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stupid first world achievements and successes


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a pair of jbl speakers for free. a guy a half a block away had like 6or 7 pairs that he acquired from his father. he was giving all of them away because he had no use for them and he said that he'd only be able to get a few bucks for them anyway. i gladly took them. he had amps too but he said he could make money off those; nice 70's looking equipment.





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Sent my bachelor's thesis to the seminar. Next week will present it and then I can start to finalize it. I might actually be 90% done and finally get my BA. A few weeks ago it seemed like it was unattainable. Question is, do I have the energy and will to continue to get an MA?

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congrats man! a BA thesis can be really atrocious thing to make. the MA usually is a lot more challenging. The question isn't so much if you want to, but if you need to. Can you find something you like to do with your current level of education?


my achievement is pretty minor, but also pretty big (for me). I got a bag of crisps on sunday & there is still some left! usually (like basically always) i would chomp down a bag of crisps in one evening. the fact that i've been able to take some & put it away for later use is a pretty big deal.


fuck you, capitalistic obesity!

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The only perk I would have with just a BA is that I wouldn't need to accept just any work offered by the employment office. Getting a MA would be a shinier version of that and a possibility for some post-grad work at the university, if there is any. Writing isn't easy for me and I don't feel confident in my abilities to understand and apply the various theories and methodologies in my field to go do something like a MA. The field is interesting and I like to read what other the scholars write about it, but reading their stuff seems like it's a shit ton of work. They all be dropping names like crazy and referencing to a million different studies and blah blah. My knowledge is basically that I recognize the names and the field they've established themselves and maybe the basics of their theories, but not much more. I am not that into the subject to get that involved in it. I might think of a subject that is interesting, but to then try to fit it in some pre-existing theories and methodologies is where I get lost and lose interest. And to try to create something new...again not confident in my capacity and abilities.

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a pair of jbl speakers for free. a guy a half a block away had like 6or 7 pairs that he acquired from his father. he was giving all of them away because he had no use for them and he said that he'd only be able to get a few bucks for them anyway. i gladly took them. he had amps too but he said he could make money off those; nice 70's looking equipment.





I don't recognize the model pictured, what are they? I'm a huge fan of vintage JBL and Cerwin (the new stuff is pretty trash IMO) for their "cost:piss off the neighbours because they pound ratio" lol.


I have a pair of L100T myself, great speakers. Good find man.

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a pair of jbl speakers for free. a guy a half a block away had like 6or 7 pairs that he acquired from his father. he was giving all of them away because he had no use for them and he said that he'd only be able to get a few bucks for them anyway. i gladly took them. he had amps too but he said he could make money off those; nice 70's looking equipment.





I don't recognize the model pictured, what are they? I'm a huge fan of vintage JBL and Cerwin (the new stuff is pretty trash IMO) for their "cost:piss off the neighbours because they pound ratio" lol.


I have a pair of L100T myself, great speakers. Good find man.



902 vx. supposedly they are pretty average as far as i can see.. oh well

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cool story, i just visited my parents neighbours house and he took me to his attic/loft. i was amazed. top of the line everything/amps , cd players... 100's of records, designer chairs all of the place and the best part, these two speakers that looked like monoliths. probably at last 5 feet tall and wide but very shallow depth. he put on a jazz cd and i could here details i've never heard before: the breath of the singer, the touch of the sticks hitting the the drums, i was amazed.

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I got my tax return. Wooooooo


cool story, i just visited my parents neighbours house and he took me to his attic/loft. i was amazed. top of the line everything/amps , cd players... 100's of records, designer chairs all of the place and the best part, these two speakers that looked like monoliths. probably at last 5 feet tall and wide but very shallow depth. he put on a jazz cd and i could here details i've never heard before: the breath of the singer, the touch of the sticks hitting the the drums, i was amazed.


I also discovered this when going through my parents and grandparents old audio gear. Real old analog and digital hi-fi gear is really lush. I still use the amp and speakers from this insane German system my dad got in the late 70's for listening to music whenever I'm up there. I prefer it to my monitors for finished mixes. Wish I had room for it in my place. Don't know why I like the sound so much though... maybe it's the room too?


Side-note :: I always loved the 'bass boost' on boom boxes back in the day. A lovely +15db to 150hz and below that spat out some mud that made your non-subbed speaker system sound like it had some bass lol. I mastered a few tracks I made on an old 8 track through my old Sony boom-box/tape decks. Hit the bassboost and started recording haha it just turned out so garbage and warm - if I ever had the autistic urge to sample through it, it'd do some cool BOC style signal-warming.

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I see this as a first world achievement and success. kanye, 50 million in debt (and it's not a brain cell deficit he's talking about).





He's probably trying to get pity money sales for his new fashion line. Either that, or those ripping him off have finally sucked about as much out of him as they can and now they're cutting him loose.

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First time whipping up a batch of fried pickles. Used ranch dressing as dipping sauce. Overall result: Success.

Might consider adding egg and panko to the fry batter next time tho.

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I see this as a first world achievement and success. kanye, 50 million in debt (and it's not a brain cell deficit he's talking about).





He's probably trying to get pity money sales for his new fashion line. Either that, or those ripping him off have finally sucked about as much out of him as they can and now they're cutting him loose.


Some speculate that since he was blackballed by the small handful of textile manufacturers in the world before launching his clothing line, it cost him everything out of his pocket. Most celebrity clothing lines are just endorsements where they have very little input into products, but Kanye being the control freak that he is...


Now you know why one of his sweatshirts costs over 1000 bucks.

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1000 !! Not even something for the little people to buy into. Kudos, building the product all in house though, if that's the going conspiracy as to why he's now screwed. Not so kudos for allowing his money to be wasted so ludicrously (that house, the moron he married), he's surely no businessman.

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I haven't soldered anything in about 15 years, but managed to put together a bus adapter at work when I needed one and the usual electronics guys were busy. It also has easy access connectors for a logic analyzer or an oscilloscope. Whii.

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I finally heard back from Sweetwater's repair department after sending in an Apogee Duet 2 that was dead on arrival. They tried to charge me $95 for repair plus shipping, but I explained my situation more thoroughly and they decided to cover it.


I'm glad to not have to spend another $650 on this goddamn thing.

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Life is awesome.

My girlfriend and our two cats are awesome.

I've started obsessively making choons again.

My new Babyface Pro is awesome.

As is my new Eastman archtop.

Yay life!

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I farted.

Is it cause it's not a shart that it's a FWS?



dudes , question of the day time: who has sharted in public? i have not

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