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I've sharted maybe once or twice, when I was little. I don't understand how adults have this problem.


well the whole thing is that it feels like a fart.


i'm sure joyrex could tell us a story...

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I've sharted maybe once or twice, when I was little. I don't understand how adults have this problem.

A combination of excessive coffee and dairy consumption might be a factor. Or too much Mexican food.

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yeah but I mean, I have never had a situation where a fart arrived at the exit point and I could not determine whether it was 100% gas or if there was more substance to it. you simply clench and loosen very carefully and as you let it out you arrive at a point where you can tell there is solid to it, and then you tighten again to contain it. if you simply loosen all the way you'll get caught out. don't be a dummy.

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I view that less as an accident which has resulted from a momentary misjudgement, and more as an inexorable tragedy that is beyond your control.

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It was a Wednesday night. I had been vegan for a year. I chose to start eating eggs again, and my stomach disagreed. When I showed up to the bar to meet my date, and sat on the bar stool. That's when I knew.


This pair of underwear was going in the trash.


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It was a Wednesday night. I had been vegan for a year. I chose to start eating eggs again, and my stomach disagreed. When I showed up to the bar to meet my date, and sat on the bar stool. That's when I knew.


This pair of underwear was going in the trash.


Sounds too much like a film noir to be believed. But if it's true, congrats.


I've been avoiding eggs anyway, just because of their overall tendency to stink.

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lol @ Usagi's shart wisdom. There's a man who's been around the block a few times.


FWS: landed myself a funded PhD in law/legal theory/ Foucault-y stuff which basically has me covered, money and lifestyle-wise, for the next 3 years. It's a big step up from the shitty bar work I've been doing for the last year or so, I'm chuffed to bits. I don't spend a huge amount of money in the normal run of things so I'll be able to live fairly comfortably, pay the rent, and put a wee bit away for future times. I'm fairly academic by nature so it's pretty much a dream position for me right now, well pleased.

Edited by Leon Sumbitches
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It was a Wednesday night. I had been vegan for a year. I chose to start eating eggs again, and my stomach disagreed. When I showed up to the bar to meet my date, and sat on the bar stool. That's when I knew.


This pair of underwear was going in the trash.


Sounds too much like a film noir to be believed. But if it's true, congrats.


I've been avoiding eggs anyway, just because of their overall tendency to stink.




It happened, man. It was the first time I knew that I could no longer trust my farts. They are no longer my friends.


edit: Also, play this track while you read the post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LZ12RGcU1U&list=PLSQ0NMJmzsk_MFWf9o0BicvU4ExVn2roP

Edited by Braintree
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lol @ Usagi's shart wisdom. There's a man who's been around the block a few times.


FWS: landed myself a funded PhD in law/legal theory/ Foucault-y stuff which basically has me covered, money and lifestyle-wise, for the next 3 years. It's a big step up from the shitty bar work I've been doing for the last year or so, I'm chuffed to bits. I don't spend a huge amount of money in the normal run of things so I'll be able to live fairly comfortably, pay the rent, and put a wee bit away for future times. I'm fairly academic by nature so it's pretty much a dream position for me right now, well pleased.


Congrats Sumbitches!!!

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wow. Let the commute begin. Although in your metal bubble you can listen to music in long form, like whole albums an stuff, as it whisks you to your little fortress from the gay of the human earth.

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lol @ Usagi's shart wisdom. There's a man who's been around the block a few times.


FWS: landed myself a funded PhD in law/legal theory/ Foucault-y stuff which basically has me covered, money and lifestyle-wise, for the next 3 years. It's a big step up from the shitty bar work I've been doing for the last year or so, I'm chuffed to bits. I don't spend a huge amount of money in the normal run of things so I'll be able to live fairly comfortably, pay the rent, and put a wee bit away for future times. I'm fairly academic by nature so it's pretty much a dream position for me right now, well pleased.


niccce .. [-; ultimate bludge position. I should do something like that, i like reading and writing bullshit, probably not as well as you. so congrats man.


/ and for heavens sake don't see my post as a diSs, you're in law, you're above that muddled emotional child think, somewhat. [-;

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I debuted a new project with a new collaborator live last night for this Twin Peaks themed show, and it went over extremely well. Felt really good about the performance, played to a full house, people seemed to love it. After more than 5 years of struggling to get my band any following whatsoever, it's pretty nice to have another project get so much positive attention right out of the gate. We've already been accepted into a festival that pays a NICE chunk of money (like double anything I've ever made before performing music), we've got a mini-tour booked, and there seems to be a lot more on the horizon.


Also, I'm finally taking Zephyr Nova to the stage next month, something that's long overdue. Vancouver watmmers, I'm coming for you.

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I debuted a new project with a new collaborator live last night for this Twin Peaks themed show, and it went over extremely well. Felt really good about the performance, played to a full house, people seemed to love it. After more than 5 years of struggling to get my band any following whatsoever, it's pretty nice to have another project get so much positive attention right out of the gate. We've already been accepted into a festival that pays a NICE chunk of money (like double anything I've ever made before performing music), we've got a mini-tour booked, and there seems to be a lot more on the horizon.


Also, I'm finally taking Zephyr Nova to the stage next month, something that's long overdue. Vancouver watmmers, I'm coming for you.

You taking the low road, hrmm, cough cough, I mean the edm road. [-;

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Haha no no. This is like the antiEDM project, save for the fact that it will have an audience. I mean, that was a thing before EDM so it's cool.

Well done man. I hope the momentum keeps up, booking gigs, social media, etc.

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