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New consoles/E3 2013 thread


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Guest Donkey Rhubarb

I game on pc. I can be a bit anal when it comes to having games look their best so i go for downsampling and all that jizz which does involve a bit of legwork. There are a lot of shitty ports from consoles but id still rather play em in high resolution on my pc than via xbox or playstation. Also depends on the situation. I use my pc a lot so its just easier.


Whats pisses me off a bit is the new fifa 14 uses this new ea ignite engine and its only being used for the new consoles trying to force you into buying one. So pc gamers get shafted again like before. How hard can it be as theyre using a pc to develop the game? I dont know if many guys here play fifa on pc? I use a few gameplay mods to slow the game down so it's not like playing fucking pinball.


As for the new consoles im not that impressed with either of them tbh. XBone have gone the multipurpose route with all the bells n whistles. seriously dont give 2 shits about tv.


As for the ps4, its got better ram that everyone keeps bringing up. Seems to be more about the games.


Just release GTA V on pc sometime this year and i'll happily play that till next xmas n decide if i want one or the other.

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My point was that the vast majority of PC gamers probably are 1080P/30/60fps gaming, and the "enthusiast" gamers who typically buy $300 plus graphics cards are the minority.



it's always interesting to have a look through these every once in a while. indeed, the majority of gamers are running at 1920x1080. but when you start using these high end cards, your fps dropping under 80 is a sign of something being seriously wrong.


I really like you - you always try and offer a fair, objective opinion, and back it up with facts. Thanks for that, nice to know my assumption was well-founded.




Seriously? anything less than 80fps is "seriously wrong"? Sure, I wish most console games ran at 60fps (I got hooked on frame rate way back with CoD4), but I also understand the hardware wasn't made to do it. Also, some games don't matter. For me, it's resolution - I really hate 720P games, and would prefer everything in 1080P. This generation of consoles will finally achieve that as a norm, although the 60fps is still probably going to be the exception rather than the standard. I just don't see the need for anything above 60fps when supposedly your eyes can't tell the difference anyways.


The people saying tinkering to get games to work on PC, are yall still assuming PC's are still using DOS prompts to take commands?


That has to be the sorriest excuse to avoid PC gaming ever. With steam, you get way better deals, and can play your games on any PC with an internet connection across the globe with the complicated process of click to download and click to run.


The best reasons I've heard to use Consoles, is cause they like to use a controller, cost and exclusives. However, you can use console controllers on PC with any game you want and thanks to consoles most low end / medium low budget PC's can run any console game you want with the added benefit of extra graphic settings/tweaks to make it stand out on the PC.

Exclusives are the only reason I got a console, exclusives and my friends. But my friends have since last year all moved to awesome PC's and we have been using google hangout. I've told them, welcome to modern gaming. Consoles are just trying to be more like PC's every year since the first generation of them, why not have a PC now and skip spending $300-$600 a year for a new console. Also, Pirate bay.

300/600 a year? Erm, the PS3 came out in 2006... it's been 7 years since I had to last buy a console. How many times have you upgraded your video card/RAM in your PC to play the latest PC game?


And you mention Pirate Bay... well, that's why PC game makers hardly come out with new titles (in comparison to console titles) - there's little incentive since they get pirated so easily.


Lastly: Here's some food for thought - what was the last big selling PC game (besides World of WarCrap)? Did it's sales figures come close to some of console gaming's big franchises? And let's keep it to a full retail title, not some "freemimum" model where the game is free, but you have to buy virtual crap to enjoy the game.

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My point was that the vast majority of PC gamers probably are 1080P/30/60fps gaming, and the "enthusiast" gamers who typically buy $300 plus graphics cards are the minority.



it's always interesting to have a look through these every once in a while. indeed, the majority of gamers are running at 1920x1080. but when you start using these high end cards, your fps dropping under 80 is a sign of something being seriously wrong.

I really like you - you always try and offer a fair, objective opinion, and back it up with facts. Thanks for that, nice to know my assumption was well-founded.




Seriously? anything less than 80fps is "seriously wrong"? Sure, I wish most console games ran at 60fps (I got hooked on frame rate way back with CoD4), but I also understand the hardware wasn't made to do it. Also, some games don't matter. For me, it's resolution - I really hate 720P games, and would prefer everything in 1080P. This generation of consoles will finally achieve that as a norm, although the 60fps is still probably going to be the exception rather than the standard. I just don't see the need for anything above 60fps when supposedly your eyes can't tell the difference anyways.

I think you should reread what I said:


"when you start using THESE HIGH END CARDS..."


also you can tell the difference


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Diablo 3 has been sold 12 million copies. That's more than best-selling console exclusives like GT5 (10m), Halo 3 (8m), Uncharted 3 (3.8m), God of War III (5m) etc.

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Diablo 3 has been sold 12 million copies. That's more than best-selling console exclusives like GT5 (10m), Halo 3 (8m), Uncharted 3 (3.8m), God of War III (5m) etc.

Ah, yes, Diablo 3 - which is coming out on PS3/360/XBone/PS4 :cisfor:


Any PC-exclusives (one could argue, for now, Diablo 3 is a PC-exclusive)? Not trolling, genuinely curious, since all the console big sellers you mentioned are all console exclusives (even exclusive to their own respective consoles)...

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Diablo 3 has been sold 12 million copies. That's more than best-selling console exclusives like GT5 (10m), Halo 3 (8m), Uncharted 3 (3.8m), God of War III (5m) etc.

Ah, yes, Diablo 3 - which is coming out on PS3/360/XBone/PS4 :cisfor:


Any PC-exclusives (one could argue, for now, Diablo 3 is a PC-exclusive)? Not trolling, genuinely curious, since all the console big sellers you mentioned are all console exclusives (even exclusive to their own respective consoles)...



Diablo 3 is also a piece of shit.


Based on absolutely no facts whatsoever I can safely say Diablo III is just an isometric Ginormo Sword with added DRM


Well sure, it's a shit game. But it shows there is a large market for PC gaming. As if the bestselling console titles are such life enriching experiences.

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Guest Gravity

New Boards and E3 in the same week. Can't ask for more, really.


Hoping for some interesting titles.

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Guest abracadabra

Looks like I might be going to E3. I got a friend working in the game industry with a pass, and he says he won't be able to go all days. Thing is, I would have to take time off work to go.

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don't go, E3 is a depressing hell hole. Unless your idea of fun is 'booth babes' hanging around with mid 30s overweight nerds and extreme corporate lackey douche bags. The only time i went it was among one of the most horrendous 2 days i've ever been 'stuck' somewhere. I will never go again for as long as I live.

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Then on the other hand, you can say that because you have gone. Let abracadabra have his fun. He might be an overweight mid thirties nerd that likes perving on booth babes. ;-]

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Guest jasondonervan

New Boards and E3 in the same week. Can't ask for more, really.


The Last of Us is out next week as well. It's like Christmas for fans of apocalyptic experiences



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