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Wake Up, America

syd syside

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nice to see you at least show your true colors Lain.


not surprised the UK Watmmers are whining again, and in increasing numbers.



UKer's really do love going out of their way by acting offended on behalf of the other billion+ people while posting irrelevant filth in what is supposed to be a serious thread. Maybe its a sign that this thread needs to be directed even more towards the Americans, the Revolutionaries (the US, to whom you lost the war the last time you didn't leave us alone cause of your religiously fanatical stone aged bullshit).


But don't be worried. I don't mind that you continue to carelessly apply yourself to a discussion when there's something slightly "incorrect". So that you can claim moral high ground and slander away arguments as "suspiciously motivated." It doesn't bother me because its ultimately not an argument. It's more like a nagging spell checker, like that paper clip character on Microsoft word. That thing doesn't help you, but hey at least it tells you about how much it cares about making this process as easy and sensible as possible.

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Guest Iain C

nice to see you at least show your true colors Lain.


not surprised the UK Watmmers are whining again, and in increasing numbers.




UKer's really do love going out of their way by acting offended on behalf of the other billion+ people while posting irrelevant filth to in what is supposed to be a serious discussion directed towards Americans (whom you lost to the last time you didn't leave us alone cause of your religiously fanatical stone aged bullshit).


But don't be worried. I don't mind that you continue to carelessly apply yourself to a discussion when there's something slightly "incorrect". So that you can claim moral high ground and slander away arguments as "suspiciously motivated."


Get real.

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