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PS4 is region free?




Brilliant news, isn't it? Not only for still being able to play all the weird and wonderful titles that don't make it out of Japan officially, but also for getting hold of cheaper games thanks to the 'Asia region' versions.



I hope that goes for DVD's and Blu Ray too. That really does sell it for me!

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I just realized what region free means. Cool!


Though I don't know if this has as much significance today as it used to have back when MGS1 came out. Does it?

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Guest jasondonervan

With more of the big titles being released globally (often within the same week or two for all regions), not so much. But if the past has taught us anything, Japan is often blessed with some brilliant stuff that remains relegated to that particular region, as publishers are less inclined to take risks on new/weird/different games than ever before. It's good to know that I'll still be able to play those games without having to worry about bypassing a region lock.

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yeah, looks like it. You miss out on watching tv while you're watching tv though.

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All the goodwill MS has built up with me, with the 360, has completely been ruined over the last of couple months.


Pretty sure all the "core" console gamers will flock to the PS4, and that will leave the Xbone to housewives that wants to use kinect for the family (aka the Wii crowd), and COD dudebros, that buys one or two games a year (Call of Duty and some sport game). Not that, that there is something wrong with that, but they sure have shown who their target audience is... and it's not me.

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Guest jasondonervan

All the goodwill MS has built up with me, with the 360, has completely been ruined over the last of couple months.


Pretty sure all the "core" gamers will flock to the PS4, and that will leave the Xbone to housewives (with a shitload of money) that wants to use kinect for the family, and COD dudebros, that buys one or two games a year (Call of Duty and some sport game).


But don't you think that the CoD dudebro crowd will migrate to the PS4? It's a cheaper box, and the only thing they really lose out on is Microsoft's insistence on buying up timed exclusives like map packs. It will be interesting to see if the brand alone pervades among that sector of the buying public, and I guess you have to consider the loyalty that exists in America towards buying an 'American' product? Or am I over-generalising?

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All the goodwill MS has built up with me, with the 360, has completely been ruined over the last of couple months.


Pretty sure all the "core" gamers will flock to the PS4, and that will leave the Xbone to housewives (with a shitload of money) that wants to use kinect for the family, and COD dudebros, that buys one or two games a year (Call of Duty and some sport game).


But don't you think that the CoD dudebro crowd will migrate to the PS4? It's a cheaper box, and the only thing they really lose out on is Microsoft's insistence on buying up timed exclusives like map packs. It will be interesting to see if the brand alone pervades among that sector of the buying public, and I guess you have to consider the loyalty that exists in America towards buying an 'American' product? Or am I over-generalising?


The Xbox has been the preferred platform for people that likes to play online games, and rightly so, because the Xbox 360 has had the best online functionalities in this generation. And now that the Xbox brand is known for that, the COD crowd are probably not going to change preferred platform over night.


I think the Xbox could maybe do very well in the States, and MS seems to exclusively target Americans. If you are an American, some of the Xbone's functionalities could potentially be pretty cool. But they are pretty much ignoring that the rest of the world exists, so it will probably tank hard outside of America. But still.. almost every core gamers in a America will probably jump on the PS4 wagon as well, I can't imagine anything else. It's just the multiplayer gaming crowd that will stay with the Xbox.


And I don't think it was anything to with loyalty to American products, American consumers are not really like the Japanese consumers, they are more flexible and will just buy what they like, regardless of a brand's nationality. Just see how popular Nintendo has been in America for a long time. But now the Xbox brand has simply become a stronger in America, because of the 360. The original Kinect also gave the brand a boost with "casual" gamers and has made it a more household name.


And we probably shouldn't underestimate the Kinect 2.0, just because it's something we don't care about it. I think it could be huge, for the same reasons the Wii was such a massive success. And people have been used to pay high prices for electrionics by now, because of Apple products (IPad, iPhones, etc.). So the price point is not really something that scares people as much before. If some housewife sees a Xbone in the store, and has heard how fun kinect games is for family games, I don't think the price will necessarily scare them off.


In Europe the PlayStation has always been the strongest, even with people that don't really care about gaming. I've never understood why, personally I wasn't a big fan of the PS2 and I'm the only one in my friend circle that bought a Xbox this generation (because I wanted to play the original Mass Effect). I don't see that changing here anytime soon, PlayStation will still dominate Europe with the PS4 and this time I'm glad that, that will probably happen.


edit: I listen to way too many podcasts, lol.

