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A real pimp


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I was looking for photos of pimp clothing for a video game project and stumbled across this dude's myspace. I ended up looking through much of his photo album, found it interesting because -


- dude is clearly a real life pimp

- most of his girls are bbw

- in some pics he's posed with tupac or a tupac look-alike (not sure which, but I found his weird wax museum poses to be strange).


I dunno, maybe this is boring, but I found it intriguing.


Some is mildly nsfwattm, but it doesn't contain any real nudity




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no, unfortunately not. As far as I can tell they look like normal guys, I suppose a greater proportion shave their heads bald. They look like (my mental image of) low-level Russian or Italian mafia, nothing particularly eye-catching. No pompadours though.

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