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Anyone ever teached a class before?


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I taught a class in how to use excel for financial statistics back when I went to uni. I'm pretty anxious and insecure in social situations but stuff like this doesn't affect me at all. I guess it's the implicit realisation that you are there to teach, not to make friends or impress anyone. If the people listening to you have understood what you've tried to explain you've pretty much done your job.

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Guest Franklin

If somebody asks a question and you don't know the answer just tell them that that kind of thing is not something you're interested in.

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Guest dese manz hatin

If somebody asks a question and you don't know the answer just tell them that that kind of thing is not something you're interested in.




seriously. "that's not really my specialty, but ..." and then an educated guess.

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some advice:


-You can botch some important facts, it happens. Don't beat yourself up over it and be quick and honest in admitting you were incorrect.


-The class will go much faster than you might think. Prepare adequately.

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"taught" Wow yeah sorry about that :cerious: hate how it's in the topic title now


Thanks for the advice people. Ages probably range from 19-21 and maybe some older and younger people that are 18 or 22/23 etc.


I just need to stop worrying about it too much beforehand. Already did some exercise, I'll do some meditation tonight, it helps a lot too!


Gonna try to stay away from the beer hehehe

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You'll get over the stage fright part. I taught audio for a few years, and it was arduous at first, but after a while I didn't feel uncomfortable talking in front of people. I actually kind of like the attention now.


Oh yeah, and don't teach hung over. It fucking sucks.

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Guest Ron Manager

-The class will go much faster than you might think. Prepare adequately.


Bane of my teaching experience. It's so hard to cram everything in that you think they ought to know!


Prepare a shit load to cover. Probably wont cover that much but running out of time is better than silence.


prepare adequately, as SR4 says, but don't just prepare oodles for fear of running out of things to say. It won't happen, and you won't get to some of the critical stuff.

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yeah I find it incredibly hard to strike a balance between having easily accessible notes/outlines, and being able to fit all the relevant information in. what makes it worse is that I almost never look at notes during my lectures....it just disrupts the flow i guess....though in my student evals they actually consider that a positive.

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done it a number of times. just keep in mind that you're better than them, they're paying for your time, which is unbelievably precious, and the simple act of sharing your boundless intelligence is a miracle. tell them this, let them know how lucky they are.

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done it a number of times. just keep in mind that you're better than them, they're paying for your time, which is unbelievably precious, and the simple act of sharing your boundless intelligence is a miracle. tell them this, let them know how lucky they are.

And remember not to tell them everything you know. They will be your competitors, after all.

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make sure you announce that before the class begins. do it like this:




then write your name on the board and draw a happy face next to it

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It went pretty well, and I liked doing it. I'm thinking about asking around if there's a way to become some sort of teacher over there actually. Thanks again for all the advice.

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