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That Crytek Rome fighting game looks extremely disappointing. Seems like it's one big quick time event.


It was originally built for the kinect (i've heard). So all the quick time events are probably related to that .

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Guest Gravity

Really wish the new 3D mario was more of a fresh game instead of a Wii U 3D Land. Oh well, 3D Land was a great game. It seems strange though, console Mario games have always been unique.

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Guest Gravity

any good new 2d stuff coming out of japan? like sega saturn or snes style, not flash


Wish I had a list for you, unfortunately I've been sucking at keeping up with video games lately.


Anyway, Nintendo's stream went as expected. Some cool games.


Tits & Ass 2:



New Smash Bros:



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PS4 is region free?




Brilliant news, isn't it? Not only for still being able to play all the weird and wonderful titles that don't make it out of Japan officially, but also for getting hold of cheaper games thanks to the 'Asia region' versions.



I hope that goes for DVD's and Blu Ray too. That really does sell it for me!


I would highly doubt they'd make BD/DVD playback region free... besides, who really watches stuff on physical discs anymore? I sure as hell don't.


So PS4 it is, not only they offer the best next gen console but its also cheaper than X Box.

Two small caveats: While the PS4 is 100USD cheaper than the XBone, that price does NOT include the PSEye (which retails for 60USD), and PS4 games require PSN+ (aka Xbone Gold Live) membership, either via the 3-month or 12-month subscriptions (which is cheaper than XBone Live), or a 10USD month-to-month membership. From what I've read so far, you will NOT be able to to play online for free anymore as with PS3 (and it remains to be seen if they start charging PS3 gamers for online play).


Still, cheaper overall than XBone + XBone Live, and you get a LOT of free/discounted stuff with PSN+ - MicroCrap™ is just now catching on to the idea "oh, let's give them free games to keep them interested" that Sony had figured out several years ago.



All the goodwill MS has built up with me, with the 360, has completely been ruined over the last of couple months.


Pretty sure all the "core" gamers will flock to the PS4, and that will leave the Xbone to housewives (with a shitload of money) that wants to use kinect for the family, and COD dudebros, that buys one or two games a year (Call of Duty and some sport game).


But don't you think that the CoD dudebro crowd will migrate to the PS4? It's a cheaper box, and the only thing they really lose out on is Microsoft's insistence on buying up timed exclusives like map packs. It will be interesting to see if the brand alone pervades among that sector of the buying public, and I guess you have to consider the loyalty that exists in America towards buying an 'American' product? Or am I over-generalising?


There's no patriotism behind gaming in the US - Americans want the best, that's it. Doesn't matter if it comes from Japan, China, Europe. That whole "buy American" is just a feel-good thing nobody really stands behind.

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any good new 2d stuff coming out of japan? like sega saturn or snes style, not flash


Wish I had a list for you, unfortunately I've been sucking at keeping up with video games lately.


Anyway, Nintendo's stream went as expected. Some cool games.


Tits & Ass 2:



New Smash Bros:




FUCK YES! Megaman in Smash Bros!

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I would highly doubt they'd make BD/DVD playback region free... besides, who really watches stuff on physical discs anymore? I sure as hell don't.

Me, my parents, my brothers, my sister and her family, and most of my friends! In fact it's very rare for me to purchase digital downloads of video files/films - The Louis CK set from a year or so ago is the only one I can really think of, I prefer having the whole packaging that comes with the product as with music purchases.


Maybe there's a disparity between the UK and US for this sort of thing ?

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Blu ray is more popular in Europe than in the states. I buy stuff on DVD and Blu Ray if it's stuff I'll go back to. And I have region 1 DVD's I can't watch right now.


Everybody I know buys DVD's and blu rays in some capacity still. Until one of the streaming services have MUCH bigger libraries without having to get apps to change region, people will still buy physical media.

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there are a few interestin articles in the guardian about the stand off between xbone & ps 4 ----





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so Nintendo's strategy is "remake everything" or "port it from 3DS". underwhelming, only Mario Kart 8 looks to do anything innovative for their franchises. Hoping at least one unannounced major game comes from the rest of the Directs scheduled.

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