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people who stare


what, at you? or in general?


both really. As a kid I used to go up to people who stared and say "have you not seen humans before?" Maybe I should start doing that again.

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people who stare


what, at you? or in general?


both really. As a kid I used to go up to people who stared and say "have you not seen humans before?" Maybe I should start doing that again.


Yeah starers are dumb.

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Guest isaki

People who loudly say "awkward!". Quite frankly, it's awkward.

ohhh yes. it does not help situations at all, makes them worse. I used to have a friend that when there'd be a little silence in a group of people, he'd go "awkward silence!", then smile like a goon. it's as if he thought that would help

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Guest isaki

sorry for generalizing but I've only heard this from Americans: they say that they don't have an accent. wtf is that supposed to mean? everyone has one

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Gettin' up, doin' stuff.



Money (but I'll accept it if it's given to me).



What i don't like is that money doesn't really exist. Our whole society is built on fallacy.


I know right?? Everything is ridiculous.

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People who say they've got no money but always seem to be out, always able to buy new stuff & take the occasional holiday.


I had a friend like this. Always broke as a joke, begging for you to buy him food as his record collection grows exponentially.

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Chuck Norris jokes



fuckheads on the internet who keep going on about bacon and how great it is etc etc fuck off grow up jesus christ

also proud "gamers"


These pretty much go hand in hand. In addition, kids who think they are experts on warfare from playing CoD games, as well as overzealous Japanophiles.

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I mentioned bacon at work the other day and a manager went on about ppl going on about bacon all the time and why do ppl worship it etc. This is the first time i have mentioned bacon in conversation with him, and it's not something i have a particular fixation on in my life. The guy is a vegetarian though, so maybe i touched raw nerve. Heh, have to bring it up again then.

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Guest drukqs

Guys who religiously call their girlfriends/wives "baby" instead of their name. Like... I don't know exactly why this bothers me. Perhaps the same reason that I hate girls who call their boyfriends/husbands "daddy" or guys who call a girl they like "mama" as slang, like in songs, etc. I just hate it. Like, every time they say baby I think "You do know what a baby is, right?"






fuckheads on the internet who keep going on about bacon and how great it is etc etc fuck off grow up jesus christ
also proud "gamers"
also this
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Guest drukqs

fuckheads on the internet who keep going on about bacon and how great it is etc etc fuck off grow up jesus christ

also proud "gamers"


Its not bacon that annoys you. It's just one of this decade's many go-to copout "jokes" used by uncreative kids/teens/manchildren who are trying to impress either the opposite sex or their peers. People who can't think of their own jokes will often just give into whatever the everyone else thinks is funny. This year it's bacon, 5 years ago it was Chuck Norris, etc. Its like an acme joke or something, ready for any situation, out of the box, no creativity or sense of humor required. Fucking manchild teens screeching whatever internet joke they heard Pewdiepie or some other talentless fuckwad on the internet say. "LOL RANDOMNESSZSQ!1111!1"
Am I making any sense?
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fuckheads on the internet who keep going on about bacon and how great it is etc etc fuck off grow up jesus christ

also proud "gamers"


Its not bacon that annoys you. It's just one of this decade's many go-to copout "jokes" used by uncreative kids/teens/manchildren who are trying to impress either the opposite sex or their peers. People who can't think of their own jokes will often just give into whatever the everyone else thinks is funny. This year it's bacon, 5 years ago it was Chuck Norris, etc. Its like an acme joke or something, ready for any situation, out of the box, no creativity or sense of humor required. Fucking manchild teens screeching whatever internet joke they heard Pewdiepie or some other talentless fuckwad on the internet say. "LOL RANDOMNESSZSQ!1111!1"
Am I making any sense?

it used to be cheese. and llamas.


now we have narwals and bacon.

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I just had some black forest bacon baked in an oven. It reignighted my love for bacon in ways I never could have imagined. Pigs are made by gods.

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I bought SO MUCH bacon almost a year ago from Costco (bulk-food store), but my girlfriend became vegetarian the following week or day, so rather than take a huge package out to thaw and rot before i can eat it all, I've just left it in the freezer all year. I guess i could thaw a package, separate some of it, then refreeze the rest. Isn't refreezing raw meat a no-no? Seems like it shouldn't matter unless you leave it thawed for a long time, then refreeze. But i swear there's some food safe rule that says not to refreeze raw meat ever. Anyway, any time someone mentions bacon I'm just reminded of that.

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fuckheads on the internet who keep going on about bacon and how great it is etc etc fuck off grow up jesus christ

also proud "gamers"


Its not bacon that annoys you. It's just one of this decade's many go-to copout "jokes" used by uncreative kids/teens/manchildren who are trying to impress either the opposite sex or their peers. People who can't think of their own jokes will often just give into whatever the everyone else thinks is funny. This year it's bacon, 5 years ago it was Chuck Norris, etc. Its like an acme joke or something, ready for any situation, out of the box, no creativity or sense of humor required. Fucking manchild teens screeching whatever internet joke they heard Pewdiepie or some other talentless fuckwad on the internet say. "LOL RANDOMNESSZSQ!1111!1"
Am I making any sense?

yeah i get u, i like bacon myself but just find it so strange that ppl go on about it as if its really special (especially yanks who have shit bacon in everyones opinion). i think its also because bacon has some connection with manlyness and epic meal time and all that shit BACON BACON BACON bacon roses bacon flavoured lube etc.

also i hate this modern masculism culture

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Car entusiasts


Sugary alcoholic beverages

Friends (the tv series)

Boondock Saints, worst movie ever made

Beyonce, or any other RnB diva that resembles her


I am grumpy tonight

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Guest RadarJammer

people who frequently use a fire place in a crowded neighborhood so the smoke hangs in the air and creeps into everyone's open windows. I would infinitely rather have fresh air than a warm house. fire places should only be used in isolated homes far away from neighbors or in emergency conditions.


after a hot shower there is nothing better than opening the windows to let in the cold refreshing air but often times I am met with cold toxic fumes instead.

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