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I think I get Oversteps now.


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Guest Remoteviewing

It seems to be as sure as the law of gravity. An Autechre album is only to be "got" when the next one arrives. It's like a painting that slowly unravels itself.

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y7 is a more complex m62. m62 is so dancey though i can't put either track ahead.


i will need to relisten to oversteps/mot. it's not that i didn't *get* it, it's that it was underwhelming for me. those noodly synth lines are interesting in theory, but they gain a sort of annoying repetition with their extensive use. plus the beats simply aren't there.


even prac-f, which i like but don't love, is worlds better than any beat in oversteps/mot. they had interesting beats (ilanders, os veix3, opener/closer of mot), but nothing that made me jizz my pants like the first time i heard spl9.


st epreo is definitely on par with exai stuff

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Guest disoriental express

oversteps reminds one of ancient greece mixed with palaces of the mind. an alcove in some pale alley waiting for the shade to hit.

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i really like oversteps. it is a lot warmer than quaristice overall.



best Move Of Ten song is nth dafuseder B!


I liked that track as well, along with y7 and no border. Since I'm still very much in Exai mode though, it might be a while before I listen to Quaristice, Oversteps, or Mo10 again.

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Guest pixelives

Beats aren't everything, kids. Sorry but it's true. The melodies took over the rhythmic structure and that is why it was such a leap forward.


Obsessing over Ae beats is as bad as asking "where's the droppp?"

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just hopped in to say cep puiqMX was an obvious highlight and had everything wonderful about ae beats AND ambience we could have asked for.

As for getting oversteps post- new album, I definitely see it from a new perspective, but I loved it when it was new too.

What Exai has really given me is perspective on Ts1a. Didn't care much for the track when it came out but now I love it and think it fits right in among the new material.

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cant we just admit they both suck pretty badly?


What, Exai and Oversteps?


Exai is the better of the two i.m.o. Oversteps is kind of mediocre for Autechre, but there's plenty of music out there that sucks way worse than the worst Autechre.

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yeah I probably like Oversteps and Exai equally, for quite different reasons


Oversteps is just a lovely album with a brilliant melodic approach (not sure of how much of it was "by design" and how much they achieved by "pressing buttons and whatnot, then selecting the best variations", but regardless the end result is fresh and wonderful). However I think it falls apart a bit in the latter half (is overlong with a few duds). Exai has amazingly immersive sound design (pure aural sex for me), but on a track-by-track basis there are few standouts.


One thing that's interesting, is I've aged right along with idm. These guys aren't at a much different age than I, so I think I really respond to the slower, more melodic and less serious sound they've grown into. If I was still a young pissant, I'm sure I'd think they "lost the plot" after Draft (or possibly Untilted). I would have been all "I need more emotionally stunning tracks like Rae and Drane2" and now I'm more "I'm senile and that sounds cool and trippy to me!" Second childhood, yay.

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Beats aren't everything, kids. Sorry but it's true. The melodies took over the rhythmic structure and that is why it was such a leap forward.


Obsessing over Ae beats is as bad as asking "where's the droppp?"


sorry dad. i happen to really like complex repetitive rhythmic structure (OMG BEETZ) and don't take so much to the fleeting, heavily arpeggiated (i would lol if rob really played all those), fmsynth-covered oversteps.


what do you mean by "leap forward"? i would say oversteps/mot is them emphasizing ae-brand melody through a newly devised system, rather than melody "taking over". the beats are still there, but just about all are just not as relentless and unforgiving as my tastes.


interesting take on that lumpy. i think there is some truth to it. i was scared that ae were losing their balls with oversteps. the live oversteps shows seemed a bit forced to me, like they were trying to prove they still *had* it. i think now that oversteps live sets were just them fucking about with their system.


exai is showing that they are either incorporating old elements into their oversteps setup and/or getting more skilled at working with their new shit (likely both). the thing i love about exai, even though i realized i don't love about half of the tracks, is it sounds creative and innovative, and i jizzed my pants just like when i heard older ae albums for the first time.


so ultimately i don't think ae are senile and just going for trippy sounds just yet, but clearly they seem a little tired of brutally repetitive tracks like clipper, pen expers, lcc, sublimit

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Your avatar is scary aswell with an essence of Alan Carr square jawed androgyness ughness on a night out with Gazza.

And yeah, y7 was the best thing about MoT.

it's not me fyi

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MoT and Oversteps were both quality albums. Oversteps was very soupy and loose fitting which was a good style for it although I find I'm less often in the mood to listen to something like that. I wouldn't say it's any worse than other Ae, but I don't listen to it as often and I imagine that will continue.


MoT has more beats scattered around which I like, and really the only track on there that I'm not quite fond of is no border, but it's still pretty decent.



Also, dude has a hilarious Autechregasm in this set at around 10:40 when things get really glitchy.



cant we just admit they both suck pretty badly?


haha your avatar




1hr 0min & 20 secs of this:


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Oversteps was round smoothe and bendy. circles and bubbles & spraycans


Exai is square spiky and angular whilst still seeming to retain some underlying Oversteppy flavours

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