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Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest


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I try to respect everyone's opinions when it comes to music, but if you don't like this, you're wrong and have bad taste in music. Just stating facts.


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Guest trananhhung


I try to respect everyone's opinions when it comes to music, but if you don't like this, you're wrong and have bad taste in music. Just stating facts.


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I try to respect everyone's opinions when it comes to music, but if you don't like this, you're wrong and have bad taste in music. Just stating facts.


I can confirm this post 100% factual correct.



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Guest jasondonervan




I try to respect everyone's opinions when it comes to music, but if you don't like this, you're wrong and have bad taste in music. Just stating facts.


I can confirm this post 100% factual correct.



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Guest trananhhung





I try to respect everyone's opinions when it comes to music, but if you don't like this, you're wrong and have bad taste in music. Just stating facts.


I can confirm this post 100% factual correct.



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Yeah that's sort of what I meant, too, I guess. I'm sure the long gap between TH and their last release before that does influence my reception of the album a bit ... which it shouldn't. Maybe if this was released some two years after Campfire Headphase, I'd be thinking "Aaah, nice, the bro's are still experimenting! Perhaps not 100% my thing but they've got a promising future ahead of them!" instead of "Really, THAT'S where they ended up? I think I liked the older style better..."


I'm trying to rid myself of that whole OMG IT'S BOC-expectation-thing and just listen to the album for what it is ... and I think there's a good number of tracks on there, had I heard them not knowing that it was in fact BoC, I might not even have linked it to them. Telepath is a vintage BoC-track, but White Cyclosa (which is one of my favorites, actually!) I might never have linked to them. Which is fine, really.


The only "problematic" aspect of the album, imo, are tracks like Cold Earth - those are instant-like-tracks that have the trademark BoC-signature, very much in the same spirit as Sunshine Recorder or 1969 (you know, tracks that could have been on a single) - yet it's these tracks that feel like they 'lack' something, I guess it's the soul and vividness of their familiar output. They sound so cleanly produced, and it can't be just down to less compressor or tape hiss or whatever (I'm not familiar with these terms). When I listen to Cold Earth, I'm like "Oh yeah guys, this is pretty lush alright, I can hop around to that, and oooh here come the voice-bits, it's proper BoC I guess!" But there's something it's missing. Skeletal is a good adjective to describe these tracks, I guess. They're everything but bad, yet they feel like they have either not worked on them as meticulously as they have on Geogaddi and associates, OR they have twiddled the knobs for too long, trying to squeeze yet another detail in there, ultimately resulting in a track that sounds rather blunt to most people, including myself.


Wow that sounds much more harsh than it should. It's a great album, still, but these were a few negative things I thought I noticed. There's a very distinct possibility that it will 'click' with me at some point though, making me ashamed of what I just wrote! It took me 6 years to get LP5, so I'm not that worried.






^ wow guess I needed to get that out of my system - after posting this, I had a new approach with the album and the majority of my criticism has evaporated into thin air, really.

I guess being swamped with overwhelmingly positive reviews all day long made me feel like I wasn't 'allowed' to dislike anything about the album without coming along like a total dick. Now that I stopped giving many shits about how much of a dick I am, it's starting to grow on me rather quickly (or it was just the number of plays that were needed, who cares)

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I don't know if anybody agrees with this, but I'd say this is BoC's most proggy album, quite a Tangerine Dream influence in the shorter linking tracks and the sequencing particularly. A bit of a Berlin school influence, I'd say.


I think the album is a total killer. For me it's their most consistent album, nothing I really dislike (unlike all the other releases where I've tended to dislike the odd piece) and particularly the second half of the album it's monumental tracks one after the other.


My favourites are:-


1. Come To Dust

2. Sundown

3. Split Your Infinities

4. Cold Earth

5. Semena Mertvykh


Just don't keep us waiting as long next time guys :wink:.

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I don't know if anybody agrees with this, but I'd say this is BoC's most proggy album, quite a Tangerine Dream influence in the shorter linking tracks and the sequencing particularly. A bit of a Berlin school influence, I'd say.


Yep, I've seen a few others say this as well, totally agree, about the krautrock influence. Several weeks of listening opinion now: great album. A few tracks I kind of skip, but other than that, quite like it.

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This album just keep and keep getting better.


At this rate, it might become the best album I've ever heard.



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tried some salvia and 3hours(!) later i was still feeling the trip and i put on tomorrow's harvest, i could feel the full force of this album, beautifull and frightening

it stands on his own, to me it's the best one they made together with geogaddi

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Never thought I'd see the day when Boards would become mainstream enough for Rolling Stone Magazine.




A new low, in my opinion.



Way to go, Fumi. You've been quoted and read to BOC in a new interview (Il Mucchio, July-August 2013):



I could not resist the temptation to take a look to the forum We Are The Music Makers, one of the bastions of the IDM and your fan base more intransigent. One of the funniest commented acidly the appearance of "Rolling Stone" American article - however actually written so bad and stupid - about you: "I never thought that Boards Of Canada would become so mainstream that you can end up on ' Rolling Stone '. A new low point, if you want to know my opinion. " In short, ending up in the mainstream media can hurt you? And it makes sense to be so jealous of music and groups who are in love?
MARCUS: Put it this way, both we'll never be the Genesis or U2 or something. Never. That said, I can also understand the spirit in which certain things are written or thought, but in general I believe that hating something just because this same thing is loved by others is a fairly insane to deal with life ...
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Never thought I'd see the day when Boards would become mainstream enough for Rolling Stone Magazine.




A new low, in my opinion.



Way to go, Fumi. You've been quoted and read to BOC in a new interview (Il Mucchio, July-August 2013):



I could not resist the temptation to take a look to the forum We Are The Music Makers, one of the bastions of the IDM and your fan base more intransigent. One of the funniest commented acidly the appearance of "Rolling Stone" American article - however actually written so bad and stupid - about you: "I never thought that Boards Of Canada would become so mainstream that you can end up on ' Rolling Stone '. A new low point, if you want to know my opinion. " In short, ending up in the mainstream media can hurt you? And it makes sense to be so jealous of music and groups who are in love?
MARCUS: Put it this way, both we'll never be the Genesis or U2 or something. Never. That said, I can also understand the spirit in which certain things are written or thought, but in general I believe that hating something just because this same thing is loved by others is a fairly insane to deal with life ...






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