for a minuscule amount of the MDMA in the market, if you go up the chain you hit the same international organized crime cartels that control all the other drugs, MDMA is not special market-wise, just another drug that's worth money. most of it goes up to russian mafia people.

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the other difference between c and e is that as you go up the chain with e's, you just hit european clubber types and slightly mad chemistry types, go up the chain with charlie and you very rapidly meet some truely awful people.


This only goes so far, if you go far enough up the chain with mdwhatever you eventually run into the same hardened criminals as you would with cocaine.

Obtaining large amounts of precursor, glassware, setting up distribution, etc. doesn't come without a price.


Whoops, I overlooked aeser's post, but yeah.


Also; I agree with whoever said that anticipating doing more cocaine is more fun than the actual high.

Frankly I prefer crack, it's got a much better high, so might as well get your ammonia and pipe out!

Occasionally I go through a period where I do a lot of it, same goes for amphetamines, then it sort of tapers off for a while.

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Unfortunately this is the generation of uppers, modern way of life is pushing people into being all hyper and fast, its just the way it is.


Uppers can be fun and can be an effective to treat fatigue,add,narcolepsy, etc, but they also have huge side effects, but i think everyone who does uppers know about the risks they take (which i think is a risk worth taking if uppers help you live a productive life).


I've been taking adderall and ritalin for the past two years, its a love-hate relationship, but in all honesty i would rather live in the mountains and smoke weed and chill out.

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This is why drugs shouldn't be illegal. You'd have less deaths over them and people would be open about sharing their experience and getting help. People who are going to do them are going to do them anyways, expect probably shitty quality because none of it is regulated.


Fucking systems is backwards. Probably intentionally.

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Because it robs you of your boozey sleepiness you end up drinking twice as much ale, and making thrice a complete bellend of yourself. It feels awesome at the time though.

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This is why drugs shouldn't be illegal. You'd have less deaths over them and people would be open about sharing their experience and getting help. People who are going to do them are going to do them anyways, expect probably shitty quality because none of it is regulated.


Fucking systems is backwards. Probably intentionally.


If drugs were legal and, most importantly, socially accepted, there would be a lot of people who wouldn't do drugs under the actual regulation consuming drugs. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it's worth mentioning if you're gonna say that drugs shouldn't be illegal

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Everyone I know who does cocaine is either complete fucking assholes and turn into even bigger assholes when taking it or manic beyond belief.

The people I know that do it aren't necessarily arseholes but all have almost exactly the same anger management issue in day to day life - they'd be absolutely fine then out of the blue they'll suddenly hit something or shout & swear at the slightest irritation, then just as quickly go back to normal again. I probably know half a dozen people that do it and they all react the same way.
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it's fun, expensive as shit, and usually leads to some pretty depraved nights


This, I kinda miss cocaine fuelled weekends but it's bloody expensive.

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Everyone I know who does cocaine is either complete fucking assholes and turn into even bigger assholes when taking it or manic beyond belief.


So yeah, you guys have fun with that.

completely fucking agree. is drug of assholes.

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I think some people would probably freak if they knew how much shit other than coke they were snorting. Get this, the average purity of cocaine seized at the border of the UK is 63%. At the border! By the time it has been passed on a couple of times - often multiple times - before it's finally bought by the user it will be a lot lower.

i hope everyone who does this stuff is aware of this:



another thing i think is maybe just a *little bit* relevant, or *should be* is very well stated in a comment someone made on that article which i'll take the liberty to copy here:

"I'm sorry to hear people are getting cold sympotms by dirty coke, but do you understand that coke is also cut with slavery? genocide? happening right now??? Anyone who has been to Colombia knows that you cannot meet nicer, warmer people. They are being held in a state of poverty as a direct result of our hunger for blow, millions homeless and displaced. Something like 90% of all the cocaine in the world comes from Colombia. This is a country that has it's head held under water because of our taste for cocaine. I wish you could see how fucked up this is. South America is witnessing a fucking BLOODBATH horrorshow that is the direct result of that ball you're going to buy next month. "


i think it's interesting to wonder how many coke users are among the people constantly bitching about US domestic policy negatively influencing the world, slavery in our past, and all these other typical comments people make about america being fucked up. for a lot of people it seems they only care when it's convenient, or in other words- they dont really care at all.

but I have to say that I'm not the type of person who likes drugs, I always preferred cigarettes, coffee and alcohol, even tho I'm cutting them cos I abused of them too much.

is drugs.
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Guest RadarJammer

naturally cocaine/speed doesn't change who you are it just exaggerates qualities and attitudes that are present in everyone, for this reason I suggest everyone try cocaine and speed a few times so they can spot certain tendencies in themselves and others, perhaps you can catch yourself acting a certain way that reminds you of someone on coke and you will be able to stop yourself from taking it any further

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