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Anyone interested in a WATMM night in London? (Update: Meet on 20th June)


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yes yes. The last organised event was trashbear up north, i was meant to go but couldnt get out of work on time to catch my train. London would be well easier for me. Can probably help suggest some central pub with backroom venues if required.

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how about all you bitches fly to Sydney so I have someone to see Africa Hitech, Sepalcure, Jimmy Edgar and Jon Convex with at Vivid this year? we can get really fucked up on charcoal chicken, argileh and chai.


You're paying though, right?

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Guest Iain C

Do you mean a meet up or putting on an event?


Didn't promo put on a night that a load of wattmites turned up to?


If "Gary C, Iain C and Idiron" counts as loads of WATMMers. Maybe there were a few others there, Solo Strike perhaps? That was in Brixton in 2007 and anyway, it was a disaster.


As to a general meetup, I'm kind of wary. I've met tons of WATMMers and I'd happily meet more, but not necessarily at a free-for-all. Cause then Obel might show up and ruin the party.

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Yeah I'd advise against posting the location on this thread, because I can't guarantee anybody's safety.

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Do you mean a meet up or putting on an event?


Didn't promo put on a night that a load of wattmites turned up to?




If "Gary C, Iain C and Idiron" counts as loads of WATMMers. Maybe there were a few others there, Solo Strike perhaps? That was in Brixton in 2007 and anyway, it was a disaster. 


As to a general meetup, I'm kind of wary. I've met tons of WATMMers and I'd happily meet more, but not necessarily at a free-for-all. Cause then Obel might show up and ruin the party. 

Hey, I was there...was meant to be playing a set, didn't happen.


Would like to attend and play a proper watmm London event though...


Edit: Friday 14th is good for me!


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Do you mean a meet up or putting on an event?


Didn't promo put on a night that a load of wattmites turned up to?


If "Gary C, Iain C and Idiron" counts as loads of WATMMers. Maybe there were a few others there, Solo Strike perhaps? That was in Brixton in 2007 and anyway, it was a disaster.


As to a general meetup, I'm kind of wary. I've met tons of WATMMers and I'd happily meet more, but not necessarily at a free-for-all. Cause then Obel might show up and ruin the party.


Hey, I was there...was meant to be playing a set, didn't happen.


Would like to attend and play a proper watmm London event though...


how was the night a disaster? complete emptiness?

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An arsehole of watmmites? Sounds biblical.





Do you mean a meet up or putting on an event?


Didn't promo put on a night that a load of wattmites turned up to?


If "Gary C, Iain C and Idiron" counts as loads of WATMMers. Maybe there were a few others there, Solo Strike perhaps? That was in Brixton in 2007 and anyway, it was a disaster.


As to a general meetup, I'm kind of wary. I've met tons of WATMMers and I'd happily meet more, but not necessarily at a free-for-all. Cause then Obel might show up and ruin the party.


Hey, I was there...was meant to be playing a set, didn't happen.


Would like to attend and play a proper watmm London event though...


how was the night a disaster? complete emptiness?



Haha, I suspect the fact it was run by Promo might have had something to do with it.

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Do you mean a meet up or putting on an event?




Didn't promo put on a night that a load of wattmites turned up to?






If "Gary C, Iain C and Idiron" counts as loads of WATMMers. Maybe there were a few others there, Solo Strike perhaps? That was in Brixton in 2007 and anyway, it was a disaster. 




As to a general meetup, I'm kind of wary. I've met tons of WATMMers and I'd happily meet more, but not necessarily at a free-for-all. Cause then Obel might show up and ruin the party. 



Hey, I was there...was meant to be playing a set, didn't happen.



Would like to attend and play a proper watmm London event though...




how was the night a disaster? complete emptiness?
Organised and run badly, numerous sound issues, a lot of twats "hogging" the stage area and not letting other acts play their sets, no "promoter" on hand to assist as had buggered off when things started going pear shaped.


I just end up doing a load of crack in the toilets with a large black gentleman.


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i think if theres one thing that this forum has proven, its that not only is nothing truely IDM, including IDM, no-one can ever agree on what is even IDM about not being IDM.

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Oto has more in common with IDM than any place in London I know (experimental, bordering on noisy, often with DIY instruments, often electronics, for instance this Sunday, mostly improvised/avant/new music, Kernel and other good beers).


But I'm more than curious about IDM-proven places in this beautiful town.

Let's hear about them!

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