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Any other group/artist with the same run of quality albums as ae?


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I'll most likely catch quite a lot of shit for this but I find Venetian Snares has fairly decent quality control if you ignore the last few releases he's done. Not every track or every album is good but it is plentiful and prolific and most of it is pretty good.




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I'll most likely catch quite a lot of shit for this but I find Venetian Snares has fairly decent quality control if you ignore the last few releases he's done. Not every track or every album is good but it is plentiful and prolific and most of it is pretty good.


I concur.

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Guest Ron Manager

bardo pond


Nice, I didn't think anyone else here was into Bardo Pond. I fucking love them. Their catalogue is so vast, I probably haven't listened to half of it... but pretty much everything I have (which is mostly their 'big label' albums, less of the self-released stuff) is very very strong. Definitely one of my favourite bands.

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Honestly i think there is no other artist(s) that followed the same route as Ae album-wise. It was really special until after Untilted. There was even a strong myth of some cutting-edge shifting with each release. Pop music inhabitants (i.e. anyone oriented on album format) don't operate this way.

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yeah this is honestly the only musical artist I can think of whose career spanned over 20 years, and put out not only consistently incredible work, but also moved the entire scope and understanding of music as an art form forward in their lifetime. That is really hard to come by. I'd say 80% of John Cage's music is unlistenable shit, but he's probably one of the 20th century's singular influences. Yeah Sonic Youth and Scientist have great strings of albums, but let's get real here, they've done NOTHING as conceptually powerful and forward thinking as what booth and brown have done since cavity job.

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Who's the second one from the top?


Scientist. There's actually quite a few dub and reggae artists I could up there, I'm quite partial to that genre though.

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Guest Aserinsky

I've pretty much never heard a bad Sun Ra album and that guy's got one of the most prolific discographies known to man... if you don't count the novelty records he was involved in during the late 50s, he had a pretty solid career.

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i think a lot of jazz artists win just because they put out so much. if you can improvise beautifully on a standard you don't need to compose nearly as much of your own work to put out an album, and that saves a lot of time.


or for that matter if you improvise for nine minutes on a track when you generally had to put out 40-50 minute albums.


so shall we say Herbie Hancock?

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i think a lot of jazz artists win just because they put out so much. if you can improvise beautifully on a standard you don't need to compose nearly as much of your own work to put out an album, and that saves a lot of time.


or for that matter if you improvise for nine minutes on a track when you generally had to put out 40-50 minute albums.


so shall we say Herbie Hancock?

no because herbie hancock has like 3 great albums and about 7-8 ones where he fell for disco hook line and sinker

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